Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Non-autoclaved foam, compared with autoclaved aerated concrete or peno-, can dramatically reduce th

Properties The properties of foam concrete low density - low weight load low thermal conductivity - erection of buildings without additional external insulation pozharobezopasen high sound quality prone to rotting low water absorption, resistant to alternating freezing and thawing breathability - building "breathes" good sound insulation and comfortable in handling - well cut, hvozdytsya, sverlytsya has the ideal surface for any kind of treatment foam is classified cellular concrete. Cellular concrete is an artificial porous material with pores uniformly distributed throughout the volume of up to 3 mm. Receive it by the curing solution foam cafe dublin consisting of cement, sand, water and foam. This foam provides the necessary air content in concrete and its uniform distribution throughout the mass in the form of closed cells. The foam is produced from penokontsentrata. Volume weight cellular concrete is between 200-1300 kg / m . The porous structure of cellular concrete formed by: the introduction of a mixture hazoobrazuyuschyh substances (aerated concrete); mixing liquid mass of pre-cooked foam (foam concrete);
Foam enjoys foam cafe dublin great popularity in Germany, Holland, Scandinavia, Czech Republic. In the latter units, it is called "byoblokamy" as a feedstock uses only environmentally friendly natural ingredients: burnt lime, sand and water, with a relatively small addition of cement. foam cafe dublin Recently, to reduce the cost of building materials often used in the form of waste components of various industries, such as slag. Agree that is unpleasant to live in a house built with somebody wastes, environmental friendliness which can not be entirely sure.
Very convenient that blocks of foam (penobloki) can be cut, drilled, milled, and processing elements fastened with nails, as usual tree. For its characteristics and consumer properties the material closest to the tree, but has a much greater durability.
Foam insulation properties to several times the silicate and ceramic foam cafe dublin brick, leaving walls can be significantly thinner under the same terms of thermal conductivity. It becomes possible by a thickening of the walls of the building foam cafe dublin blocks foam cafe dublin of foam greatly improve heat engineering house. Due to the fact that the foam blocks foam cafe dublin of foam with a significantly lower density of the total weight of box building with concrete foam cafe dublin brick comes much easier. This significantly reduces the load on the foundation and therefore foam cafe dublin allows to make it more lightweight. Best thermal properties allow foam also significantly reduce the cost of heating homes.
Construction of concrete masonry walls reduces the complexity, expense solution for masonry walls, does not require highly skilled masons. At home with concrete with high sanitary properties and low radiation (due to the lack of concrete rubble components). Atmosphere in the room is the same as in wooden houses - walls "breathe", but do not rot. For thermal and mechanical properties of all materials is near all foam to wood, easily handled well hvozdytsya, with fireproof and pozharobezopasen. Foam in industrial and civil construction foam cafe dublin is used to: exterior walls internal foam cafe dublin partitions thermal insulation of roofs, attics sound intermediate floors Heat insulation (foam concrete instead of expanded clay) manufacturing of products (Wall Units, termovkladyshy, partition plates, etc.). Consider some pipe insulation benefits of foam Energy Saving
Non-autoclaved foam, compared with autoclaved aerated concrete or peno-, can dramatically reduce the cost of insulation of walls and roofs of houses and significantly reduce construction time. This is achieved foam cafe dublin through energy savings in the production of concrete, reducing the number of workers, cheapness and lack concrete components of complex construction equipment. Fire prevention and environmental safety
Foam nonflammable, has high fire resistance, making it an attractive material for the construction of fire-resistant structures. When exposed to intense heat, such blowtorch foam on the surface it is not split and explodes, as is the case with heavy concrete. In tests conducted in Australia, the outer side wall of concrete thickness of 150 mm was subjected to heating to 1200 C, and the inner heated foam cafe dublin only to 46 C after 5 hours exam. Tests show that the foam thickness 150 mm protects against fire for 4 hours. The material is non-toxic and has no harmful emissions when heated inherent insulating materials with plastic or basalt wool. Insulation
Acoustic foam properties such that the sound is absorbed by not reflecting,

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