Saturday, November 30, 2013

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Let's use the tree! - body of Japanese drum will use a zelkova tree! I'll use the tree to open winter and red and I can play the real trout cheesewood and barrel - ! Let's use of evil exorcism of three feet Bow red and "hidden Heart" zacarias tree - shining dream woodworking Akiba and Marutabo "Mairi zacarias Akibasan" - ! Let's zacarias use the mini-tree old house to make with Tenryu cedar - ! -Let's Challenge! Yellow leaves of Sakuma power shrine beach and foliage of Mantenboshi sharpen plane, autumn leaves - "Mairi Akibasan" shining Hamabou Akiba woven brocade - and Fuji as seen from the resting place of the transmission line towers "hidden Heart"
Japanese confectionery month Garden Gallery ENSHU path Sakuma Sakuma Yosakoi club AsudeiHamamatsu Urakawa camp workshop Haruno Ya clear up the western part of Shizuoka Prefecture Agriculture, Forestry and office Hamamatsu Tenryu Tenryu-ku ward office Sakuma Sakuma region Autonomous Region Tourism Association Tenryu Ward, Haruno region Autonomous Region stone cat Hello from elementary school Ure also Sakuma high school band raft old postcards, old photographs Exhibition ENSHU such as green waste such as grace park village nature of Hachizo Garden Tourism Association Haruno Haruno mountain village tea farmers in building interesting mitsuke ENSHU begging! Meeting Tenryu retro train club living in fishing information on the heap of wind Kitagawa Friday meeting Tokaido mountain muscle Journey general foundation Hamamatsu park green space Association ecommerce shop "Yosutoko" Hokuen (TRTC)
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Butterfly Kitato (prefecture designated natural monument "Nagi of Amamiya shrine (Nagi)") Iwata citizen (Sakuma is "Sakumaru" # 267! "Yurukyaraguranpuri 2013") Sakuma Kan-ko of (Sakuma "Sakumaru" 267 place! (2013, autumn leaves by m-san) Secretariat m of Myojin Gorges "Yurukyaraguranpuri 2013") Somabito Saito (2013, autumn leaves by m's Myojin Gorges) of Somabito Saito (Sakuma "Sakumaru "The # 267! 267 place! of" Yurukyaraguranpuri 2013 ") Somabito Saito (Sakuma" Sakumaru "267 place! character you loose" "Yurukyaraguranpuri 2013") secretariat M (Sakuma is "Sakumaru" Grand Prix 2013 ") Sakuma Kan-ko of (Sakuma is" Sakumaru "# 267! of" Yurukyaraguranpuri 2013 ") Somabito zacarias Saito (Sakuma" Sakumaru zacarias "is # 267!" zacarias Yurukyaraguranpuri 2013 ")
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Friday, November 29, 2013

Law blog Groklaw related to software are reportedly paying Internet companies the cost of the U.S.

Law blog Groklaw related to software are reportedly paying Internet companies the cost of the U.S. National Security Agency, which was going to cyber attack of 231 U.S. intelligence agencies, icar apple in 2011 is related to PRISM, the "e-mail interception by NSA" you were able to access monitoring to pre-authorization without a message around the world to closure as the reason, the U.S. authorities "XKeyscore" system rice NSA, also the settlement of credit card information? It called for change in the mobile e-mail address registered in net banking service of Mizuho silver and are evaluated and rated on its own phone number are you? Tipster had been collecting the spam of the day the number of GB National Security Agency, without noticing: NSA, it was access to personal information of smartphones, including the BlackBerry
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by Anonymous Coward
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're Recognized as AES supposedly because only some, not all of 's Rijndael, may have been a vulnerability in something cousin you have limited can not be denied, have a hunch. It is not helped when we feel doubtful When he did fixed to 128 that's AES BlockSize even though were free to choose from (128, 160, 192, 224, 256) separately from the KeySize it's Rijndael. It seems to be different such as Padding after data but does well known. ... []
by Anonymous Coward
Headquarters of the development of Germany I also might be some.
If you want to looking through the communication of SSL, you so need only hold politically certificate authority, there is no need to bother mixing the code to open source separately.
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Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University Social Informatics Department | Guide to Visiting Professor Okamoto Tatsuaki Purple Ribbon Medal Memorial Lecture
Voice study course introduces information society model course social information network course organisms freshmen from the university attended other universities Master's enrollment for the announcement about the English test development and course Admissions Admissions icar c major introduction admission policy lecture, Fields List student icar c faculty roster research activities of the lending area of student information Laboratory regional and Disaster Information Systems Laboratory medical informatics course information icar c fluency education courses introduce research activities, award-winning news program Education researcher training program research internship researchers meeting syllabus educational and research activities reference books Service software language grid access link affairs information (campus only)
In Medal of spring 2012, Visiting Professor Okamoto Tatsuaki teacher of this department has been awarded the Purple Ribbon by the achievement of the development of its applied technology and encryption and authentication theory. To celebrate this, we will hold the lecture as follows. June 18 by (month), (replace with @-at-) Please apply to ****** on the basis of the reply form below Those who participate. - Full name - your reply form: I am looking forward to your visit in the direction of participation icar c or non-participation ------- many: Affiliation: Lecture participation or non-participation social gathering. ************************************************** ********************* guidance date and time of Okamoto Tatsuaki teacher Purple Ribbon Medal Memorial Lecture: June 25, 2012 (Mon) 16:30 ~ Encounter Overview icar c of the encryption: modern cryptography 1970 social gathering icar c (pay 3,000 yen) lecture title at the same Clock Tower 2F conference room Clock Tower Centennial Hall 2F International icar c Conference Hall lecture after the end of Kyoto University Venue: It starts from the discovery of public-key cryptography of age, but was aware of the research results that I own, it is from the 1980s, I started the research in this field in earnest, in the late 80s were. Has become in the mid-30s at that time already, it was a slow start as a researcher. It was a departure from a situation such as the lap, but was able to blessed with good luck various thereafter, come continued research on track, supported by a lot of people. I think In this presentation, we would like to talk experience kana Ya Sasaka about my walks and subsequent opportunity to look back at the time it encounters an encrypted, aspired (theoretical) icar c the way researchers in the company. Koujindesu becomes to some reference Nitorimashite young people. [Biography] incumbent Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Secure Platform Laboratories Okamoto special research chief. Canada University of Waterloo Visiting Assistant Professor 1994 1989 and 1990 (engineering) Retrieving University of Tokyo Doctor 1988 Nippon icar c Telegraph and Telephone Public icar c Corporation icar c in 1978 joined the University Information Science Department of Social Information Department of Social Information Network course information security field (cooperation) visiting professor from 2001 2001 - Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University Visiting Professor 1999-2004 icar c University of Tokyo Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences Visiting Professor international encryption Society 1998-2000 year ~ 1995 AT & T Bell Laboratories visiting icar c researcher (IACR) Director 1999 NTT R & D Fellow Science and Technology Agency (Telecom System icar c Technology Award) 1998 1997 Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Award Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2007 Chairman 2001-2003 of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers director award [1993] Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Achievement Award, Kobayashi Memorial Special Award Purple Ribbon in 2008 the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau Award 2008 IACR Distinguished Lectures 2011 of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers icar c Achievement Award 2012 Nikkei BP Technology icar c Award 2003 of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Fellow's Award (Research Achievement icar c Award) in 2000 [book "encryption and zero-knowledge proof, Number Theory" (Kyoritsu Shuppan, 1995) "modern cryptography" (Sangyo Tosho, 1997) "Cryptography and Information Security" (Nikkei BP, 1998) "Information Security Technology" (electricity] Press Association, 2000) "modern icar c cryptography, probabilistic proof, pseudo-random" (translated) (Springer-Verlag Tokyo, 2001), other
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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dentist most of the fluorine faith, it is whew Looking at the net. In the very Asahikawa, and denta

