Monday, November 25, 2013

[Session 3: Attacks 1] Chair: Guofei Gu Distance Hijacking Attacks on Distance Bounding Protocols

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Cooperation information gathering and providing consulting and exchanges with guidance Access Links Business ISIT medium-and long-term R & D planning research and development inside and outside agencies summary information disclosure foam lake document public relations and activity report supporting members of Greetings purpose of establishment the Institute for HOME ISIT Notice of such notice laboratory project from creation support human resource development announcement event information researcher ISIT recruitment of new industries and businesses through foam lake industry-university cooperation foam lake
Activities Cyber-physical system of social projects of other laboratory foam lake system architecture laboratory information security laboratory life support information technology laboratory nanotechnology laboratory organic light device laboratory project agriculture SNS JICA Thailand foam lake energy independence dispersion past (CPSS) Research Center for Kyushu IT fusion system Council (ES-Kyushu) ISIT Car Electronics Research foam lake Society Human Life Information Technology Research Association (HIT Study Group) Big Data & Open Data Study Group in Kyushu
(Gold) [place] The Westin St.Francis, San Francisco 25 日 5 (Mon) - May 20 meeting [name] IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2012 IEEE CS Security and Privacy Workshops [Dates], 2012, (IACR) [participants] about 400 [CA] sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy International foam lake Association for Cryptologic Research foam lake [reporter] Matsumoto researcher
Number of the presented papers was carried out in a single-threaded session of 3 days at 40 hotels. foam lake The number of submissions 289. 40 hotels have been finally adopted, adoption rate was 13.8%. 73% are from the United foam lake States, by country breakdown in the adoption papers is 25% where from Europe the United States is more than half, by country breakdown in the submissions was 1 comes in part from China in Asia. There was no paper adopted from Japan as a result. However there was 1 announcement that person of KDDI R & D Labs has become a co-author.
Star a total of 5, Workshop is W2SP (Web 2.0 Security and Privacy), MoST (Mobile Security Technologies), WSCS (Workshop on Semantic Computing and Security), WRIT (Workshop on Research for Insider Threat), TrustED (Workshop on Special Aspects of Cyber were made Trustworthy Embedded Systems) is, over two days: Physical Systems.
It was only advanced presentation as a whole, and presentations on security (satellite phone, Single-Sign-being served actually was impressive presentation that you appeal practicality, effectiveness at the same time is were many The announcement of such vulnerabilities On Web system). 400 people per room accommodates Because it is a single-session overview of the conference now. Audience is 13.8 percent adoption rate accepted 40 reviews discussed 72 reviews submitted 289 reviews 1st stage 213 2nd stage 127 reviews reviews reviews for registered 305 (Mokusan) paper selection 300 people about
The contents IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2013 May 20-22, foam lake 2013 each session 21 月 5 日 (月曜) [Session 1: System Security] [Session 2: Malware] [Session 3: Attacks 1] [Session foam lake 4: Foundations] [Session 5: Access Control and Attestation]
A Framework to Eliminate Backdoors from Response Computable Authentication Shuaifu Dai, Tao Wei, Chao Zhang, Tielei Wang, Yu Ding, and Wei Zou (Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Peking Univ.), And Zhenkai Liang (National Univ. Of Singapore ) Authentication (RCA: to prevent the back door in the implementation of Response-computable Authentication), intended to implement the authentication module and sandbox. Classifies the implementation type of authentication, you are subjected to different measures to respectively.
Safe Loading - A Foundation for Secure Execution of Untrusted Programs Mathias Payer, Tobias foam lake Hartmann, and Thomas R. Gross (ETH Zurich) author TruE: called Trusted RUntime Environment (a shared library), Trusted Loader to replace the loader. I interact App, and Sandbox. As an attack model, assuming a (ROP / JOP) Return Oriented Programming JOP Jump Oriented Programming method code injection code reuse to escalate privileges. Compare (no sandbox) / TruE native / secure loader foam lake for the processing performance of the implementation, performance foam lake impact showed that small.
Flash Memory for Ubiquitous Hardware Security Functions: replication True Random Number Generation and Device Fingerprints Yinglei Wang, Wing-kei Yu, Shuo Wu, Greg Malysa, G. Edward Suh, and Edwin Kan a (Cornell University) physically impossible Features: For information on how to be used as a device-specific fingerprinting (PUF) Physically unclonable functions, I suggest the one using the physical characteristics of the Flash memory. From having to support the abort, to see the value to abort in the middle of the program after erase (write) is (Open NAND Flash I / F) ONFI is a flash standard I / F. Order is determined by (a variation of) the characteristics of Flash cells, can be used as a fingerprint to the change. It also shows the validation result foam lake change in temperature, aging, check the smallness of the variation. foam lake Further, it is shown that can be used as a random number generator. question crossed for a moment, foam lake and do really foam lake usable, but this might be a practical way and, quite interesting. Flash cell is very inexpensive after all, there is a Tsukaide.
ReDeBug: (. Carnegie Mellon Univ) for a patch that is issued when a vulnerability is found Finding Unpatched Code Clones in Entire OS Distributions Jiyong foam lake Jang, Abeer Agrawal, and David Brumley code, sections that execute the same process (ie in some cases the patch is not issued to the code clone). A method to quickly detect unpatched code clone like this. It is also in the paper on the detection method of Android malware that was presented at ESSoS 2012, except foam lake that it to use a new method to detect security of code clone is the development / maintenance of software technique originally interesting.
[Session 2: Malware] Chair: Juan Caballero foam lake [SoK]: Prudent Practices for Designing Malware Experiments: Status Quo and Outlook Christian Rossow and Christian J. Dietrich (Institute for Internet Security, Gelsenkirchen), Chris Grier, Christian Kreibich, and Vern survey treatise foam lake presenting the guidelines of how to verify Paxson (International Computer Science Institute), Norbert Pohlmann (Institute for Internet Security, Gelsenkirchen), and Herbert Bos and Maarten van Steen of (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Malware. Containment, transparency, realism, correct data sets and the like.
step Abusing File Processing in Malware Detectors foam lake for Fun and Profit Suman Jana and Vitaly Shmatikov of (Univ. of Texas at Austin) malware detection performs Perth from inference of file types. But to recognize the erroneous to confuse the identity of the file type attack called Chameleon attack. In this paper, we present a method to counter this attack.
[SoK]: foam lake survey treatise on the classification of Android malware Characterization foam lake and Evolution Yajin Zhou and Xuxian Jiang (North Carolina State Univ.): Dissecting Android Malware. 86 percent of malware is due to re-packaging of (popular game, utility, entertainment many) regular software.
[Session 3: Attacks 1] Chair: Guofei Gu Distance Hijacking Attacks on Distance Bounding Protocols Cas Cremers (ETH Zurich), foam lake Kasper Bonne Rasmussen (Univ. of California, Irvine), and Benedikt Schmidt and Srdjan Capkun (ETH Zurich) Distance Bounding The Protocols, the security protocol based on the distance. Keyless entry, etc. of the car. Is constructed, the protocol verification for attack methods provided foam lake Prover distance incorrect Verifier verifier in the Prover.
Don't Trust Satellite Phones: A Security Analysis of Two Sat-phone Standards Benedikt Driessen, Ralf Hund, C

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