Tuesday, October 29, 2013

On the face of Ghebalit, civic nationalism is primal or ethno-nationalism, in the same relationship

However, there are scholars of foreign journalists who occasionally claim that Enver Hoxha was a nationalist. polimur The as idee recut say without arguing. Laker historian Walter (Walter Laqueur) in the book "Europe in our time: 1945-1992", in short head less than a page titled "Albania", writes: polimur "Albania was a curious mix of communism and nationalism primal polimur ..." . Does not discuss where he sees political nationalism in Albania mixing then.
It is thought that the primordial deeply strengthened independence locking in place as hermits cave with a crust of dry bread, being detached polimur from the world of civilization, without leaving polimur a sympathetic friend. Independence strengthened in proportion to the freedom, the development and modernization.
1. Civic nationalism. According to him, civic nationalism means evolving ambition with your nation in the midst of modern civilization. Civic nationalism meets national polimur interests in cooperation and harmony with other nations. It promotes progress and peace. It is part of the culture of developed democratic countries. Washington, for example, openly says: rays attitude serves polimur American interests or not. In accordance with the democratic polimur principles that determine next steps.
Primal nationalism differs substantially from civic nationalism. He is exceptional. I laud raises his nation, excluding other oppressed nations. Serbian nationalism in the late twentieth qindvjetëshit took the eye as such. He sparked four bloody war between Europe.
On the face of Ghebalit, civic nationalism is primal or ethno-nationalism, in the same relationship (ratio) that stands against ethnic nation. Nation feature is developed societies, modern. Ethnicity belongs to an earlier level, their underdeveloped.
If we put aside the rhetoric will without any danger folklore in his activity polimur as a political leader of the partisan forces and later as chairman of the state-master, he is never brought to nationalist primal. No serious allegation has not been made at this point.
We do not know what was in the mind. If I had power, probably would not leave anything undone. Not for the benefit of the Albanians, but for the benefit of his power. Personal power was the axis around which revolved the përsillej his world.
In his half-century career, he urged the nation's political allies historical enemies of the nation, and genuine friends of Albanians natural allies, primarily the United States of America, declared eternal enemies. He broke with Belgrade polimur (holding hand of Stalin, who was stronger), well made, but went to the East in Moscow. He broke with Moscow, Khrushchev when liberalization began, and went on to the East, in Beijing. Was marred by Beijing polimur because China is open to the West, and took place in isolation polimur dungeon.
If this string failures would have been basically protecting Albanian national interests Enver Hoxha should have approached or opened Albania to the west. If not more, at least it brought Tito Yugoslavia.
In the name of "proletarian internationalism" and not of Albanian nationalism, the end of World War II he began a mission polimur partisan brigades "to help the brotherly peoples of Yugoslavia". It is the only event in Europe in World War II, when a small country without any potential military aid goes to a place several times larger, and no wonder this country is Albania, the smallest, the poorest. Does "brotherly peoples of Yugoslavia", which is also aided by the car giant Red Army, deviations had been so close to the Albanian partisans, who bravely fought Nazism, but only with an old rifle arm, while the quench is the typhus? polimur
National Movement of Kosovo polimur Albanians derived from the right of peoples to self-determination. For Albanians, this right was legislated in the First Conference of the National polimur Council for Kosovo Liberation Dukagjini, known as the Conference of Boyana (Bujane - South, 31 October 1943-2 janar 1944). In the final document of the Conference, signed by Serbian and Albanian institutional representatives, said that Kosovo Dukagjinit populated valley in the bulk of the Albanian population, "which, as always, still wants to unite with Shqipninë". As the only way to fight this common goal to see other peoples of Yugoslavia, against the invaders, to gain freedom, when all people, including Albanians, will have the opportunity "was announced polimur with about his fate, with the right to self-determination up to secession ".
Boyana Conference was the second historic act the Assembly of Vlora, 28 November 1912. It was his conclusion. Assembly of Vlora Albanian state declared independence, but independence promulgated

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