Friday, October 25, 2013

Decision of the Court to be Shqipris Constitutional Treaty for the annulment of maritime Greece, pr

Decision of the Court to be Shqipris Constitutional Treaty for the annulment of maritime Greece, prfundimisht ended speculation egnjeshtrave be scandalous to Sali Berishs Government. Constitutional Court shptoi zari ksaj time! The execution stopped to national government's betrayal Sali Berishs.
Zatnq the beginning of negotiations with Greek, burlap rolls Albanian government that is trying to keep all this process somewhat secret, or not so t rndsishm present, en No banned order for t Shqipris against state interests. Prkundrazi, became the rrfe Bnin this agreement is several more in interest than t t Shqipris Greece, and the lines are put in marine partitions be proportional to fully and correctly. It is not outrageous? Does not this is national treason, sale of state interests? Selling or forgiveness of a Greek marine parts can not be justified in order for No banned. Sharlatante group (experts) in negotiating with the top gene. Grvenin, are back up only the Greek maritime maps, which maps to who knows how far are The purpose EPR br, s which have understood that his dog mn interest to Greece. There are Albanian matter maps, measurements burlap rolls of the documents that have been br m Hert. There are supports in international conventions and regulations, and international rights n t is not searched any help from a pal of third etc. .. All kt Covenant n dmt Shqipris negotiators ("experts") tan and charlatans have done to full consciousness, as if it was anyone's lying. Greece has great interest to economic and strategic entry in Albanian waters deeper in, because part nprkt pass thought that gas will come from Turkey, to pass in Italy en across Europe. Greeks also provide or have information that this part is also rich marine diesel, and also for them exploited for fishing, tourism, etc.. Benefit of good or not! Greece by dog n t m favorable international positions, especially who is a member of the European Union leaves no chance without the expense prfituar n t Shqipris , Albania be also be done while a member of the European Union. On the other hand, the Albania fears that Greece may bj any setbacks during rrugsprn European Union, evnn weak positive and m t pressure in a lighthouse. Permissions in this pressure is compounded by the large number of Albanian immigrants in Greece, etc. that are found. burlap rolls But other reasons prkundrktyre circumstances, this agreement can not justify the decision of the Albanian government to forgive Sali Berishsq millimeters either a water or together Greece. Albanian will together millimeters, is not the private property burlap rolls of any government that comes into power! Governments come and go, while the remaining land or water state, to his people. burlap rolls There fqinjsia protect the interests of better state of being forgiven TND other parts of the state. Compels one to do about this, no rule, no code, no law. Prkundrazi, are also bound by the Constitution to protect interests that state, to be mime. It was as if the government ndrgjegjshme burlap rolls eprgjegjshme kombtarisht and politically, will not come up here at work. Many tragedies burlap rolls and scandals have plagued the zari from this government, burlap rolls the pandrgjegjshme kombtarisht, paprgjegjshme and politically, and there is no qudi that even in the future, t us tragedies of other misfortune. Have much merit of large men Constitutional Court available burlap rolls to Shqipris t, q prkundr different pressures and blackmail to ksaj government, not gjunjzuan , but the defense Albania. But even so they have merit Albanian media and to all those who ngritnzrin expert patriot act kundrktij scandalous, and bnt that it could not go Affairs n Constitutional Court to Republikss Shqipris, and in this way be a part of the Albania saved. For me, is a hero Colonel By Myslim ivrtet, which raised fuqishmzrin kundrktij Covenant with ndihmne some Albanian media atdhetarve peers etc. wrestled with t all possibilities, he cast for gnjeshtrat burlap rolls field and t without vrtetat ksaj negociatorve to government and its charlatans. burlap rolls Even though kryesharlatani Berisha called charlatan, but that now as he evrteta, who is being seen ivrtet charlatan! Is it now feels like charlatan Next, Gene. Grveni, which brtiste and go foam to protect kt arrangement, in a television debate with Kol. I saw a Muslim! There is all the fault of the gene. Grvenit, because he only has the orders, but has a portion of the blame, because it is supposed to accept a task till when is n d Shqipris mt. Excess m so as a top Albanian military. After all, have not been able to bully for doing a k t either. A normal state of democratic will, such a government would be dismissed and should be put before prgjegjsis, for sale to national and state interests. So will need to dnohej irnd this act tough. But in Albania

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