Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Or others are stupid and these

Assembly unanimously approves agreement for TAP-in | Gazette Theme
The Assembly unanimously approved the agreement on Trans Adriatic Pipeline TAP gazësjellësin, which includes Albania, Italy and Greece. 120 members of the majority and the opposition voted in favor of this project, after the agreement signed in Athens on February 16 between the Greek, Italian and Albanian.
Or others are stupid and these "legislators" are the brightest in the world, or the opposite. Who can say that the final decision is taken on this project, or water on the ceiling are beaten? At least not have heard that it is finally determined that such a project start working. What was this game in the Assembly today, voting for a spectral yellow foams project? If this "project" was signed on February 16, 2013, in Athens, why should today be voted PRO this agreement? yellow foams Should have been voted once and then the agreement was signed. This government is good government troglodytes and so have the idea of working according to the rules and laws, but what do these opposition? It has also taken these head wind? Are in themselves or pretend to be stupid to MP again? Salman son of mother ..... And we expect Albania to walk forward, as these as well as those who want to come to the government!!! We next election should not vote for neither that was like at least once elected MP so far. No one deserves to be deputy again. And they have shown that even for street cleaners do not, no bugs take over the fate of an entire country!
O people project is signed by the respective yellow foams states, and each state will approve the project tij.Ky assembly is 100% real and not a ghost, no more than two years that are Tap Officials in Tirana, and if work is excellent for the realization of the trailer, percarte not talk about things you do not know.
Jimmyyyyyyyy, it seems that you do not understand anything. Parliament is the highest organ of state and no one has the right instituticion to do something without getting his approval first, whether the issue has to do with it. I can not sign a instituticion something before you take his consent. Work is not back, or cut wood. Troglodytes not ever become citizens.
O Lord Jim, as if, I say with all my soul that really would have many advantages, but that does not depend on us and the Greeks and Italians. Depends on the owner of the goods will pass that to sell. Even a few months and will be shared along with, TAP and Nabucco wins. The owners have put the Shah Deniz gas. That makes vaki of us left with foam ...
Genc Ruli tale for 20 thousand jobs. Read here: Power workers during the construction phase of the pipeline TAP employees reaches 1500. Pipeline is thought yellow foams to be completed for 24 months. Albania will work for about 6 months. yellow foams Mainly yellow foams will be foreign specialists, trained and experienced. The only economic benefit is tax Albania for its passage in the Albanian territory. Start of works envisaged in 2015 and ends in 2017 domestic sources. Exploitation began in 2018, according to the course that works well in the spring of Shah Deniz II gas, in Azerbaijan. In the exploitation phase will have a very skilled workforce that figure reaches ... (as Ruli said?) ... 100 (one hundred) employees. The project does not include any offspring gas in Albanian territory. So far there is no agreement between Albania and gas production firm that, for the supply of gas Albania. This is also because our country has no infrastructure for gas distribution. The above notes are taken from the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline AG Branch Conversion, Torre Drin, Tirana) or see http://www.trans-adriatic-pipeline.com or [email protected]
If you read o spectral Assembly approve a spectral propjekt that TAP has almost disappeared from the outset and exists only in the minds of those who engledisen the "dream of a summer night." Read o millet to learn that approvals Josephine dallkuke in Parliament are only to imitate the activity to justify the hefty salaries of MPs receiving dallkuke. Read the site's hodja ignorant you people to learn that the Nabucco project is timely elect the EU and the U.S. to list terrheq wires behind the curtains of their dolls for Caspian gas. O Read the hodja site politicians not to be deceived by millet with demagogic slogans and not looking to be spoon fed with empty because goose did what made the world proud Cyprus? TYhjsht of headaches and crappy made from 10% tax on deposits and mafiotet Cypriots now will pay much more. Read o millet hodja site to learn that Berisha's TAP has been almost disappeared since the genesis of it.
Look and millet keqyrnio site hodja not to believe in miracles communists to convert n

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