Thursday, October 30, 2014

Oops ..... Another regal and very strong personality ... legenadario on my street, anti static foam

"Old or young, criollo or mestizo, general laborer or lawyer, Mexico appears to me as a being that is contained and preserved. Mask mask face and smile Planted in his sullen solitude, prickly and polite at the same time all serves to defend: silence and words, politeness and disdain, irony and resignation So jealous of their privacy and that of others, not even dare to touch eye neighbor. a glance you can unleash the wrath of those souls electrically charged "
Octavio Paz 'The Labyrinth of Solitude "Julio Galán, Mexican painter born on December 5, 1959 in Múzquiz, Coahuila and died of a stroke on August 4, 2006 in Zacatecas, Mexico. He studied architecture at the University of Monterrey, which never finished, to devote himself to painting. He lived most of his life in Monterrey, where he came to study at nine years of age, throughout your life will live for short periods in both New York and Europe. At twenty years of age, in 1979, the second winner will get prize for painting at the Art Centre Vitro Monterrey. His first solo gallery in Monterrey is Guillermo Sepúlveda, Art Gallery of Actual Mexicano, since 1980. Julio Galán highlighted by the fact that its emergence will renew Mexican art of the eighties of the twentieth century. Julio Galán's work relates to erroneously Frida Kahlo, due to his narcissistic tendency and surrealism that permeates, which led him to say. "Look at my pictures, critiquenlos if you like, but do not compare me to Frida" Galan painting recreates many worlds. On the one hand the rescue of Mexican traditions, history, folk art, bright colors and full of significance. On the other artist's own universe: their fears, their sexuality, their myths and deepest desires. All this is presented from a contemporary point of view, irony and humor. "Narciso paints his picture, not being in love with yourself (maybe yes), but passionate about a process: capture your reflection and recreate it and decorate it and make it suffer or do you contemplate distance his inspirational Giving new life. the reflection: transforming the original model " anti static foam
Oops ..... Another regal and very strong personality ... legenadario on my street, anti static foam in my northern Mexico .... I never met Salvador Novo, I've only read life and work of it, but when I met Julio was impossible think of Salvador, imposing, arrogant, glamorous, haughty, diva, divine, wrapped in shawls and shawls ... those Monsivais if he lived with the 2, he should anti static foam know what I mean. Definitely nothing to do with Frida, perhaps the only thing is that both painted self portraits, but are diametrically opposed, she lived sweating pain, he looking for it .... I never imagined that you were a cover. He was handsome yet feminine. 1:03 a.m.
Congratulations on your blog, full of taste and aesthetics. A good example of that enormous American cultural center that is Mexico irradiation. Greetings. This is my blog in case you want to visit 4:29 a.m.
Ets the "finder" active eina, large riu Buscant delta. No l'oeuvre d'coneixia in July. Impressionat. Altre cop, gracies. Mes que un afany d'egomania, the fet that NEXT July propi main personatge prácticament totes les seves obres parla month aviat lack of Connexió amb dels envoltar Majoria the van, so that month of feel- tant is donating impossibilitat rebre com love is going to feel Alie Personatges Connexió between molts, els seus ninots / i els seus quadres nines differ els seus millors acompanyants. anti static foam "Ell volia not relate to sew-it amb tinguessin sentiments, als també patien animals, but als ninots / nines no." Deia: Fa mesos not veuen em, em no claim, no vull vulguin em i no vull estimate perquè I do not know what it is. Is an in fi dels fenòmens of segle, (which i portem anti static foam d'aquest) depressions are feeling-sense is love, heartbreak is a grans dels problemes of Civilització nostra "" Life i d'art major work July will be mateix ell. " You will find living a tota identitat i is going veure reflectit maneres thousand is clothed in a thousand formes, deia: no disfresso em, sóc així ". Guillermo Sepúlveda. 8:59 a.m.
Hello I came because Champy told me you were doing this excellent work on various cultural aspects of my country. First of all, my compliments, great work; thank you. I saw the post of Doña, but I must confess that I have mixed feelings about it: a great personality, a stunning beauty, an actress say ... mmm Mid-not sound very ugly-but an extremely arrogant, conceited woman. That if, in the film "In Love" is sublime. And July Gal

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