Saturday, April 25, 2015

At the end of capitalism:

Welcome to my blog, which trace the path of knowledge by following jennifer zacarias the footsteps of others who have set out long before me. If this difficult path eventually manage to leave even a small footprint mine, my goal would be met. Happy browsing. (Plotinus - Chletsos Claus)
Before turning to the latest developments in relation to new balances anaitountai with the Troika the EU and the IMF on the new Greek government, a few necessary jennifer zacarias initial findings in relation to our economic problem:
Greece is Switzerland geopolitical, location and the risks resulting from that position, limiting the options. Alliances are necessary. The apple and Athens dialogue in the W HAT has preserved Thucydides is timeless with p ikairos. Father apparently, the story constantly e p undertaken, since the strength of a nation, p POD p legislative control Luton p p p roduction conditions and energy in the wider geo p Olic space. In such CONTEXT not apply moral barriers, but the law of the strong. Father as attributes indicate the Athenians in a a p p ER song of dialogue: "When there u p files between two forces equal power p Ross ensure their interests, then the strong do what their e p p if the trpE strength and weak u p ochoroun and a p odechontai ".
The political and social ethics and education as developed by the dictatorship and then, does not inspire any security to support groundbreaking designs strategies and applications from any Greek government.
The composition of the new government jennifer zacarias outside of prominent party members of SYRIZA is tileasteres George Papadakis, made excellent choices in the panels !.
Historically, also, at the beginning of the century (as now), globally there are collisions, rollovers, deconstructions of social and economic systems, jennifer zacarias because societies change, and therefore the needs of societies. The interests but on which are structured societies refuse jennifer zacarias to relinquish their rights. As a result there are conflicts, jennifer zacarias revolutions and wars. Until human societies find new equilibrium point and the new needs of management systems, conflicts are inevitable.
Currently we are experiencing globally the end of a historic cycle. West made her a leader in the world first of all culture and especially its cultural tradition, in which the Greeks have played a major role. Alexander jennifer zacarias the Great interesting to conquer the minds of people who lived in the area of his empire, jennifer zacarias and thus created a "universe", ie a world spiritual horizon, and not merely an empire. Hence created Greek education centers and not just Dioikitiriou jennifer zacarias possessions.
Unlike jennifer zacarias Attila the Hun (ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death in 453 AD) was only interested in the conquest of space and the exploitation of material resources of his possessions, and so I created a short-lived barbaric empire founded the raw power and crime.
O j values of Renaissance and Enlightenment also abandoned by the very West, and both are challenged and attack by anti-Western forces! In other words, dies Western classicism and this leads to death and Western Caesar, even though the Western Caesar-that the US leadership and the euro area, still thinks he can continue to rule over the logic business as usual (-business as usual) and averting crises in to make new wars. Betraying and abandoning the very cultural jennifer zacarias tradition-that jennifer zacarias the soul thereof; the West goes, indeed, a historical cycle end. Z Umea So at the end of a historic cycle, namely:
At the end of capitalism: "Only one thing is left in the global economic system: crumble into the abyss. Based on a progressive increase in net financial institutions, banks first and then more complex and sophisticated stock structures, the system of modern capitalism is completely divorced from reality, the balance between supply and demand, the ratio

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