Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ftrionios esthete

But nerves of Petronius had enough of those screams. From the moment he Mhflatinos choked him like a nightmare and deafened. And when he saw him now raised fist of the giant, butcher block paper lost patience. "My friend said," You stink Maine, and you bother me. "Saying this, the gladiator on his chest all the flame of the sword which he left short equipping the house." [...]
Shout: "Christians - lions!" There was non-stop all the boroughs. At first, not only that no one doubted they really caused the catastrophe, but one did not want to doubt it - because the penalty imposed on them was overwhelming population to be fun [...] right after the consultation in Tiberius, issued orders to Hfrookonsulim provide wildlife galore. Tiglinos emptied all stockyards Italian cities, not skip the small towns. Africa Hunting ordered held wide dimensions, which were forced to take part in all local residents. Tigrsim elephants were brought from Asia, crocodiles and hippos were brought from the Nile, lions - from the Atlas Mountains, wolves and bears - in the Pyrenees. [...] Because of the large number of prisoners were to performances overshadow all Rome has ever seen. The emperor wanted to drown in blood the burning memory, and reward the residents of Rome [...]
Lions roar in the arena. Condemned to shiver brought them to shouts butcher block paper of the crowd, encouraging grandstanding Roman citizens, and the Emperor marks the finger of fate defeated - all carved also Jewish and Israeli imagination. Israeli legend, every child learns in kindergarten, says the Bar - Kochba captive lion fighting arena. But it is a kind of seal compared to the trauma left by the cruel amusement of Rome in the Christian tradition. Sufferings of the martyrs, the saints among early Christians during the early persecutions of Nero, and those late - of Diocletian, affected the character of the Christian religion for years. Martyrs, witnesses who died as martyrs to their faith, became the ultimate model of Christian holiness, courage and pure faith. butcher block paper No wonder that even two thousand years later, in 1905, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature Polish writer Henryk Senkiewitz attribution "Quo Vadis" - historical novel "larger than life" dealing with the same persecution of early Christians. This epic piece was translated into Hebrew for the first time in 1929, and ten years ago saw the light again, and fluent translation Mufti of children's author Uri Orlev.
"Quo Vadis" is a fascinating book and stretching, and in certain areas even exciting, but not everyone agrees that this is a masterpiece. "Jar fancy," wrote Prof. Aviad Kleinberg butcher block paper Haaretz "new translation" only wine in it, I'm afraid, missed and no longer fit to drink. [...] Quo Vadis of Sknvic, despite the Nobel Prize for Literature, butcher block paper is a great novel . is a typical product of his time - very righteous, very Catholic and mostly sponge butcher block paper sticky sentimentality and tiresome. " Kleinberg believes the figures Klishatiot: butcher block paper Christians are shown as angels are pure monsters while their pursuers, but even he admits that the story contains one hero outside the scheme: Petronius philosopher, a historical figure and author H"stricon "sympathetic Christians without becoming one of them. "Petronius sophisticated and decadent is a decent man, his view," writes Kleinberg, "but this method, as he knows, butcher block paper no future. Is barren." Here I would like to just offer a slightly different interpretation. Quo Vadis, in my opinion, is definitely a great novel - and not just because the writing fluent and sweeping storyline, but because of something deeper. Using the figure of Petronius, politician, philosopher and esthete butcher block paper cynical and playful, touching Shenkevich one of the most fascinating underwater currents and the most problematic in Western culture since the time of Plato: the tension between good and beauty, butcher block paper and worth catching, whether aesthetic morality. But first, we should say a few words about the book. Warning for those who plans to read the work: may be here a few Spoliirim, though I will refrain from revealing the end of the main plot line, or the fate of the protagonists.
Quo Vadis, first and foremost, is a love story "larger than life" between Marcus and Inyakios, a Roman general with star stepping in the kingdom of the Emperor Nero, a beautiful Christian girl called "hygiene". Hygiene, as its name implies, is the daughter of the people Hligim, identified mythology Polish ancestor ancestor of people living in Warsaw (Sknvic always insists Poles put all his books, whether with plots occurs Sudan whether in ancient Rome). Her real name is Cali, but only because it Shalygina city, the Romans butcher block paper called it as verified. Hygiene was given to the Romans as a hostage by her people some border war, and forgotten by Hligim when retreated from the battlefield. Arrived in Rome with her faithful servant, a huge giant called by the Romans Ursus (bear). Hygiene grew up in a wealthy Roman family, and because her adoptive mother butcher block paper secretly Christian, also received the faith of Christ. Marcus and Inyakios, comes to stay in the family, falls in love Shalygina mad love, and trying to make her his mistress. Uncle, Petronius philosopher and man of the patronage of the Emperor Nero, the Order will bring her to the Emperor, and then send it to his nephew, but from that point things go wrong. His little girl's mad emperor died of an illness, and her mother begins to suspect that her hygiene cast a spell. Worse, the girl herself suspected, rightly, that Inyakios planning to rape her, and her Christian kidnap her way home. Most of the book is a journey of Inyakios after hygiene, and in fact even after the Christians, a journey both physical and spiritual. All this against the madness of Nero, the great fire in Rome, the deadly butcher block paper political intrigues in the palace and of course - the bloody persecution of the Christians, accused of unfairly arson fire.
Ftrionios esthete's uncle and Inyakios, a protege of the Emperor and the Commissioner upon "the taste in his court," he flattered the light of day but

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