Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dentist most of the fluorine faith, it is whew Looking at the net. In the very Asahikawa, and denta

"Important paper which is the basis of anti-fluorine" (excluding books, magazines are basically: left number itemized recommendation order right number) one tooth strengthening, 2 preventive effect, three basic research, four dental fluorosis, impact study of fluorine and fluorine ion 1 KakehiMitsuo biological apatite crystal formation mechanism 17 Papers 1 tooth strengthening toxic 5 1,6 2,7 cell toxicity level Japanese Society for Fluoride Research Akiba Kenji recommendation; No25, p1-5, 2007 fluoro. . effect of fluorine 1 there is no formation of apatite local action CDC issue rather than systemic; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 48 (41); 933-949, Oct 22,1999. . 1 Yoshikawa Masayoshi Milan - for the presence of structure-improving effect and remineralization on enamel crystal of Le mouthwash, fluorine research; 2 2 preventive publi24 effect No30, p4-5, 2011 remineralization was not observed. . 761,: (J.Publ.Hlth Rep, p56 2832 people 8 district publi24 of emissions - a di No.825 famous p109-136, 1962, Public Health Service; Fluoride and Drinking Waters: H.Trendley.Dean et al. Caucasian 12-14 years of age (J.Publ.HlthRep, of 57:1155,1942) 4425 4 people in 13 cities and provinces publi24 1941):. study of fluoride in the drinking water concentration and caries a total of 7257 people, dental screening of two . 2 Marinho VCC not double check, et al.Fluoride mouthrinses for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents (Cochrane Review) In which city officials;. The Cochrane Library, Issue4, 2004, Chichester, UK; John Wiley & Sons, . 2 WHO no significant difference in the 7% combined effect of fluorine mouthwashes and fluoridated toothpaste:. Ltd http://www.mrw.interscience/, Cochrane report :. 3 Zero DTet al 3 basic research there is no difference data By Chris Neurath of dental publi24 caries in 2005 compared with the non-fluorine and fluorine Kakuni Kakuni, in both FAN: Fluoride concentration in plaque, whole saliva, and ductal saliva after application of ... fluoride treatment to use home use topical fluoride, in J. Dent Res ,71:1768-75, 1992 home, toothpaste, saliva mouthwash after, conduit publi24 fluorine concentration: Yes Figure fluorine research; No28, p24- .. comparing intravenous injection of serum fluorine concentration due to the difference in the intake method Fluoride in Dentistry, p55-58, 1996 Munksgaard Textbook of (Paperback) fluorine 3mg, fasting, food and milk, meal: 3 J Ekstrand introduction to 29,2009 . 3 Wei basis of acute toxic dose of 2-5mg/kg,:.. 3 Baldwin HB lower in the order of the rear intake: The acute toxicity of sodium fluoride Journal of American publi24 Chemical Society.21, p517-521, 1899 advocates. Document 3 which became the basis of fluorine mouthwashes contraindicated under the age of six: Kanellis, publi24 MJ; SH: children.J.Am.dent.ass.106 :626-629 (1983) WHO Fluoride retention after sodium publi24 fluoride mouthrinsing by preschool. . G.M.Whitford: The Metabolism and toxicity of Fluoride p10 Karger 1989 Monographs in Oral Science vol.13 fluorine total daily intake of young children living in (Paperback) publi24 fluorinated district: 3 dentifrice and diet, such as mouthwash. . primary teeth patchy: 4 Watanabe, Shinpei 4 tooth fluorosis p190-198, 1961,10 May issue; (final report) Journal of Dental Medicine study fluorine publi24 intake of 14 years of women before and after childbirth fluorine allergy: Passaic General Hospital study of teeth, Okayama Medical Association Journal; tooth fluorosis Volume 70, No. 4, also p1191-1215, 1958 primary teeth: 41% fluorine tooth fluorosis in 4 the United States passes through the placenta: Beltra'n-Aguilar et. . al; investigation, Nov.2010, (1999-2004) of 12-15 year olds CDC, 1 5 M. C.Smith et al 5 toxicity twice as many white blacks: various fluoride (such as NaF, CaF2,) Comparison experiments in rats the toxicity of, 85 times that of CaF2,, p791-797, publi24 1934. toxic Industrial & Engineering Chemistry strong 4x toxic chronic publi24 intoxication in (tooth fluorosis) in the lethal dose proportional NaF on the solubility of water . . 5 Z Gastroenterol 1992 introduction (2013/4/7, 1531 issue) in the consumer port; 30: p252-254 Original albeit Sodium fluoride-induced gastric mucosal lesion: Comparison with sodium monofluorophosphate MULLER, publi24 P., SCHMID, K., toxic than MFP, WARNECKE, G., SETNIKAR I. and SIMON, B. Medizinische Universitatskilinik Heidelberg, Gastroenterologische Abteilung und Kreiskrankenhaus Schwetzingen NaF Germany thesis. .. 