"Important paper which is the basis of anti-fluorine" (excluding books, magazines are basically: left number itemized recommendation order right number) one tooth strengthening, 2 preventive effect, three basic research, four dental fluorosis, impact study of fluorine and fluorine ion 1 KakehiMitsuo biological apatite crystal formation mechanism 17 Papers 1 tooth strengthening toxic 5 1,6 2,7 cell toxicity level Japanese Society for Fluoride Research Akiba Kenji recommendation; No25, p1-5, 2007 fluoro. . effect of fluorine 1 there is no formation of apatite local action CDC issue rather than systemic; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 48 (41); 933-949, Oct 22,1999. . 1 Yoshikawa Masayoshi Milan - for the presence of structure-improving effect and remineralization on enamel crystal of Le mouthwash, fluorine research; 2 2 preventive publi24 effect No30, p4-5, 2011 remineralization was not observed. . 761,: (J.Publ.Hlth Rep, p56 2832 people 8 district publi24 of emissions - a di No.825 famous p109-136, 1962, Public Health Service; Fluoride and Drinking Waters: H.Trendley.Dean et al. Caucasian 12-14 years of age (J.Publ.HlthRep, of 57:1155,1942) 4425 4 people in 13 cities and provinces publi24 1941):. study of fluoride in the drinking water concentration and caries a total of 7257 people, dental screening of two . 2 Marinho VCC not double check, et al.Fluoride mouthrinses for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents (Cochrane Review) In which city officials;. The Cochrane Library, Issue4, 2004, Chichester, UK; John Wiley & Sons, . 2 WHO no significant difference in the 7% combined effect of fluorine mouthwashes and fluoridated toothpaste:. Ltd http://www.mrw.interscience/, Cochrane report :. 3 Zero DTet al 3 basic research there is no difference data By Chris Neurath of dental publi24 caries in 2005 compared with the non-fluorine and fluorine Kakuni Kakuni, in both FAN: Fluoride concentration in plaque, whole saliva, and ductal saliva after application of ... fluoride treatment to use home use topical fluoride, in J. Dent Res ,71:1768-75, 1992 home, toothpaste, saliva mouthwash after, conduit publi24 fluorine concentration: Yes Figure fluorine research; No28, p24- .. comparing intravenous injection of serum fluorine concentration due to the difference in the intake method Fluoride in Dentistry, p55-58, 1996 Munksgaard Textbook of (Paperback) fluorine 3mg, fasting, food and milk, meal: 3 J Ekstrand introduction to 29,2009 . 3 Wei basis of acute toxic dose of 2-5mg/kg,:.. 3 Baldwin HB lower in the order of the rear intake: The acute toxicity of sodium fluoride Journal of American publi24 Chemical Society.21, p517-521, 1899 advocates. Document 3 which became the basis of fluorine mouthwashes contraindicated under the age of six: Kanellis, publi24 MJ; SH: children.J.Am.dent.ass.106 :626-629 (1983) WHO Fluoride retention after sodium publi24 fluoride mouthrinsing by preschool. . G.M.Whitford: The Metabolism and toxicity of Fluoride p10 Karger 1989 Monographs in Oral Science vol.13 fluorine total daily intake of young children living in (Paperback) publi24 fluorinated district: 3 dentifrice and diet, such as mouthwash. . primary teeth patchy: 4 Watanabe, Shinpei 4 tooth fluorosis p190-198, 1961,10 May issue; (final report) Journal of Dental Medicine study fluorine publi24 intake of 14 years of women before and after childbirth fluorine allergy: Passaic General Hospital study of teeth, Okayama Medical Association Journal; tooth fluorosis Volume 70, No. 4, also p1191-1215, 1958 primary teeth: 41% fluorine tooth fluorosis in 4 the United States passes through the placenta: Beltra'n-Aguilar et. . al; investigation, Nov.2010, (1999-2004) of 12-15 year olds CDC, 1 5 M. C.Smith et al 5 toxicity twice as many white blacks: various fluoride (such as NaF, CaF2,) Comparison experiments in rats the toxicity of, 85 times that of CaF2,, p791-797, publi24 1934. toxic Industrial & Engineering Chemistry strong 4x toxic chronic publi24 intoxication in (tooth fluorosis) in the lethal dose proportional NaF on the solubility of water . . 5 Z Gastroenterol 1992 introduction (2013/4/7, 1531 issue) in the consumer port; 30: p252-254 Original albeit Sodium fluoride-induced gastric mucosal lesion: Comparison with sodium monofluorophosphate MULLER, publi24 P., SCHMID, K., toxic than MFP, WARNECKE, G., SETNIKAR I. and SIMON, B. Medizinische Universitatskilinik Heidelberg, Gastroenterologische Abteilung und Kreiskrankenhaus Schwetzingen NaF Germany thesis. .. 2 6 Choi et al 6 toxicity: There is IQ drops to 26 of 27 paper in Environmental Health Perspectives on line 20/July 2012 NIEHS "meta-analysis" of 27 studies that have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence (average 7 .? Elemental Depth Profiling of Fluoridated Hydroxyapatite:: 1 Frank Moller et al 8 paper one tooth strengthening quasi recommendation 2012 point decline) meta-analysis Harvard publi24 paper Saving YourDentition by the Skin of Your Teeth Langmuir, 26 (24), p 18750 - 18759,2010 fluoro-apatite thin abrasion be formed, 1 5. Alarcon-Herrera MT brittle 5 toxicity, et al. Well Water Fluoride, Dental fluorosis, Bone Fractures in the Guadiana Valley of Mexico. Fluoride. 34 (2) : Mexican paper that there is a correlation in fracture frequency and severity of p139-149.2001 dental fluorosis.. . 5 Yoshikawa Yasushisan bone sarin: there is a description of the "material as a raw material for the chemical formulation of the military" to 15 applicable law boasting sodium fluoride To Showa Chemical Co., Ltd. - 5 Material Safety de - Tashi.. of 2 6 Basshin Ms. onset 6 toxicity in drinking well water reprint of 4.8ppm in p92-101, 2001; 7 No. p7-13,1976 27 Volume, June fluorine research;; orthopedic No20:. treatment experience of fluorosis The introduction to No24, p47-55, 2005,;, 2001 fluorine research Bassin EB, Association between publi24 fluoride in drinking water during growth and development and the incidence of osteosarcoma for children and adolescents Doctorial thesis, Harvard schoolof dental medicine:.. osteosarcoma publi24 paper risk of developing bone cancer by age 20 is increased 5-7 times children who drank fluoridated water on bone growth period of 6-8 years old. The original increase Kosei Takahashi et significance to all cancers in 23 of No20, p17-58, 2001 36 site; fluorine research; For regression analysis of drinking water fluorine concentration and cancer incidence:. 6 Takahashi AkiraTadashi other. al:.. Regression analysis of cancer incidence rates and water fluoride in the USA based on IACR / IARC (WHO) Data (1978-1992) Journal of Epidemiology vol.11.number4.p170-179.July 2001 6 Phyllis Mullenix, et al:; the neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats, 17 Neurotoxicology and Teratology journal: p169-177, 1995 system - Le Nix Forsyth animal experiments: fluorine accumulates in the brain, I cause a behavior similar to that of the neurotoxic substance. . 7 Oliver Barbier et al 7 cell level:; Chemico-Biological publi24 Interactions; Molecular Mechanisms of fluoride toxicity 188, p319-333, 2010 Mexico paper fluorine cell communique - impact on the application, it is likely enzyme inhibition. publi24 The first place, "a hole in the tooth mechanism" because different. Is (the result of stress concentration) Spot destroyed most of the breakdown phenomenon in clinical. The urban legend in dentistry. To dispel the belief in society It is hard. If decalcification theory by plaque, it should be a condition publi24 similar to (teeth thinner addicts and professionals dealing with acid) San蝕症 that melts from the surface in all jaw, but the reality is quite different from this You. A hole glass plate (enamel) is dirty! publi24 ? The "Dental Hygiene Week" ... I hope if convinced, if so harmless "belief", nothing has changed 40 years ago. Fluoride mouth rinsing publi24 at school edit URL Agorobee ... 2013-11-13 16:37 deep has increased the root of "imprinting"
Dentist most of the fluorine faith, it is whew Looking at the net. In the very Asahikawa, and dental Asahikawa whopping I report in Parliament the results of queries Councillor of women if they let the fluorine gargle to their children to the dentist, publi24 dentist of 15 people did not let the children of their own and such as were sued by Medical Association. Of course, side Dental Association is now losing, but I do not think it only to have extraordinary. Fluorine gargle seems to have been made in school in Asahikawa even if this humorous. I think dentist is also a dentist, but citizens also admit it's citizens. Take no effectiveness, contrary because I called to perform in an area of busy school in a group all the way what is toxic, there is no only be called the most crazy. The know anything

Please pluck foam note that JavaScript and style sheet are used in this website, Due to unadaptabil

