Friday, December 27, 2013

As a result of the unequal distribution of the population is agricultural land in Java is getting n

Currently, Indonesia is experiencing luchtkussenfolie a variety of problems in the field of population. With that reflects the dynamics, growth, composition, and various calculations which presents data on population, is quite clear that the natural state of Indonesia clicking the following problems.
Population problems are not resolved can hamper development programs. The population is much higher quality and will become a valuable capital for the implementation of development programs in a region or country.
However, if the number of people who many not be offset by the high quality of the population, will become an obstacle to the success of development programs. Indonesia's population problems have an impact luchtkussenfolie on other aspects of life such as:
With so many population problems in Indonesia, the government made efforts to solve these problems. The government's efforts, among others, aims to equalize the distribution of the population and improve its quality. All
a.melaksanakan transmigration program;
The development luchtkussenfolie of the population density in Java and Madura is high ie 1980 amounted to 690 souls per square luchtkussenfolie kilometer, in 1990 to 814 souls and 1998 to 938 inhabitants per square kilometer (km2).
As a result of the unequal distribution of the population is agricultural land in Java is getting narrower. Portion of land to farmers for settlement and industry. Instead a lot of land outside Java has not been optimally utilized due to lack of human resources. Most of the land outside Java left alone without any agricultural activity. Such circumstances must be very unfortunate in implementing luchtkussenfolie regional development luchtkussenfolie and for increased defense and security.
The factors that lead to high levels of migration to Java, partly because of Java: - As the central government. luchtkussenfolie - Most of the land is fertile volcanic soil. - It is the center of economic and industrial activities so many jobs available. - There are various levels and types of education. - Have a good communication luchtkussenfolie tool and smoothly.
Concentration of population in big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan and other big cities can cause adverse effects on the environment such as: The emergence luchtkussenfolie of informal luchtkussenfolie settlements. Rivers polluted by landfills used either by public or industrial plants. Air pollution from industrial and vehicle fumes. The emergence of various social problems such as robbery, prostitution and others.
These efforts are: - Equitable development. - Job creation in these areas are sparsely populated and rural areas. - Providing education to the community about the management of the natural environment.
In addition to the Javanese population distribution imbalance occurs in Irian Jaya and Kalimantan. The total area of Irian Jaya, Indonesia 21.99% luchtkussenfolie of the area, but the population is only 0.92% of the entire population of Indonesia. The island of Borneo breadth 28.11% of Indonesia, but the population is only 5% of the total population of Indonesia.
The aim of transmigration, namely: - Flatten the population distribution in Indonesia. - Improved living standards of migrants. - Processing luchtkussenfolie of natural resources. - Equitable development in all parts of Indonesia. - Providing jobs for migrants. - Increase of national unity. - Increases defense and security areas of Indonesia.
Unequal Distribution of impact on the environment. Areas with dense populations occur excessive exploitation of natural resources so that terganggulah natural balance. An example is the ever-shrinking luchtkussenfolie forests cut down to clear land for agriculture and settlement. Adverse effects of forest loss are: - flooding due to rainwater infiltration by reduced forest - a drought - forest land became barren due to erosion
Population issues in Indonesia, we can conclude that: 1. Large populations. luchtkussenfolie 2. Rapid population growth. 3. Uneven population distribution. 4. Low population quality. 5. The composition of most of the young population. So you can understand the problems of population in Indonesia as mentioned above, note the following description. The population of a large population in a country became the most important factor luchtkussenfolie in the implementation of development due to be the subject and object of development. Large population useful in: - Provision of labor in natural resource issues. - Maintaining the integrity of the state of the threat emanating from other nations. In addition to the benefits, it turns out that large population of Indonesia is number 4 in the world face a particularly complex issue, namely:

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