2 6 Choi et al 6 toxicity: There is IQ drops to 26 of 27 paper in Environmental Health Perspectives on line 20/July 2012 NIEHS "meta-analysis" of 27 studies that have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence (average 7 .? Elemental Depth Profiling of Fluoridated Hydroxyapatite:: 1 Frank Moller et al 8 paper one tooth strengthening quasi recommendation 2012 point decline) meta-analysis Harvard publi24 paper Saving YourDentition by the Skin of Your Teeth Langmuir, 26 (24), p 18750 - 18759,2010 fluoro-apatite thin abrasion be formed, 1 5. Alarcon-Herrera MT brittle 5 toxicity, et al. Well Water Fluoride, Dental fluorosis, Bone Fractures in the Guadiana Valley of Mexico. Fluoride. 34 (2) : Mexican paper that there is a correlation in fracture frequency and severity of p139-149.2001 dental fluorosis.. . 5 Yoshikawa Yasushisan bone sarin: there is a description of the "material as a raw material for the chemical formulation of the military" to 15 applicable law boasting sodium fluoride To Showa Chemical Co., Ltd. - 5 Material Safety de - Tashi.. of 2 6 Basshin Ms. onset 6 toxicity in drinking well water reprint of 4.8ppm in p92-101, 2001; 7 No. p7-13,1976 27 Volume, June fluorine research;; orthopedic No20:. treatment experience of fluorosis The introduction to No24, p47-55, 2005,;, 2001 fluorine research Bassin EB, Association between publi24 fluoride in drinking water during growth and development and the incidence of osteosarcoma for children and adolescents Doctorial thesis, Harvard schoolof dental medicine:.. osteosarcoma publi24 paper risk of developing bone cancer by age 20 is increased 5-7 times children who drank fluoridated water on bone growth period of 6-8 years old. The original increase Kosei Takahashi et significance to all cancers in 23 of No20, p17-58, 2001 36 site; fluorine research; For regression analysis of drinking water fluorine concentration and cancer incidence:. 6 Takahashi AkiraTadashi other. al:.. Regression analysis of cancer incidence rates and water fluoride in the USA based on IACR / IARC (WHO) Data (1978-1992) Journal of Epidemiology vol.11.number4.p170-179.July 2001 6 Phyllis Mullenix, et al:; the neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats, 17 Neurotoxicology and Teratology journal: p169-177, 1995 system - Le Nix Forsyth animal experiments: fluorine accumulates in the brain, I cause a behavior similar to that of the neurotoxic substance. . 7 Oliver Barbier et al 7 cell level:; Chemico-Biological publi24 Interactions; Molecular Mechanisms of fluoride toxicity 188, p319-333, 2010 Mexico paper fluorine cell communique - impact on the application, it is likely enzyme inhibition. publi24 The first place, "a hole in the tooth mechanism" because different. Is (the result of stress concentration) Spot destroyed most of the breakdown phenomenon in clinical. The urban legend in dentistry. To dispel the belief in society It is hard. If decalcification theory by plaque, it should be a condition publi24 similar to (teeth thinner addicts and professionals dealing with acid) San蝕症 that melts from the surface in all jaw, but the reality is quite different from this You. A hole glass plate (enamel) is dirty! publi24 ? The "Dental Hygiene Week" ... I hope if convinced, if so harmless "belief", nothing has changed 40 years ago. Fluoride mouth rinsing publi24 at school edit URL Agorobee ... 2013-11-13 16:37 deep has increased the root of "imprinting"
Dentist most of the fluorine faith, it is whew Looking at the net. In the very Asahikawa, and dental Asahikawa whopping I report in Parliament the results of queries Councillor of women if they let the fluorine gargle to their children to the dentist, publi24 dentist of 15 people did not let the children of their own and such as were sued by Medical Association. Of course, side Dental Association is now losing, but I do not think it only to have extraordinary. Fluorine gargle seems to have been made in school in Asahikawa even if this humorous. I think dentist is also a dentist, but citizens also admit it's citizens. Take no effectiveness, contrary because I called to perform in an area of busy school in a group all the way what is toxic, there is no only be called the most crazy. The know anything

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