Please pluck foam note that JavaScript and style sheet are used in this website, Due to unadaptability of the style sheet with the browser used in your computer, pages may not look as original. Even in such a case, however, the contents can be used safely.
Group Iwata Akirajun professor at Nagoya University, Nagoya NEC Corporation, Graduate School of Engineering Science Department of calculation August pluck foam 17, 2012, Keisuke Ohashi graduate student of the Department, of Minematsu Kazuhiko chief scientist of NEC Corporation, I have found that there is a defect in the safety assurance of (Note 1) GCM is the authentication encryption scheme of international standard. In addition, we succeeded in removing the defect pluck foam was located, to repair the safety assurance of the GCM. It is employed in the standardization process of many from the fact that it has been considered that the safety and is guaranteed mathematically GCM also has a high computational efficiency, and it is used extensively in inter-governmental and private. However, theoretical grounding of the guarantee was invalid is now clear. In addition, pluck foam we have succeeded in ensuring that the mathematically its safety without having pluck foam to remove the defect was located, to change the specifications of the GCM. Thus, (2) is in the safety block cipher used inside the GCM, attack method tractable, it is not a limit value above a certain has been shown that the probability of success. Increased risk for large limits than the number has been believed so far, but the results indicate that there is no safety problem with using GCM in practice as long as it is properly implemented You. I will be announced at the International Conference CRYPTO 2012 to be held on (Pacific Ocean Time) 23 日 から August 19, 2012 at the University of California, pluck foam Santa Barbara, these research results. Summary
(Galois / Counter Mode, Galois / Counter pluck foam Mode) is a cryptographic technique pluck foam called authenticated encryption method for simultaneously encrypting and authenticating data GCM. It was designed in 2004 by John Viega and David A. McGrew. Since it has been considered that safety and is guaranteed by mathematical proof by two designers GCM also has a high computational efficiency, GCM initially American NIST (note 3) It has been employed in the standardization process to advance a number of IEEE ISO / IEC and (Note 4) and (Note 5). Use and NSA in (Note 6), protection of data on the Internet, such as has been used on a daily basis all over the world. pluck foam To the method of attack tractable, by proving mathematically that this is not a limit value or more there is the probability of success, pluck foam ensuring the safety in GCM. Development of attacks against GCM is an important research topic in understanding, and verify its safety, attack several methods have been proposed so far. A value less than the limit that GCM will allow, and therefore the probability of successful attack these methods does not shake its safety assurance. It has been considered the safety of the GCM is is guaranteed by mathematical proof, that there is no defect there. Study results
I am using a common key encryption element technique called block cipher therein in GCM. First, pluck foam if it is idealized that there is no defect at all in this block cipher, we have succeeded in developing a method of attack specific to overturn a part of the safety assurance of the GCM in this study. While the supposed is 80 2-128 following safety assurance of GCM is correct, the probability of successful attacks against GCM idealized, we have developed consists in 94 2-128 or more that exceeds the allowable range is actually You. Therefore, this method of attack shows that there is a defect in the safety assurance of the GCM. (94 2-128 2.76 10-37), and therefore is not a real threat, the success probability of this attack method is the method of attack theoretical A probability is negligibly small. In addition, without contradiction from the guarantee of safety for the GCM with a block cipher of reality that is not idealized, only overturn the part of the claim of the safety of the designer. Further, the attack can not be if the input data is called the initial value is limited to 96 bits, or defined, to be used are limited to 96-bit pluck foam initial pluck foam value of the GCM in terms of computational efficiency a number of standards are recommended. On the other hand, attack method developed shows that the theoretical grounding of safety assurance of ever GCM was invalid. In addition, by improving the method of attack that we have developed, it is possible to suggest that there is a strong possibility of attack such a way that the threat realistically future will be developed is not zero, the safety of the GCM is the first place or can guarantee mathematically , I show that the unresolved problem exists. We managed to ensure mathematically safety pluck foam GCM without respect to these problems, to remove the defect, and to change the specifications. Thus, the block cipher used inside the GCM is in the safe, attack method tractable, it is not a limit value above which it is was shown that the probability of success. Furthermore, when limited to 96-bit initial value, and succeeded in ensuring higher safety. Outlook of the significance and future pluck foam of result
GCM is an authenticated encryption scheme of NIST recommended, and it is adopted in the standardization process of many other. Attack method proposed in this paper, is that to the GCM is an encryption technology that is standardized wide, was first demonstrated theoretical attacks in the sense of overturning portion of claim safety designer. On the other hand, it has been able to prove mathematically the safety of the GCM. It is greatly different cryptographic other technologies there is no proof such, this is an indication that there is no problem of safety to be used for the GCM in practice as long as it is properly implemented. However, since the greater than the number has been believed so far, the limit value of the attack success probability nor recommended to re-evaluate the risk, be used exclusively with the 96-bit initial values when using the GCM will be. The results of this study shows that there is room for improvement in the design of the GCM. By the results, as well as to the design and findings of the present study, designing the authentication encryption scheme having a higher safety is expected. Term
Breaking and Repairing GCM Security Proofs author: Akira Iwata (Nagoya University), Keisuke Ohashi (Nagoya University), International Conference name: (Crypto 2012, paper title CRYPTO 2012 Of Minematsu Kazuhiko (NEC) this study, part of the study by Akira Iwata was conducted by Grant (Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), 22680001) by Kakenhi. Inquiries pluck foam from the general public on this issue

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

At the request of students T

Was founded in 2002 Tokyo Sushi Academy, the school of the few sushi in Japan. hans kolb Curriculum to teach in a short period of time the technology of take as long as five years to seven years is well received in the normal training. It is also carried out for guidance which aims overseas employment as a sushi chef in recent years. Sushi Nishi of overseas job site Makoto Sushi Nishi-Tokyo Sushi Academy for direct management of sushi sushi chef JOB overseas hans kolb jobs. Shops and pizza stylish sushi supervision accrediting body sushi fast food cafe true sense of the certification course in the membership organization of sushi instructors, including taking reservations sushi instructor Association of decoration rolled sushi sushi catering business trip. Delivery is also open for business!
At the request of students T's Tokyo Sushi Academy, this time, I went in the event the art of sushi and sushi demonstration. If there is no class, teachers hans kolb of Tokyo Sushi Academy, hans kolb sushi chef of active hans kolb duty. Did you know is doing more than a decade hans kolb longer catering services anywhere hold the sushi with a sushi Netashari? Because it says it's an event for people hans kolb to engage in the reception party of the event that this person foreign gather many 32nd International Cancer Registry Council Annual Meeting 32nd International Association of Cancer Registries in (IACR) medicine gather many catering site, nervous even a little we . This time, bring charged with decoration rolled sushi involving the face of the President's Society of Art and sushi in the shape of the logo of the event. hans kolb Started on as planned, and began to grip the grainy vocoder audience has come from around 7:00, but you also 15 minutes at a stretch! ! ! ! Yokohama, Nagoya, put flyers mix of deep-fried tofu and dried gourd shavings, offer to put to paper plates a set of two consistent salmon, tuna. Umeda instructor was making around 50 sets, but it was beginning to be chased slightly gone A~tsu-i horse. Start the demo 30 minutes: 7. Would not of had 80 or more people at the venue? ! I've been doing events in many places for Mecha including overseas that you might or are greeted hans kolb cutting board over you have cooking bumping when the customer passes through the back, but this time held at the bar in Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse. I became very study like this place so well the first time experience. Thank you all! In a different atmosphere from the usual T's Tokyo Sushi Academy students dressed in a kimono, we have also help serve. Thank you. I try to sushi the (IACR) logo image 32nd International Cancer Registry hans kolb Council Annual Meeting 32nd International Association of Cancer Registries. Silhouette hans kolb of the port of Yokohama is quite Kumosasa receive this cutting of mackerel squid sunset! I can not eat, but I hope you you like decoration rolled sushi involving the face of Mr. Edwards commemorative hans kolb photo with the person in question hans kolb Edwards's president! ?
I have articles charity sushi lessons held "Ken Kawasumi teacher" category! (2011.04.24) good laugh! Decoration rolled sushi of Kawasumi teacher appeared! ! (2011.04.12) hans kolb Tokyo Sushi Academy will assist in sushi reconstruction hans kolb from the Great East Japan Earthquake. Held a parent-child sushi classroom demonstrations and charity sushi sushi lessons held in (2011.04.05) Kanazawa! (2011.03.30) Doll Festival sushi recipe 2 (2011.03.03)
I will move your blog: News. Was held charity sushi lessons! Good laugh for decoration rolled sushi was introduced to the blog of Nishimura Tomomi! hans kolb Decoration rolled sushi of Kawasumi teacher appeared! ! Classroom instructor Mr. Ushida was featured on TV! Tokyo Sushi Academy held soon decoration rolled sushi JSIA member of Children's Day workshop will help in sushi reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake. Charity sushi lessons held decoration rolled sushi skills certification course now accepting! Held a parent-child sushi classroom demonstrations and sushi in Kanazawa! Japan Ganbare! Sushi of energy! Japan

