Monday, April 13, 2015

Four poems of Yolanda, from the collection in the image and likeness (1973). Is the second task pre

IT 'S NOT ONLY ROCK AND ROLL (How ever heard rock music by the young a Third World country) Author: Theodore Lambropoulos Publications Bookstars, Athens 2013 The book of Theodore Lambropoulos, is a book that tries to define the concept of freedom. The key concept, attempts to outline, through a series of discussions of heroes. The action reminds the film Easy Rider , but is small and pretense, that has the dominant role, are the discussions. point roll What is included in these discussions? Dozens of issues: point roll The Greek rock, American psychedelia, in Woodstock, the Monterey Pop Festival, the hippies, point roll the KKE, the LSD, the urban guerrilla, Greece under yoke Memorandum, drugs, Byzantium, Christianity, Fascism, Anarchism, violence and anti-violence .... These same issues are triggered once, to most of us, all-night discussions, but discussions, which -in verse Paul Sidiropoulou- never finished and never not going to finish. I would not say that we have just a novel. I would say that we have a concept analysis, according course with the ideology of the author, presented the semblance of fiction. It is -at least in emena- obvious that through the words of his heroes, the Lambropoulos, presents what he believes. The book gives me more the impression of a private diary, point roll rather than a book with different characters and adversaries. Eventually, all the heroes more or less consistent. point roll Therefore, we have a book of action different characters, but a book like, in their thinking, heroes, expressed similarly. This, for fiction, is a disadvantage, because there, the existence of conflict is required, and different characters to appear strongly and clearly. For me, the book Lambropoulos, is an ideology, formulated with fictional way. Interestingly So this book? Certainly, and in my opinion should be read by all who seek the meaning of rock or puzzled over the movement of freedom. It is not necessary to agree with the author's views. The interest is not always point roll the one with which I agree, but also in that which you disagree. A special hero of the book, Silver, will infuriate his views, readers who have assessed the KKE. The Silver expresses strongly ideological positions Agis Stinis. But should not ever, fans of the KKE, read calmly and such places? The hero becomes more likeable to me, is the one described point roll in the book, nicknamed Trotsky. He, in his book, says many original and nice. I quote a characteristic passage ... "... Another time he said:" The ancients point roll believed that the only thing we can hope for in this life is a tombstone, which can be written anything point roll worth reading. Something that is not trivial, or clichés and do not cause boredom. Some, indeed, did not believe point roll even in that. " He laughed as before, showing the teeth again. - "What would you like as a funerary epigram?" I'd ask between serious and funny. - Swing heil! , Had responded point roll immediately as if expecting the question. He explained that it was a paraphrase of the famous Sieg heil! -zito victory! - by which children swing in Nazi Germany parodousan status point roll ... "What is the ideology point roll of the book, namely Lambropoulos? I do not know exactly. Seems to reject point roll everything, the KKE, the Right and the Left, even Anarchism. There is a place that seems to support, and this is the "revolution of the cock." However, this post at the end of the book, immersed in the relentless reality and a bitter end. Finally, I wonder whether the queries underground born when reading, beyond the obvious places. I will recommend you to read this book. And no, do not agree, A priori. Reflect, infuriating, vriste, or finally, if you go, agree. But read it first. One last thing I want to say to Lambropoulos. Theodore, swim looking at the river, point roll where everything flows and nothing stays. Everything that glitters is not gold, and something point roll that now you seem dirty, it may be gold.
"Theodore, swim looking at the river, where everything flows and nothing stays." That was the river, this is the sea (Waterboys point roll - "This is the sea") Thanks for the effort you made to read and, of course, for the presentation. Reply Delete
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Four poems of Yolanda, from the collection in the image and likeness (1973). Is the second task presents, during ...
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