Tuesday, February 17, 2015

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Welcome, young supporters of chemistry circle foam definition on the page "Himikus - Tsikavikus." Our group is designed for curious explorers of the world, those who do not consider boring foam definition chemistry who are interested in the unusual properties of all known and unknown substances!
Oxygen foam very interesting experiment! As we know, oxygen can be extracted schedule oksyhenovmisnyh compounds. Earlier in the circle we have conducted experiments on the extraction of oxygen from potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide. The program 7th grade, we also performed practical work on the extraction of oxygen and study its properties. But yesterday foam definition we modified the experiment on the extraction of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide and added to the reaction mixture gel. It was a lot of fun! Oxygen, which was formed by the decomposition of peroxide in the presence of a catalyst (2H 2 O 2 = 2H 2 O + O 2), spinyuvav gel. We conducted several experiments, changing catalysts - potassium permanganate, manganese (IV) oxide, copper Ammoniate. In each case, spillovers reactions were different but very interesting! We offer see our video. foam definition So far it is imperfect, but Stanislav hem, a student of M-31 helps us create videotapes the experiments, we then show you how. So see and rejoice with us:
Very interesting experiment. By the way, today we conducted the experiment again. It was interesting. Also tried to hold the gel experiment without oxygen and immediately freed. It was unexpected but interesting. March 30, 2011 18:56
Did you know that ...
The temperature in the trunk of lightning reaches 20 000 C, while nitrogen reacts with oxygen, leading to the formation of about 2 million tons of nitric acid daily (or 700 million tons per year) World production of nitric acid is about 30 million tons per year
Things to convert iron compounds
XuMuK.ru-site at Alhymyk Vyrtualnaya Chemistry Laboratory Environmental Site "ecosystem" foam definition Journal "Chemistry and Hymyky" Organic Chemistry Popular Mechanics Website teachers Chemistry Teacher vыzыvaly Kiev? Chemical Olympiad in Ukraine Something interesting foam definition happening in science Elements Large Science
"Silver mirror" activated carbon adsorption aluminum Amphotery boric acid ammonia alum helium hydrogen flame burning gypsum hydration esters fat color flame color flame Zelenka testing iodine calcium gluconate potassium permanganate catalyst oxygen preservatives chalk competition crystal crystalline crystallization water crystallization of starch magnesium malachite MAN cute coin museum metals copper sulfate copper minerals sodium benzoate ammonia tin Olympics onyx base salts hydrogen peroxide baking soda presentation projects rose sand Decomposition year chemistry secret ink sublimation Festival of Science iron supplements copper chloride chemistry sugar chips qualitative indicators reactions
2014 (3) April (1) March (1) January (1) 2013 (9) December (1) November (1) March (7) 2012 (17) April (7) March (4) February (5) January (1) 2011 (41) November (5) October (2) September (1) July (1) June (3) May (3) April (6) March (11) Again Oxygen Facial foam definition Foam Green flame Our tour Congratulations! Walk! Exploring chips crystals of metallic copper extracted! Launched a new page! Caution Competition! Learning crystalline February (3) January (6) 2010 (6) December (3) November (3)
Template Picture Window. Template images foam definition by user wingmar. Technology Blogger.

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