Monday, November 25, 2013

IACR 2012/03/11 16:04 IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer Ǥϱ Ū ʾڵ ľ ڵ ưʪ ܤȤ Ƥ ޤ Cancer
ʱ ٴ ȯ ɤ ꥹ å 2.0-4.0 餤 Ƥ Ȼפ ޤ CHRNA 15 CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 ˤ å 1.3 ʤΤǤ ǵʱ ٴ ȯ ꥹ ޤ ʱ콬 ʸ ˤ CHRNA 8 CHRNB3-CHRNA6 ˤεʱ콬 ٴ ؤ ꥹ Ƥ ޤ Ϥ 㤯 å 1.09 δ ܤȤ ơ Υ ץ륵 ˤĤ ꥹ ζ Ϥ Ĥޤꤽ ν ȯ Ƥ Ϥ ʤΤ *3 ꥹ ζ common ʰ Ҥ ȯ 븫 ߤȤ ΤϤ ޤꤢ ޤ *4 ξ Ԥ Ω ʤ С ʣ å 1.3 x 1.09 = 1.42 Ǥ ߺ Ѥ ä Ȥ Ƥ ޤǤ Υ ηи Ϥ ޤǶ Ϥʤ Τ Ȥϻפ ʤ Τ *5 Ϥ ʱ ˤ å 2Ķ ꥹ Ƥ ˤ ä ڤ ΤϺ Ǥ դˡ ʱ콬 ط Ҥ װ ʱ ľ װ ȹ ʤ餳 Τ褦 å ο ꡣ
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ºݤΤȤ ? θ θ Ƥ ϡ äѤꤳ Ρ CHRNA ˤ Ϣ ϵʱ Ȥ Ω פϤ ʤ Ȥ 椬 褦 פ ޤ Τ ä 긡Ƥ Ȥ GWAS Ǥ褯 Ѥ Ƥ 륱 ȥ? 븦 ǤϤʤ ơ Ѽ ʽ Ĥˤ ƥǡ ˤ ȤȤäƤ 椬 ˤʤäƤ ޤ äƤ Ƥ 狼 Τϡ 긷 ʴ Ϣ θ Ƥ פ ط Τ Τ äƤ 櫓 ǤϤʤ ΤϤ Ǥ Ĥ Ǥˡ ΤϤʤ
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IACR 2012/03/11 16:04 IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer Ǥϱ Ū ʾڵ ľ ڵ ưʪ ܤȤ Ƥ ޤ Cancer: Causes, luchtkussenfolie occurence and disease IARC publication No.100 luchtkussenfolie Lyon 1990 Defining cause. ܤΰ ա Ԥι ľ Ū ס Ū פ IARC Τ ȴ դ ܤΰ ظ ԤϿʹ Ǥΰ ط ξ ʱ ظ ˤϡ Ū פǤ ȹ 뷹 롣 ϱ ظ 椳 ष ľ Ū פʾ Ȥ ƹ Ū Ƥ 롣 ܤǤι ž ݤ Ƥ ɡ ҽ Ǥ äƤ פȽ NARTOM Ʊ äƤ ΤǤ
aggren0x 2012/03/11 19:27 ȤϤ ΤǤ η ˤĤ ƻ Ϥ Υ ȥ ǰ ڵ Ƥ ޤ ʾСˡ ˤ Ƥ 뵤 ޤ Ǹ ä NATROM äƤ ס Ȥ Ϥ褯 狼 ޤ NATROM ϡ Ф ٴ θ Ȥϸ ڤ ʤ ϡ ᥫ ब Ƥʤ פȤ Ȥ Ф ơ ᥫ ब Ƥ ʤ Ƥ Ū ʰ ط 뤫 ? פȸ äƤ ΤǤ 錄 NATROM ʬ Ȥ ä Τϡ Υ ȼԡ HAJIMEmike ο Τ togetter Ǥ ȯ ϻ ɾ Ƥ ޤ ˤΤ ȡ fromdusktildawn Τ ä ä ʱ ٴ ˤĤ ơ Ū Ǥΰ Ϥޤ Ԥ Ƥ ʤ Ϥ פȤ Ǥ ˤĤ NATROM ϡ ʱ ٴ ΰ Ԥ ˡ Ĥޤ ٲ ϡ Ū ? Ȥ ȿ Ǥ Ū ʰ Ǥ ޤ ȯ ɤޤ ԤĻ Ȥ Ǥ Ϥ ˡ Ū ΰ żԤ Ƥ ΤϤ ȤǤ 衣 ϹԤ Ƥ ʤ ΤΡ ʬ Ϣ ξڵ ΤǤ ? Ȥ ȤǤ Ʊ ι 㤨 Х Ȥȶ ʤ ˤĤ Ƥ Ǥ Ū ʰ ǰ ϹԤ Ƥ ʤ ȸ ޤ Ϣ 뤷 ? ʸ Ҥ Ƥ ʤΤǡ ط ˤĤ Ƥ Ȥ Ǽ Ƥ 롢 Ȥ Ǥ ޤ NATROM ȿ ϡ togetter Ǥ ή 뤫 ǤϤ դ ʴ ΤϳΤ ǡ դ Ȥ Τ ʤȻפ ޤ 줿 ˤ 㤤 Ϥ Ρ ܤ ϡ NATROM fromdusktildawn Τ 礭 ʳ Ϥʤ ΤǤϤʤ Ȥ Τ δ ȤǤ IARC ϻ䤬 α ι θ 浡 ؤǡ Ʊ Ƥ ޤ 褯 Ƥ ޤ 衣
takevon 2012/03/24 08:42 դǤ ȤǤ ʤ ʪ ʤ ơ ȥ ʤ餴 ƼϤ Ĥ CHRNA Һ Υ å 椬 1.3 1.09 ȤΤ ȤǤ ο 10ǯ Ĵ 顢 ä 1 ʤ ΤǤϡ ͳ ϡ ʹ Ǥζر Ķ γ ǡ ή ﳲ ʤ ʤ뤫 顣CHRNA Ѱ ˤ Ϲ äƤ Х Ϥ äƤʤ ä ǡ ή Ķ Ѷ Ū ˤ ƨ Ƥʤ ä αƶ 1.3 Ȥ 1.09 Ȥ ɽ Ф Ƥ ȤϹ ޤ
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[Session 3: Attacks 1] Chair: Guofei Gu Distance Hijacking Attacks on Distance Bounding Protocols

