Wednesday, June 3, 2015

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Everyone educolor knows the myth of Icarus, prepared educolor by a famous unknown, originating in countries experiencing the worst economic crisis in its history. Three thousand years away, we see that the themes of reflection on the social elites and their behaviors change little. Icarus, indeed, among the many types megalomaniac that can embody, is reminiscent educolor of the men of power carried, from a certain moment, it is unclear why (so-called "good fortune" ) by wings, and suddenly go up at full speed towards educolor dizzying heights. But the least informed, just like Icarus, intoxicated by the speed and the excess oxygen, rush too quickly educolor to the heights, at the risk of damaging their wings of wax, and sometimes even in an insurance momentum from getting too close to the sun and burn it at once the means of their ascent.
During the golden age of Italian cinema, the peak time of the links between educolor the Mafia and the Peninsula of power circles, many directors have based their reputation on films describing nepotism and high flying thugs. Thus Elio Pietri, director educolor and Communist who had to suffer the consequences during the "years of lead", won the Special Jury Prize at Cannes for a film titled: Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (1972) . The "hero" of the film, played by the great Gian Maria Volonte, is head of the criminal brigade of the Roman capital and gets to the beginning of the story promotion, how to emphasize the collusion between the circles of power, being placed at the head of the political brigade (an organ absorbed by its struggle against communism educolor rather than the corruption of Italian educolor politicians).
In fact, right from the first minute of the film, the viewer knows that he is a murderer horny and frustrated, that puts a term, a knife, in the life of his mistress, the sublime Florinda Bolkan. He was immediately strange behavior because it leaves behind highly incriminating clues for him. Back among his peers, he epitomizes the dictatorial boss and idle, thinking only pass the time by several educolor more futile amusements. But soon, it appears preoccupied and without the viewer even understand what purpose it continues to sow everywhere evidence of his guilt. The many absurd situations in which he finds himself, flirting with both the comic, the tragic and repugnant, are accompanied by the music of Ennio Morricone, educolor reinforcing the impression of humor and intrigue mixed. Soon we understand the problem: what haunts our hero, is the sense he has of his absolute impunity, worse, his omnipotence, since it can put a fait accompli men without them dare lift a finger against him, and inhibition of respect for authority he embodies. We will not release the film's end, must-see and see again, to sustain this timeless gem of the Seventh Art. We will establish a link only between Icarus, Pietri, Will one side, DSK and JC other (thank you at the World player who made this good word: "There will be a socialist government of BC and a Socialist government of AD ").
Good article. Beautiful feather! You've given the desire to see this film which I had never heard. That said, let me emphasize that the link could easily be expanded to most people gnawed by ambition. There are actually no bad policy, but again, ca would deserve to extend the topic to other areas or manifested this great quality of human nature. Perhaps in a new article ..?
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