Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It is not for nothing that we have seen just at the entrance to the lab these strange cocoons. Thes

Standing in the regional museum skeleton of a dinosaur or mammoth and is a ... Children addicted adults shake their heads and photographed on a phone with soap holders, custodians of the museum tell about who was behind this living skeleton, where he lived, ate what and whom he feared. The familiar story? Familiar.
But where do these skeletons? To learn ministers museum or something who ate this dinosaur? For answers to these questions, I went to the Far East, Blagoveshchensk city, where Russia is the largest location of the remains of dinosaurs. Here, in paleontological laboratory of the Institute of Geology and Environmental Sciences, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told me and showed how the found in the taiga bones and fragments of bodies are the same huge skeletons that we see in many museums around the country.
Log into the realm of paleontologists. From the first meters of doubt, where you were, no - everywhere along the corridor are amazing rolls of old newspapers and earth, where guessed huge bone. This "fresh" of dinosaurs, 19027 which scientists have to work soon:
Amur region in Russia is the largest country of fossil dinosaurs in parts. Opened it was not so long ago - at the beginning of the last century. With time-based location was formed 19027 paleontological laboratory, then Institute and Museum of Paleontology.
At the Annunciation and Kundurskoho locations were found unique finds - three-meter upright young amurozavra, dental bones of herbivorous dinosaurs 19027 platypus, tail, neck and tulovyschnye 19027 vertebrae, ribs and sholomoholova amurozavra olorotitana, ploskoholovyh kerberozavra, zauropodnoho dinosaur - arharavii and other rare even on a global scale fragments.
Skeleton oloritatana, an exact copy of which is proudly museum (pictured) is the most complete dinosaur skeleton, found in Russia. The first part of the skeletons were discovered in 1999 during the construction of the highway Chita-Khabarovsk:
This is the most extreme of the skeleton - caudal vertebrae. It is their first in the natural joints, construction workers found the road to dump soil. Workers could not imagine taking the real treasure for scientists.
I must say that fragments of skeletons 19027 in the natural junction are quite rare and are of particular value for paleontologists because you get a more accurate picture of the skeleton were zhivotnom.Raskopki of large-scale, international scale and have taken 3 field seasons - 1999, 2000 and 2001. The first field season managed to get pieces of the skeleton to the pelvis, the second - full body and a third - the neck of the skull.
The skeletons that we see in museums are copies and originals directly bones are owned and laboratories. This is due to the fact that the construction of the skeleton, it is necessary to combine fragments of drill, glue, etc. But first, scientists 19027 can not afford to do so with valuable material, and secondly, it is often very fragile and simply does not stand all these operations on the "construction" of the skeleton for exhibition.
It is not for nothing that we have seen just at the entrance to the lab these strange cocoons. These cocoons made directly at the site to, firstly, tidy and undamaged pull out a piece of ground, and secondly, to provide transportation, and thirdly - temporary storage prior to the restoration and research.
A large piece of dinosaur spine in its natural junction, recently found in the Annunciation location, which is just a cocoon shipping. 19027 According to scientists, during excavations there is always a high risk of irreversible destruction of finding, if not correctly extract. Most bones are decayed and can crumble right hands.
So when are the next piece of bone or skeleton, it very gently release the top as far as possible from soil particles, then the task to capture and extract them. There are several ways - bone covering, and sometimes impregnated with a special composition skleyvayuschym, then gently putting newspapers, and then pour or plaster, or, as in the photo, foam.
After hardening fixing composition, and obkopuvaty 19027 fragment extracted. He was then put in boxes, translate straw and transported to the laboratory. Here in this form bones and fragments come from the excavation site.
John Bolotskykh - he is almost 15 years ago was directly engaged in the extraction of complete dinosaur skeleton Russian. This man these enthusiasts, with admiration and love for the work of his life - working with fossil expeditions and laboratory.
It's amazing how he talks about all the interesting 19027 fragment, found in a given year. For example, this carnivorous dinosaur tooth, found near the bones

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