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Cooperation information gathering and providing consulting and exchanges with guidance Access Links Business ISIT medium-and long-term R & D planning research and development inside and outside agencies summary information disclosure foam lake document public relations and activity report supporting members of Greetings purpose of establishment the Institute for HOME ISIT Notice of such notice laboratory project from creation support human resource development announcement event information researcher ISIT recruitment of new industries and businesses through foam lake industry-university cooperation foam lake
Activities Cyber-physical system of social projects of other laboratory foam lake system architecture laboratory information security laboratory life support information technology laboratory nanotechnology laboratory organic light device laboratory project agriculture SNS JICA Thailand foam lake energy independence dispersion past (CPSS) Research Center for Kyushu IT fusion system Council (ES-Kyushu) ISIT Car Electronics Research foam lake Society Human Life Information Technology Research Association (HIT Study Group) Big Data & Open Data Study Group in Kyushu
(Gold) [place] The Westin St.Francis, San Francisco 25 日 5 (Mon) - May 20 meeting [name] IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2012 IEEE CS Security and Privacy Workshops [Dates], 2012, (IACR) [participants] about 400 [CA] sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy International foam lake Association for Cryptologic Research foam lake [reporter] Matsumoto researcher
Number of the presented papers was carried out in a single-threaded session of 3 days at 40 hotels. foam lake The number of submissions 289. 40 hotels have been finally adopted, adoption rate was 13.8%. 73% are from the United foam lake States, by country breakdown in the adoption papers is 25% where from Europe the United States is more than half, by country breakdown in the submissions was 1 comes in part from China in Asia. There was no paper adopted from Japan as a result. However there was 1 announcement that person of KDDI R & D Labs has become a co-author.
Star a total of 5, Workshop is W2SP (Web 2.0 Security and Privacy), MoST (Mobile Security Technologies), WSCS (Workshop on Semantic Computing and Security), WRIT (Workshop on Research for Insider Threat), TrustED (Workshop on Special Aspects of Cyber were made Trustworthy Embedded Systems) is, over two days: Physical Systems.
It was only advanced presentation as a whole, and presentations on security (satellite phone, Single-Sign-being served actually was impressive presentation that you appeal practicality, effectiveness at the same time is were many The announcement of such vulnerabilities On Web system). 400 people per room accommodates Because it is a single-session overview of the conference now. Audience is 13.8 percent adoption rate accepted 40 reviews discussed 72 reviews submitted 289 reviews 1st stage 213 2nd stage 127 reviews reviews reviews for registered 305 (Mokusan) paper selection 300 people about
The contents IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2013 May 20-22, foam lake 2013 each session 21 月 5 日 (月曜) [Session 1: System Security] [Session 2: Malware] [Session 3: Attacks 1] [Session foam lake 4: Foundations] [Session 5: Access Control and Attestation]
A Framework to Eliminate Backdoors from Response Computable Authentication Shuaifu Dai, Tao Wei, Chao Zhang, Tielei Wang, Yu Ding, and Wei Zou (Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Peking Univ.), And Zhenkai Liang (National Univ. Of Singapore ) Authentication (RCA: to prevent the back door in the implementation of Response-computable Authentication), intended to implement the authentication module and sandbox. Classifies the implementation type of authentication, you are subjected to different measures to respectively.
Safe Loading - A Foundation for Secure Execution of Untrusted Programs Mathias Payer, Tobias foam lake Hartmann, and Thomas R. Gross (ETH Zurich) author TruE: called Trusted RUntime Environment (a shared library), Trusted Loader to replace the loader. I interact App, and Sandbox. As an attack model, assuming a (ROP / JOP) Return Oriented Programming JOP Jump Oriented Programming method code injection code reuse to escalate privileges. Compare (no sandbox) / TruE native / secure loader foam lake for the processing performance of the implementation, performance foam lake impact showed that small.
Flash Memory for Ubiquitous Hardware Security Functions: replication True Random Number Generation and Device Fingerprints Yinglei Wang, Wing-kei Yu, Shuo Wu, Greg Malysa, G. Edward Suh, and Edwin Kan a (Cornell University) physically impossible Features: For information on how to be used as a device-specific fingerprinting (PUF) Physically unclonable functions, I suggest the one using the physical characteristics of the Flash memory. From having to support the abort, to see the value to abort in the middle of the program after erase (write) is (Open NAND Flash I / F) ONFI is a flash standard I / F. Order is determined by (a variation of) the characteristics of Flash cells, can be used as a fingerprint to the change. It also shows the validation result foam lake change in temperature, aging, check the smallness of the variation. foam lake Further, it is shown that can be used as a random number generator. question crossed for a moment, foam lake and do really foam lake usable, but this might be a practical way and, quite interesting. Flash cell is very inexpensive after all, there is a Tsukaide.
ReDeBug: (. Carnegie Mellon Univ) for a patch that is issued when a vulnerability is found Finding Unpatched Code Clones in Entire OS Distributions Jiyong foam lake Jang, Abeer Agrawal, and David Brumley code, sections that execute the same process (ie in some cases the patch is not issued to the code clone). A method to quickly detect unpatched code clone like this. It is also in the paper on the detection method of Android malware that was presented at ESSoS 2012, except foam lake that it to use a new method to detect security of code clone is the development / maintenance of software technique originally interesting.
[Session 2: Malware] Chair: Juan Caballero foam lake [SoK]: Prudent Practices for Designing Malware Experiments: Status Quo and Outlook Christian Rossow and Christian J. Dietrich (Institute for Internet Security, Gelsenkirchen), Chris Grier, Christian Kreibich, and Vern survey treatise foam lake presenting the guidelines of how to verify Paxson (International Computer Science Institute), Norbert Pohlmann (Institute for Internet Security, Gelsenkirchen), and Herbert Bos and Maarten van Steen of (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Malware. Containment, transparency, realism, correct data sets and the like.
step Abusing File Processing in Malware Detectors foam lake for Fun and Profit Suman Jana and Vitaly Shmatikov of (Univ. of Texas at Austin) malware detection performs Perth from inference of file types. But to recognize the erroneous to confuse the identity of the file type attack called Chameleon attack. In this paper, we present a method to counter this attack.
[SoK]: foam lake survey treatise on the classification of Android malware Characterization foam lake and Evolution Yajin Zhou and Xuxian Jiang (North Carolina State Univ.): Dissecting Android Malware. 86 percent of malware is due to re-packaging of (popular game, utility, entertainment many) regular software.
[Session 3: Attacks 1] Chair: Guofei Gu Distance Hijacking Attacks on Distance Bounding Protocols Cas Cremers (ETH Zurich), foam lake Kasper Bonne Rasmussen (Univ. of California, Irvine), and Benedikt Schmidt and Srdjan Capkun (ETH Zurich) Distance Bounding The Protocols, the security protocol based on the distance. Keyless entry, etc. of the car. Is constructed, the protocol verification for attack methods provided foam lake Prover distance incorrect Verifier verifier in the Prover.
Don't Trust Satellite Phones: A Security Analysis of Two Sat-phone Standards Benedikt Driessen, Ralf Hund, C

Saturday, November 23, 2013

*2 б Ƥ : ACM Portal , ACS Publications, AIP Scitation, Amazon , APS , APA PsycNET, arXiv , B

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*2 б Ƥ : ACM Portal , ACS Publications, AIP Scitation, Amazon , APS , APA PsycNET, arXiv , BioMedCentral, BioOne, CiNii , CiteseerX, CiteULike , Copac, DBLP, EBSCO, GBV, Google BookSearch, Google foam cafe dublin Scholar , IACR ePrints, IEEE Xplore, Informaworld, IngentaConnect, INIST / CNRS, Institute of Physics, ISI Web of Knowledge, JSTOR, Lancet Journals, MyOpenArchive, NASA ADS, Nature , OpticsInfoBase, OvidSP, PLoS, PNAS, PubMed , Refdoc, RePEc, SAGE , ScienceDirect, ScienceMag, Scirus, Spires, SpringerLink, SSRN, Wikipedia , Wiley Online Library, WorldCat, Zetoc
hikouseki 2013/03/11 15:56 > Ϥ ʸPDF ? 塢Mendeley Desktop ʸ Details ץ Ρ Files פΤȤ ? Add File... פ Ͽ Ƥ OK Ǥ 뤤 ϡ PDF Mendeley Drag&Drop ƤǤ ܤȡ Merge Documents Ȥ ˡ Ǥ Ȼפ ޤ פ ˡ Files ι ܤ Ͽ Ƥ Ф ޤ Ȼפ ޤ
- 2013-04 2013-02 2013-01 2012-11 2012-10 2012-09 2012-08 2012-07 2012-06 2012-05 foam cafe dublin 2012-04 2012-01 2011-12 2011-11 2011-10 2011-08 2011-07 2011-06 2011-05 2011-04 2011-03 2010-12 2010-07 2010-06 2010-05 2010-03 2010-02 foam cafe dublin 2009-12 2009-10 2009-07 2009-06 2008-12 2008-11 2008-10 2008-09 2008-08 2008-07 2008-06 2008-05 2008-04 2008-03 2008-02 2008-01 2007-12 2007-10 2007-09 2007-08 2007-02 2007-01 foam cafe dublin 2006-12 2006-11 2006-10 2006-09 2006-08 2006-07 2006-06 2006-05 2006-04 2006-03 foam cafe dublin 2006-02 2006-01 2005-12 2005-11 2005-10 2005-09 2005-08 2005-07 2005-06 2005-03 2005-02 2005-01 2004-12 2004-11
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"CLEFIA (Kurefia)" For, Sony Corporation (Sony) is, we have promoted the proposed standard ISO / IEC to ( 1) common key block cipher algorithm has been developed published in 2007. Through the final approval in the ISO / IEC this time, was adopted calage as one of the ( 2) International Standard ISO / IEC 29192 lightweight cryptography (Lightweight Cryptography) is "CLEFIA". Recent years, and it is due to the increase of network connection of a wide variety of equipment, information security technology to support safe use of your network is essential. Among them, for equipment and resources calage such as memory and hardware scale is limited, ensure security of equipment that require energy-efficient, lightweight encryption technology that is suitable for implementation on these devices has been attracting attention. Under these circumstances, it is recognized that the ( 3) is a provision the ISO / IEC 29192, "CLEFIA" meets the requirements of the standard ISO / IEC JTC 1/SC 27 making the international standardization of information security technology It is a thing that adoption has been achieved. The "CLEFIA", corresponds to the same interface (Advanced Encryption Standard) U.S. government encryption standard AES, block length 128-bit key length is a block cipher selectable 128-bit, 192-bit, 256-bit. The most distinctive feature of the "CLEFIA", located in the high implementation efficiency has been achieved in consideration of sufficient safety. It is based on the theory of cryptographic design latest, we have maintained calage a high level of safety in the "CLEFIA" development. On top of that, it adopts generalized Feistel suitable for compact packaging (Feistel) structure ( 4), the safety can be ensured calage even if low amount of calculation and "diffusion-matrix switching method", the key data processing unit I'm going and common calage parts of the schedule section. With these, I have achieved at the same time efficient implementations in hardware and software compatibility has been difficult in the past. This high implementation efficiency, "CLEFIA" calage It is possible calage to exhibit high performance in devices that require energy-efficient equipment and limited resources. Thus in addition to the use of conventional applications, lightweight cryptographic applications ISO / IEC 29192 is shown as an application object, for example, is also suitable to use RFID tags and smart cards, sensor calage networks, calage and medical equipment. Sony, subject to international standardized by ISO / IEC of this time, we will promote activities to expand the use scene in equipment and services of a variety of "CLEFIA". In addition, in the field of lightweight cryptography that further development is expected in the future, but we do research and development continue. Through these activities, ( 5) Sony, we are making efforts to information security technology that you can use with confidence calage to our customers. 1 ISO / IEC
Is one of the construction method of block cipher, since the adoption of the former U.S. government encryption standard DES, Feistel calage structure, has been adopted by a number of block cipher. calage Generalized Feistel structure as it is a generalization of this structure, and it is with the structure to perform arithmetic operations with each divided into four input in CLEFIA. I am facing a small implementation of the operation unit is reduced. International Conference International Society for encryption of IACR (International Association of Cryptologic Research) hosted the 5 latest results
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Friday, November 22, 2013

