Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Now you can think of this Advisory Council on what you want, but you will be able to deny the fact

Public service foaming at the mouth | Critical science - critical science
We must now defend even scientists, namely the five scientists who together form the experts smurfitt kappa for the investigation of wirtschatflichen development, whose task it is, among other things, to create an annual report, which forecasts the economic development based on past economic smurfitt kappa development and political decisions will.
Now you can think of this Advisory Council on what you want, but you will be able to deny the fact gathered five professors hard that they are able to create scientific expertise and have the necessary expertise to also. And of course, they create the annual report not alone, they are only five of them. The other scientists who were involved smurfitt kappa in the report, the points are dedicated 5 to 12 of the foreword smurfitt kappa to the annual report 2014/2015 and since there is the preface to the start of the 405 pages of the report is the probability that the Vowort is read, even from journalists will read quite high - as you might think.
In any case, we think that before you read the comment by Claus Heinrich, smurfitt kappa who has been with the SWR in capital studio and there must drive at the expense of paying fees to mischief in a way, which unfortunately is his socialization at taz and SPD only to meet. And this man is released with its combined anger and ignorance grüttelten charge smurfitt kappa of the ARD to their readers in this case, and it may hitters, cursing and verbal rampage and make it clear that even if he would not ask him, knew what should smurfitt kappa be decency and fairness.
"Then one must first come: the minimum wage, which is not yet in force, now to blame for the economic downturn in Germany. The claim any case, the so-called economic experts in their report. 100,000 mini-jobs are at risk and 40,000 socially insured. The minimum wage of the Federal Government, which will enter into force on 1 January, was a "socio-political experiment with unknown outcome."
As always, when the foaming at the mouth obstructs the view of the text or the text is illegible due to too much dripping saliva, escape the nagging essentials: (sic!) The Annual Report 2014/2015 is an opinion that the future development should assess, smurfitt kappa on the basis of previous development and political decisions. The minimum wage is a political decision, a market intervention that was made. The consequences smurfitt kappa that describe smurfitt kappa the experts, resulting in their opinion, they have formed on the basis of data in the future. Therefore, they describe the economic outlook in its opinion. But this has obviously overlooked at the height of his anger the Lord Heinrich, as he has forgotten that there is an extensive smurfitt kappa research smurfitt kappa on the topic "Mindeslohn" smurfitt kappa showing unanimously smurfitt kappa that a minimum wage hurts the economy.
And of course, the minimum wage is a social experiment with unknown outcome or want to argue about, he could foresee the future and know exactly how the minimum wage affects the economy of Heinrich angry? As I said, after all scientific research can be pretty sure that a minimum smurfitt kappa negative auwirkt on the economy, but not only it, as a glance in the experts' smurfitt kappa report shows:
"The minimum wage is mainly smurfitt kappa pollute the demand for labor in the area of simple activities. There it is in 2015 to wage increases in the double-digit percentage range come (Brenke, 2014). Even assuming a low wage elasticity of labor demand and the fact that initially - for example, due to derogations - not the salary will be adjusted in accordance with all employees, it must be of significant negative employment effects (Henzel and Engelhardt, 2014).
Especially for low paid workers, it should come with an unchanged remuneration due to the income limits on changes to the (agreed) working hours. Regardless of the type of adjustment increases required for the viability of their workplace productivity to people affected by minimum wage workers. The latter will often be difficult, especially for low-skilled workers to achieve. The Advisory Council therefore assumes within the forecast that in 2015 approximately 100 000. Mini-jobs and some 40 000 jobs are created by social insurance is less than the minimum wage without "(110).
The relationships described here are not only occupied xgang, they are also easy to understand: If I as an employer elaboration

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