Friday, July 25, 2014

One morning Mark my podrani Snap out Mark, out of Varosha to proshetat naija Kosovo; Usce first pea

One morning Mark my podrani Snap out Mark, out of Varosha to proshetat naija Kosovo; Usce first peali not roosters, he threw Sharcu shoulders and I followed white roads; Upon sredenokj Skopje passed out; even roosters propeale first, he spent Kachanski Gorges; even dawn morning dawned, he kind naija Kosovo; even s'lnce izgreet morning, he came into the Kosovo Polje! Mark Nishcho lucky not streti. Sade streti Kosovska girl. Mark her velit: - Good morning, good morning, foam dice Kosovke widow! A damned him-he replied: I did not Kosovka widow Sue, but Sue did Kosovka girl. -Mark Kralevikje then said: Lets you-you Kosovke girls will ask me the right to say, That's you hair turned white, white raffia you broke? Ali tvojego complain of genders, That you're young omozhila? Then-girlfriend said Kosovka:-Having no zhaljam of genders mojego, toku have the thirty years, how come my black Arab from my wedding prekupil kings: who are the young hero Ka ozhenit, he crippled thirty-three Mintz, a girl who will mozhit, her lame thirty Mintz. My brothers, my poor, my treasure nemaet to daet; Because my hair turned white, white raffia me broke! -Mark then steamed in her arm, pulled me thirty Mintz, yeah give Kosovke girl then said Kralevikje Mark: Yeah I want a boy across from him, to love, to marry and Arab weddings to pay. I'll ask Kosovke girls will ask me the right to say, Biography friends or your blood, our Orthodox faith Biography, Biography Name of Jesus Christ, I do not you fool me: kode be kuln Arabs? Answer Kosovka girl:-Towers him alone poznavaet under Kosovo on green livagje. Sow Belana have the umbrella, the umbrella of gold apple tova svetit as clearly slnce, foam dice distance themselves poznavat. -Mark Kralevikje then tightened, then tightened his fast horses. I rest Arapova guard, the rest Usce far, he govorit Crne Arabs:-Arabs, our sir, ye go by highway scary scary yeah shared my horses naljutilo from his legs Ogoni letat sparks from his mouth Paget white foams from his nose blue plamni foam dice battles of eyes pushchat thunders, and the worst thing I changed: the pleshchi foam dice him Kozuv mechishte of the cap from his head v'lchishche in mouth black nosit way at least as lamb polovingodishno. -Arab Black then said:-Lets you vami thirty guards, foam dice you wait it nice and weapons belt take, send it to me to doet: Yours is my young nezheneto, Yours wedding idea was to platit me daet nebrojano treasure. foam dice -Arab Usce lafot not doreche me closer Mark Kralevikje. When Mark approached the guards, all guards and escape, in which field, a mountain. foam dice Right Arabs pulled the umbrella. Mark him velit: - Good morning, good morning, our sir, sir, an Arab over-Sea! Tell me who feeds a wedding, you pay a royal wedding, then Ka gains after you see it, Zore svatove chekaet me sweat. -Arab Black then said:-High's you, who knows delijo, Usce if you have not learned? Evo have the thirty years of flat gray kode Kosovo: who is young hero Ka ozhenit, foam dice he took thirty-three Mintz, a girl that will mozhit, take her thirty Mintz; greatest hero like you, and sixty or not you much! -Mark then steamed in armpits, foam dice Sade took me three Mintz: The you-you our sir, for you you Sade three Mintz: trust me more treasure no. When I go on a beautiful bride, That I will darchok daruvat me, all you will darchok poklona. -Arab Black then said: al-Lodges me, al say truth, al joke with me you fought? -I took my heavy topuzina, I hit four three sweating. Then Mark said Kralevikje:-God you killed, Black Arabs! Al laugh, true pelted al, al kozhuvov of dust you shake? Hold on to me and slap you!, You can see the hero as mavat. Pack-out Mark Kralevikje me out his topuzina. When the Arab Marcus waved thank God, a great miracle, snogata he failed to take, and his head ran away. Turn pushchi thirty guards. dvajset Row and all beat up, A Trinity Sade I left, my three young lichit crier, my lichit through colorectal foam dice Kosovo:
Kode imatjunak-marrying, to cripple girl opposite him, to cripple, to marry! Kode-mozhenje to have the girl, to the lame guy opposite her, to lame, to be omozhit! Zaplatila Markova right, zaplatila whole wedding.
2009 (6) October (1) September (5) The king Marko Prilep my capital. Pelagonci ... Glory Glory slavit Kralevikje Mark ... Mark slavit Kralevikj Krale ja Cancels svadbarinata One morning in March ... setal Marko pokraj belo more

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