The DCN (death certificate notified) ratio, is one of the metrics of cancer shredded foam registrat

In Aichi Prefecture, for the purpose of knowing the actual situation shredded foam malignant neoplasm of the prefecture (cancer) affected, to contribute to the promotion of cancer control in Aichi Prefecture, on the basis of the "Aichi shredded foam malignant neoplasm patient notification guidelines" from 1962 malignant neoplasm patient registration business (hereinafter referred shredded foam to as "Aichi Cancer Registry") shredded foam and is implementing. For receiving the technical assistance of the prefecture Cancer Center Research Institute Epidemiology and prevention unit, to grasp the exact morbidity, mortality, as well as standardization of data submission, we have the collection and analysis of statistics from 1983. Aichi Cancer registration, will play an important role as a compass for carrying out "evaluation of cancer control", "Evaluation shredded foam of Kinten of medical".
Appendix 1 cancer incidence rate and morbidity more site-specific, gender - 2008 Appendix 2 cancer mortality and mortality more site-specific, shredded foam gender - 2008 Appendix 3 受療 percentage Details ( %) by site - 2008 Appendix 4 by medical district, health centers affected by the number of site-specific, gender - 2008 Annex 5 municipality affected the number of site-specific, gender - 2008 annual change (F) Table C site-specific gender age-adjusted incidence rate (according to the world's population) annual changes in the (M) Table B site-specific gender affected the number of annual changes in the (2008) Table A site-specific gender affected the number of major sites seen in annual transition Table F by site (F) Table E major site-specific gender age-adjusted mortality rate (world population) annual change (M) Table D site-specific gender age-adjusted incidence rate (according to the world's shredded foam population) The 2008 - cancer patients shredded foam in a good area of the annual Trends Table H registration accuracy of the 2008 Table G health center by DCN - registration shredded foam number N accuracy morbidity, mortality and the number of
The DCN (death certificate notified) ratio, is one of the metrics of cancer shredded foam registration accuracy is the percentage of cases that could not figure out that it is a cancer by notification in life. Proportion of DCN is higher, then you will want means that the survival of many cases has become know to leakage (leakage report) more, such as the number affected is estimated to be lower than actual. With the cooperation of the relevant medical institutions, improvement of registration accuracy is observed as well as the development of hospitals in Aichi Prefecture, in 2008 affected cases, DCN is now 22.5%. In addition, DCO by the practice shredded foam of (research for queries to medical institutions for DCN cases, to obtain detailed information) survey dates back of 2008: percentage (death certificate notified cases there is only information of only death votes) improved to 10.2% because they are, in the future, grasp more precise incidence is expected.
In consideration shredded foam DCN ratio in the (less than 20%), set the model area to meet the jurisdiction area of the health center, a good area of "registration accuracy this (collective Nagoya however) prefecture health center in 1998 in Aichi Prefecture as, "I've been counting the cancer incidence. In 2008 diagnostic cases, as a new model district, was to count the total set Okazaki, Kasugai health center, a health center Nishio. Morbidity resulting from this model region is considered as a representative value of more truly close prefecture. Subsequently, monitoring the regional registration accuracy in the future, and further, I want to know the representative value of truly close prefecture.
page of technical assistance regional shredded foam cancer registry shredded foam

Thursday, November 21, 2013

JVNDB-2013-003802 } ` R A

JVNDB-2013-003802 } ` R A CPU  L L3  L b V ɑ T C h ` l U T v } ` R A CPU L L3 L b V ɑ T C h ` l U @ J Ă B ڂ A ȉ y [ W m F B Flush+Reload: a High Resolution, Low Noise, L3 Cache Side-Channel Attack R (CWE-200) Ǝ㐫 ł B CVSS ɂ [ x ( CVSS Ƃ ? ) { l: 1.9 ( ) [NVD l] U 敪: [ J U G : U O F v : s v @ ւ e (C): I S ւ e (I): Ȃ p ւ e (A): Ȃ e V X e Debian Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 GNU project GnuPG 2.0.x GnuPG 1.4.14  Libgcrypt 1.5.3  Novell openSUSE 12.3 openSUSE 12.2 Ubuntu Ubuntu 13.04 Ubuntu 12.10 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Ubuntu 10.04 LTS e 鐻 i B ڂ ACERT/CC Vulnerability Note VU#976534 m F B z 肳 e L L3 L b V ʂ āA v Z X 烁 e \ B ʂƂ āA @ Ȃǂ 擾 \ B Flush+Reload: a High Resolution, Low Noise, L3 Cache Side-Channel Attack ł AIntel Ivy Bridge v b g t H [ Ŗ{ U @ K p 邱 ƂŁAGnuPG RSA 閧 98% ŕ ł 邱 Ƃ Ă B [ A b v f [ g ] e J AVU#976534 Vendor Information ƂɁA Y 鐻 i A b v f [ g Ă B GnuPG { Ǝ㐫 łƂ GnuPG 1.4.14 Libgcrypt 1.5.3 J Ă B [ [ N A E h { ] n C p [ o C U ^ z ł A ȉ K p 邱 ƂŁA { Ǝ㐫 e y 邱 Ƃ \ ł B @* memory page de-duplication @ \ ɂ x _ Debian Debian Bug report logs : 717880 Debian Security Advisory : DSA-2731 Debian Security Advisory : DSA-2730 GNU project GNU project : Download Novell opensuse-updates : openSUSE-SU-2013:1294 Ubuntu Ubuntu Security Notice : USN-1923-1 b h n b g Red Hat Security Advisory : RHSA-2013:1457 CWE ɂ Ǝ㐫 ^ C v ꗗ    CWE Ƃ ? R (CWE-200) [NVD ] ] ʐƎ㐫 ʎq(CVE)    CVE Ƃ ? CVE-2013-4242 Q l JVN : JVNVU#94473961 National Vulnerability Database (NVD) : CVE-2013-4242 US-CERT Vulnerability Note : VU#976534  A : Flush+Reload: a High Resolution, Low Noise, L3 Cache Side-Channel Attack X V [2013 N08 21 ]    f [2013 N10 04 ]    ^ C g F e X V    T v F e X V    e V X e F e X V    z 肳 e F e X V    F e X V    Q l FJVN (JVNVU#94473961)  lj    Q l FUS-CERT Vulnerability Note (VU#976534)  lj    bubble wrap roll Q l F A  (Flush+Reload: a High Resolution, Low Noise, L3 Cache Side-Channel Attack)  lj [2013 N10 23 ]   CVSS  ɂ [ x F e X V [2013 N10 28 ]    e V X e F e X V [2013 N11 11 ]    x _ F b h n b g (RHSA-2013:1457)  lj \ 2013/07/29 o ^ 2013/08/21 ŏI X V 2013/11/11

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

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Monday, November 18, 2013

Soft wood with pure cork particles and elastic adhesive polymerization, are widely used for various

