Saturday, February 21, 2015

Chairman of the Party of Pensioners of Ukraine Mykola cock-a-doodle-doo convinced that the sharp ra

Hope Kachurovska "hooked" on mousse with cranberries - Like Ternopil positive packwell news
- Cranberry Mousse can be your favorite dessert. He shared a journalist from the city - says Ms. Nadia. - Having prepared mousse realized that he was "hooked." Cranberry (cranberry Russian), while that in the market there, I bought cranberries. This berry - Kladovo vitamins is good food for our brain.
Mousse with cranberries (cranberries or from) a gentle, pale pink. So, the recipe: Ingredients: cranberries (or cranberries) - 1 cup water - 3.5 cups, semolina - 4. spoons, sugar - 3/4 cup.
Cranberry (or cranberries) put in a pan, add half a cup of digested water, mash wooden Pestike and ousted through packwell cheesecloth. The resulting juice is put in the refrigerator. Marc pour three cups of water, boil for 5 minutes and strain the broth and cook it for 20 minutes semolina. Cover again and sugar to boil and remove from heat. Give vystyhnuty, add previously cooked juice in a blender and whip until thick foam. When the mass increase in volume by half decomposed into molds and refrigerate.
At the next session of the City Council in Ternopil adopted the "Programme of energy efficiency, packwell energy saving and thermo housing Ternopil '. Ukrpochta presented postage stamp "memory of the heroes Hundreds of Heaven" to comment!
February 19, 2015 in municipal institution Ternopil City Council "young technicians" held an educational event "Honoring the deeds of the Revolution of dignity and perpetuate the memory of the heroes of hundreds of Heaven." Nicholas packwell cock-a-doodle-doo: packwell raising tariffs for households - step antisocial authorities to comment!
Chairman of the Party of Pensioners of Ukraine Mykola cock-a-doodle-doo convinced that the sharp raise utility tariffs will lead to impasse that threatens mass non-payment of the population and stresses that without housing packwell reform to raise tariffs can not. In Ternopil is a new traffic light at the intersection packwell of everyday life and Luchakivskoho to comment! packwell
In Ternopil at the intersection of everyday life and Luchakivskoho plan to replace traffic packwell lights. According to local residents, because the old traffic light is in improper condition, its replacement by LED. read more
Life In Ternopil houses which make repairs in 2015? 1 comment packwell Raising tariffs, Make even more debt for the state to comment! Gogol's mysticism in Ternopil Philharmonic to comment! Travel abroad - no information on viyskomativ to comment! read more
Recent publications in Ternopil developed a program of energy efficiency and energy saving Ukrpochta presented postage stamp "memory of the heroes Hundreds of Heaven" packwell at the station of young technicians honored heroes Heavenly hundreds Nicholas cock-a-doodle-doo: raising tariffs for households - antisocial authorities step in Ternopil will be a new traffic light at the intersection of everyday life and Luchakivskoho
Latest packwell comments packwell to Olga Which Ternopil homes do repairs in 2015? Archystrat packwell to students staying in Ternopil athletes Natalia Natalia Senkiv to Ternopolyanka does wonders with the help of candies and balloons videoopera In Parliament offered to return the allowances for teachers to Elena PJSC "CB" Nadra "classified as insolvent

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