Saturday, December 7, 2013

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Normal disclaimer up front, I m a Monsanto employee, my musings here are entirely the product of the weird sack of meat contained foam cushions within my skull and not the views of big M. Brad Gottshall : –
Even the UCS report failure foam cushions to yield calls you a liar in this respect, even a biased surreality based group like the UCS had to concede a (if I remember the figure correctly) 4-5% increase in yield attributable to Bt in corn in the US.
Because last years on farm trials of Monsanto s droughtguard product simply didn t happen. And it isn t being scaled up this year. And it didn t beat out Pioneer s offering (which is the product of breeding and not GM). Hang on wait a moment, all those things happened. It s almost like you re totally wrong on this front also. I sense, what certain disinterested parties might call, a pattern.
Lets think about this. Imagine we have Variety A. Then we insert a gene, and people get so terribly excited that they refuse to call it Variety A any more (which is kinda silly, but people on both sides do this for opposing reasons) you now, as if by magic, have two varieties. Alas however I would have to agree with you on this point (although only so far as my blockquote above contains it the GMO process doesn t impact foam cushions diversity at all (the insertion of a single foam cushions gene is such a small change that I balk every time I see it described as a new variety (or even species!) whether this descriptor comes from anti or pro- GMO folk.
How exactly? This makes no sense. Once a transgene is inserted into one variety it is not locked there forever, it is true that only a single instance of transformation (or event) is covered by deregulation, but the key to commercially successful GMOs is the introgression of this transgene into as many varieties as is possible, you don t get rid of anything that works, you breed the transgene in. There is often this bizarre idea floating around the sidelines that somehow all Bt corn is the same, all RR Soy the same this is absurd. foam cushions If it were the case RR and Bt would have died a spectacular death in the first couple of years of commercialization, or would, at least, have been so geographically foam cushions limited as to offer no real financial reward to the companies producing them. As things foam cushions stand the RR trait is licensed foam cushions broadly and introgressed into a wide range of varieties Pioneer corn is

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