Ma did not have
Soft wood with pure cork particles and elastic adhesive polymerization, are widely used for various machinery, c foam apparatus, instrument pads, dynamic mechanical friction brake, crafts, golf grip, message boards, bulletin boards, c foam columns board production and a variety of moisture-proof, heat insulation, shock absorption, easy and convenient required fields. Bulletin boards, message boards, soundproof walls, with soft wood: density 260-270kg/m3; in fine specifications are: cork sheet: 970X640MM, 915X610MM, c foam thickness from 0.8MM-12MM, can be sized. Cork: Thickness 0.8mm-10mm, width 100CM-130CM. Flooring surfaces with a soft wood: density 320-380kg/m3; soft wood also has a compressible, flexible, airtight, watertight, moisture, shock absorption, sound insulation, heat insulation, fire-retardant, insulation, wear. Soft wood is unable to write, can be used cork screws, pins, stickers, c foam tape, etc. to write a good paper that has been demonstrated. Soft wood in its natural color is yellow plus multicolored cloth surface to improve visual effect. Cork Message (notices) board, is the company offices, schools and other post messages and announcements ideal tool, you can use the word nails set at a cork board, environmental protection, fashion. Border with wooden frame, aluminum frame, etc. to choose from, there are a variety of regular size, but also according to user needs. (Like bar on the bar, wanted to stay on the left, to show self style) 1, environmental protection: Soft wood with natural oak bark as raw materials derived from natural, recycled, no pungent odor, environmental health. 2, Mute: Soft wood can greatly reduce the noise of people walking in the above pollution, noise generated by the upper floor can be reduced 14-16 decibels. 3, foot feeling good: Cork by thousands of honeycomb structure composed of dead cells, c foam cells filled with air, forming a sealed balloon, subjected to external pressure, the cells will shrink smaller intracellular air pressure rise; when external pressure is lost, the air pressure within the cell cell restitution will be to reduce the human foot ankle pressure. 4, moth: cork does not contain any nutrients, so there is no moth erosion. 5, fire: Cork has good resistance to high temperatures and fire-retardant features, the oxygen index testing beyond the general requirements of decorative materials, fire, leaving the fire will go out automatically. 6, insulation: good insulation, suitable for heating c foam the room to use.
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Sunday, November 17, 2013

The first phase of an editorial: International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25 volu

Wang Guanxiong Shenyang extension 2011
The first phase of an editorial: International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25 volumes. Canberra, Australia, author Brian Lees 2 consider multi-resolution spatial cognition model city building interactive visualization. The first author is China Beijing Normal University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Remote c foam Sensing Applications (two units side by side) of Ling Yang 3 using the power of GIS Voronoi diagram and Delaunay tetrahedron three-dimensional dynamic field simulation. The first author is Canada's Laval University Leila Hashemi Beni 4 based on agent by the underlying street structure shaping human motion simulation. The first author c foam is University of Gävle, Sweden's Bin Jiang 5 logistic regression, auto-logistic regression and neural network models of land use change in the empirical predictive modeling capabilities: a case study. The first author is China Taiwan National Taiwan University, Yu-Pin Lin (name of the country the person using the ROC, but this is perhaps more than simply ignore the country name is better) 6 one kind of automatic map color contrast improved model: the risk map Application. The first author is University of Lyon (France should be, but I did not write the original name of the country) of Elisabeth Chesneau c foam 7 measure c foam the consistency of spatial objects. The first author is China Institute c foam of Policy and Management Institute Zuoquan Zhao 8 based on cellular automata space multi-objective irrigated agriculture land suitability modeling, East China Normal University, first author of Jia Yu 9 Use syntactic patterns and co-songwriter reference analysis of semi-automatic gazetteer expansion of geo-referenced. The first author is the University of Chile Concepcion Dion Julio Godoy Phase 1 GIS-based China Yangtze River Delta Regional carrying capacity c foam evaluation and prediction. The first author is China China University of Geosciences Jian-Ping Chen 2 geoviz (should be the geographic visualization mean) Toolbox: the coordination of component-oriented approach c foam to geographic visualization and analysis. The first author is Pennsylvania State University, Frank Hardisty 3 support geographic visualization synthesis. The first author is Pennsylvania State University, Anthony C. Robinson 4 to develop a multi-network urbanization model: Denver, c foam Colorado, case studies of urban growth. The first author is SUNY Jida Wang 5 road network hierarchy consisting weighted ego network. The first author c foam is Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Zhang 6 geographically dispersed movement sensor networks deferred pattern mining. The first author is University c foam of Melbourne, Australia Patrick Laube 7 for moving objects in space-time prism model data for analytical solution without the presence of the query. The first author is University of Hasselt, Belgium's c foam Bart Kuijpers 8 Map nature: the natural world cartography structure. The first author c foam is University of Leicester Peter Fisher 9 urban and regional planning support system. The first author c foam is University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign Urbana Lewis D. Hopkins 10 calibration calculations: spatial data analysis. c foam The first author is the Technical University of Vienna, Austria Gerhard Navratil 11 cross-border job: human, natural and regions. The first author is University of Leeds Steve Carver 12 interact with geospatial technology. The first author is Pennsylvania State University, Anthony Robinson 13 About This Book. Open Source GIS: one kind of GRASS GIS solutions. 14 About This Book. Facility location: concepts, models, algorithms and case studies. 15 About This Book. Spatial Statistics Manual. 16 About This Book. Map: Discover our position in the world. Phase III: Spatial Ecology special issue of a geospatial tools to solve the spatial ecology emerging issues: c foam A special issue of the Review and comment. The first author is He Lante Covent University Andrew K. Skidmore 2 analog linear habitat c foam on spatial distribution and cross-local density of individuals. c foam Wageningen University is the first author of Frank van Langevelde 3 in the urban landscape that affect c foam white-tailed deer space use superposition factor. The first author is the National Wildlife Research Center, W. David Walter 4 will be integrated into the system, aside from the cost of the design. The first author is East China University of Technology, Kun Zhang 5 pre-settlement (presettlement) plant distribution scale modeling uncertainties impact. The first author is American c foam Buffalo University E.-H. Yoo 6 California Mojave Desert species - the spatial relationship between the environment and non-stationary scales. The first author is University of Texas at Austin, Jennifer A. Miller 7 geospatial sampling bias in the distribution of species habitat models affected: Southern Portugal grassland birds case studies. The first author is the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal Pedro J. Leit? O 8 Indonesia Sulawesi rainforest terrain and aboveground biomass of the relationship between multi-scale analysis. The first author is University of Göttingen, c foam Germany Pavel Propastin 9 primary productivity model uncertainty components: DEM, classification and location of the error. The first author of the Negev - Gurion University c foam of the E. Livne 10 land use and land cover probability estimation logistic regression parameter sensitivity analysis. The first author is University of Leuven, c foam Belgium Wim Van Dessel 11 expansion: the hierarchical model with field data and remote sensing data to be linked. The first author is University of Connecticut, United States Adam M. Wilson fourth one pair of random number generator selection will bring much practical impact? The first author is Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial c foam Research Organisation mathematics, information science and statistics division Simon C. Barry 2 is not bad for a random number generator defense excuses: c foam The Barry's reply. The first author is University of Western Australia's Kimberly P. Van Niel 3 large-scale (or mass) of terrain and efficient three-horizon composition algorithm. The first author is University of Malaga, Spain, Siham Tabik 4 obtained c foam by extrusion topology consistent 3D city models. The first author c foam is Delft University of Technology, Hugo Ledoux 5 with urban cellular automata and ant colony optimization in the landscape changing circumstances on the protected natural area partition. The first author is China Sun Yat-sen Xia Li 6 把 OGC Web Services integrates seamlessly together c foam to support geospatial sciences an optimization framework. The first author is the United States George Mason University Zhenlong Li 7 using linear programming embedded in the river triangulated c foam irregular network. The first author is the University c foam of Utrecht in the Netherlands Marc van Kreveld 8 an integrated geographical simulation and optimization system concepts, methods and tools. The first author is China Sun Yat-sen Xia Li 9 clusters using the same moment to analyze the shape and speculated potential causes. The first author is the United States West Virginia University's JF Conley 10 to assess the development of a data set Midwestern ecosystem services. The first author is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Megan Mehaffey fifth one space video and GIS. The first author is the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Columbia Valley degree of your mother is so translated) in the middle of Paul Lewis 2 Modeling: Land use changes in agent-based modeling and multi-objective decision c foam to build on the gap between bridge. The first author is University of Alaska Anchorage's Christopher Bone 3 multiscale terrain c foam semantically rich information model. The first author is Delft University of Technology Jantien Stoter 4 secondary snakes cooperative multi-path algorithm to extract numerical experiments. The first author is Thammasat University Y. Nakaguro 5 in pedestrian c foam navigation applications generate optimized landmark multi-objective model of the sequence. c foam The first author is China Wuhan University of Zhixiang Fang 6 ambulances site location selection grouping improved genetic algorithm. The first author is University of Leicester Alexis J. Comber c foam 7 fuzzy theory and geographical region and the delineation compromise between - an ontological analysis. The first author is New York State University at Buffalo's Thomas Bittner 8 integration into the urban environment of vegetation visual model. The first author is New Zealand's University of Canterbury P. Bartie sixth: Object-based Landscape Analysis Special Issue a brief introduction of object-based landscape analysis. The first author is University of Nottingham, Paul Aplin 2 Quickbird images using laser measurement estimation of forest canopy height geographic objects based on multi-scale image analysis methods. The first author is University of Calgary's Gang Chen 3 object-based image classification method geographic theme accuracy assessment. The first author c foam is the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium J. Radoux 4 shrubs spread c foam temporal dynamics: the pieces connect with the landscape. The first author is the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Dawn M. Browning 5 using object-oriented classification c foam method to identify different c foam texture measures based on orchards and vineyards. The first author is Italian European Coaching Institute of Technology Steve Kass 6 object-based image analysis using the improved weather mapping c foam of coral reefs. The first author is University of Wollongong, Australia Javier Leon 7 used in conjunction with high-resolution optical and radar data, object-based olive grove mapping. c foam The first author is University of Ghent, Belgium, Jan Peters 8 fixed based on metadata attributes segmented block and growing regional land cover mapping. The first author is the UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee's Paul Robinson 9 based on their geometry and topography of the landscape background c foam object-based classification. The first author is the Middle East Technical University, Turkey Deniz Ger? Ek 10 high spatial resolution images using object-based c foam mixed land use / land cover mapping methods. The first author c foam is Italian Marche Polytechnic University, Eva Savina Malinverni seventh an extended c foam FRAG-BASE architecture - multi-version open GIS Web services restored matching method. The first author is China Wuhan University of Nengcheng Chen 2 connectivity based on natural road map calculating minimum steering direction. The first author is University of Gävle, Sweden's Bin Jiang 3 a new cork oak plantations temporal analysis of tree height. The first author is University of Oxford L. Sedda 4 grid space maximum regional issues a heuristic method. c foam The first author is Vienna University of Technology Takeshi Shirabe 5 in building a distributed grid environment geography SQL Workflow. The first author is China Peking University, Zhou Huang 6 position improved accuracy: in Shanghai, China, a comparative study. The first author is China Tongji University Xiaohua Tong 7 4D cadastral solutions - and a case study of utility networks. The first author is Turkey Gumushane University Fatih D? Ner 8 DEM data source for flood forecasting and sea-level rise caused c foam by erosion risks. The first author is National University of Ireland Seamus Coveney 9 About This Book. Applied Spatial c foam Analysis Handbook: Software c foam tools, methods and applications. 10 About This Book. Cartography: visualization of spatial data. Eighth: Geospatial data-intensive computing an access to geographic information science more open. The first author is University of Gävle, Sweden's Bin Jiang 2 a spontaneous geographic information space simulation model calibration. The first author is University of Leeds Mark Birkin 3 fast geostatistical interpolation of a plane parallel computing. The first author is the University of Nebraska Lincoln, c foam all natural Qingfeng Guan 4 U.S. cities Zipf's Law: From the perspective of geographical space. The first author is University of Gävle, Sweden's Bin Jiang 5 Geopot: cloud-based mobile application location data services. The first author is University of Calgary, Canada DongWoo Lee 6 using cloud computing to handle dense urban traffic monitoring data moving vehicles. The first author is China's Wuhan University, Q. Li Ninth a network infrastructure environment, agent-based c foam modeling: A method of service-oriented c foam computing. The first author is University of North Carolina's Wenwu Tang 2 shows the context of an event-based conceptual model of mobile analytics. The first author is Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems Department of Gennady Andrienko 3 double agent-based influenza prevention of diffusion processes and human behavior simulation. The first author is University of Florida, Liang Mao 4 prism simulation using the coarse temporal bound traffic environment for potential movement. The first author is University of Ghent, Belgium Matthias Delafontaine 5 ellipsoid geometry construction and calculation. The first author is Norway's Kongsberg Defence Systems and Telemark University College (these two units are side by side) of Kjell Kjenstad 6 digital map confusion: a synthesis and processing of a proposal c foam for classification. The first author is University of Jaen, Spain's Juan J. Ruiz 7 Space varying coefficient models of local minimum absolute deviation estimate: Robust Geographically Weighted Regression. The first author is China's Xi'an Jiaotong University Huiguo Zhang 8 vehicles using GPS-based mobile c foam data and Monte Carlo simulation of the physical accessibility of GIS-based stochastic simulation. The first author is the Middle East Technical University in Turkey Kivanc Ertugay 9 REST-based semantic features directory services. The first author is University of Tasmania, Australia's Kim Tracy Finney 10 scale variation analysis combined with Moran's I scalogram c foam to identify hierarchy and characteristic scale. The first is the Chinese Academy c foam of Sciences, Graduate c foam School of Resource and Environment College of Na Zhang 11 natural resource management applications resilient polygon centroid exported. The first author is Australia

