Wednesday, May 21, 2014

- They offered us what they would like to write about what has not yet been written either not writ

The magazine for those who think in a European
"I do not suprats garmonіі, ale mean the INTO garmonіya nashym gramadstve on sorry for ustaleўvaetstsa kosht adnago chalaveka yak pravіla, gety chalavek - zhanchyna, the yang side pavіnna ahvyaravats svaіmі іntaresamі іmya syam'і."
On most pachatku minicell foam 2013 Media in Belarus z'yavіўsya resursny package "Gender educational program" (pad redakturay Alena Mіnchenі i Volkі Sasunkevіch). minicell foam Geta adukatsyyny pradukt, yakі skladaetstsa s brashury, Testo, yakі dazvalyae vyznachyts naybolsh prablemnyya minicell foam razumennі minicell foam gendarnay perspektyvy pytannі, i dysku s dadatkovymі materyyalamі for Prace over temamі brashury. Brashura skladaetstsa s chatyroh modulyaў: "Gender and gender: Biology - it's fate?", "New life strategies and new forms of the family," "Gender and Politics" i "Gender in the media." Resursny package byў adnym s vynіkaў Prace praekta house of Belarusian pravoў chalaveka Vіlnі "Razvіtstse gendarnay adchuvalnastsі Belarus" (2011-2012).
- First of all, we, as editors, in everyday life are foremost scholar and theorists in this sense, and it is on our shoulders with Olga Sasunkevich largely lay the responsibility for the quality of textbooks and materials resource pack. Our avtorki wrote on the basis of the training and the texts that we selected and recommended by topic. And we worked very long time with each of avtorok individually. So here we are with Olga perform minicell foam role theorists, but also because of our participants were those who completed a master's program in Gender Studies at YSU, and we counted on their theoretical contributions. In this sense, there are dual position.
- From the beginning we wanted to as a result of the project to get some food. Because we have a professional team director Natalia Head and researcher Alexander Ignatovitch movie, it was clear that there would be some visual form. The second idea was to study or some textual material. Literally at the first meetings participants determine which medium they want to work (with or visually), and then we have already discussed, in what form it will.
One group decided minicell foam that it would be a documentary ("Sukenka"). Those participants who have come to us to work with Olga, came to the idea of the resource pack. Initially, minicell foam we asked them to see what all is on "gender-market", what are the materials, including in their organization, and to think that they would like to eventually get. There were options to work with booklet, short forms, but all the same, as it was the first project in the end the conference participants came to the conclusion that they want to do a detailed product that it was something didactic: read the topic, look for more materials picked interactive exercises if you are a coach, and you can go to work with the group. We and participants realized that such a product in Belarus.
It was important that we did in the Belarusian brochure material. We immediately agreed with the participants that we will have a separate section where we will be giving calculations, search for a material that could coach (la) is operated by the Belarusian data that he or she owned (a) of our situation.
We asked participants to express interest in specific topics. From them came wishes, and we watched with Olya, as conceptually possible to build and offered them a structure that was discussed together again. We want everyone to understand the ideas that we have laid in the structure (why so these modules are built) to agree with her. Thus, it was way process - our experience and knowledge and interests of the participants, their wishes is what they want to write and what they do not have enough text to work.
We ask that participants thought, who needs this resource pack, strongly encourage minicell foam them to do so. If they tell us that someone arranged minicell foam for a presentation - we support all those initiatives that they "went to the people," to carry your product somewhere. Every time I say boldly, you're minicell foam writers! They do not need to seek approval from us or something like that.
- They offered us what they would like to write about what has not yet been written either not written, in their opinion. Of course, not all present a variety of topics, minicell foam and we stepped minicell foam up topics that should still be there. For example, the topic of homophobia does not immediately appear.
- Large dispute was not. When we were with Olya our vision of what we believe, I must say, we convincingly portrayed the any topic, such as the incompatibility of homophobia and democracy is clear that the problem in our area need to be able to explain how it's all connected; why, if the party is considered democratic or if the person considers himself a Democrat, can not go in parallel discourse "why gays go on the street

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