Saturday, November 16, 2013

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Friday, November 15, 2013

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

The east side of the new runway somewhere, but now it is high barbed wire touches four Zhuhai Airpo

The east side of the new runway somewhere, but now it is high barbed wire touches four Zhuhai Airport has good seats that are too broken aircraft are some small great guy Munich Airport in southern architectural foam runway Outside there is a large slope, landing architectural foam every time to see someone in there to see gray machine, for me, can be combined architectural foam with S-BAHN and bicycle access, or transportation to the airport there is a little expensive, driving is much better than Frankfurt Munich Airport , seemingly not fly Lufthansa 380 Here, too, see C130 I think Paris Charles de Gaulle airport is still very fast hardware, What the hell have, seemingly much larger architectural foam than the Amsterdam Pudong is impossible to beat, but there is a good machine Hongqiao bit, a lot of good seats at the northern end of the airport runway, the runway east of the East there are many good place to shoot, but also more gray machine Hongqiao broken occasionally a few planes 777,747 a day, the rest is up to a 330, and more many are 737,319 such aircraft to respond these broken delete your comments Comments Please login or register Tang Liqi 2010 Leo Horoscope (finally truly over ... 200 Responses to "This is New York" - EB White 74 responses Tang Liqi - 2010 Scorpio Horoscope (complete) 148 responses [soupmoon] (November 14 update FF fans must see!) ... 105 42 practical tips for responding Evernote respond Tang Liqi 2010 Virgin op (no lunar) 178 274 Response Response 2010 Aquarius Horoscope On the Advanced essential guitar music theory basics 68 comments

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

(1) Materials foam n glow handling, storage.

Long Xi Lu construction essentials (PVC sheet flooring)
(3) Construction (standard package)
Construction site Construction Method Adhesive Type Remark 2 floors above ground general foam n glow construction method Department of latex shaped acrylic resin applied to conventional construction site vinyl chloride vinyl acetate copolymer resin, a solvent-shaped tack strength, can be used to cold regions basement, ground water underlying the construction method epoxy solvent-shaped tack strength, has water - heat-resistant polyurethane resin based solvent shaped tack strength, has water - heat & impact resistance. Can be used in cold regions. On the wall portion (approximately lOOmm) NBR common construction method based solvent-shaped tack strength, has water & heat resistance. Need sided brushing. Skirting foam n glow board part of common construction method vinyl chloride vinyl acetate copolymer resin, a solvent-shaped tack strength, can be used in cold regions nitrile rubber based solvent-shaped tack strength, has water & heat resistance. Need sided brushing. polyurethane resin-based solvent-shaped tack strength, has water heat impact resistance. Can be used in cold regions.
SHORT-HABAKI (woodgraining). foam n glow . . S-TYPE (standard), S-TYPE/NON-R (no bent pins) .. 25 / Box
(1) Materials foam n glow handling, storage.
"LONCREO" foam n glow woodgraining (STANDARDOAK, OAK) construction, pay attention to the seams because of insufficient width to affect the aesthetics of the floor. "LONLEUMNATUERL", "LONPATIO", "LONCREO" and other flooring material foam n glow with a pattern when cutting Follow width 1800mm for cutting.
(6) rush pressure Flooring
1) Cutting and Welding with the grooves on the
B. Yin corner parts of the upper part of the wall to be cut by a diagram.
the roughly cut flooring affixed on the steps, correct cutting broadside (short side).
Categories Flooring (12) Tarkett (23) Archer (16) Plastic Flooring (11) Forbo (2) linoleum (4) Long Xi Lu (9) Green (30) link one karat dream table tennis flooring Kerry Bao livable floor floor floor nursery decoration Network Advertising paste it Tarkett foam n glow flooring carpet leather five legendary Altro flooring foam n glow bread Network Archive August foam n glow 2013 July 2013 January 2013 November 2012 March 2012 2012 a Month December foam n glow 2011 November 2011 October foam n glow 2011 September 2011