Friday, October 31, 2014

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Jornades anuals ach foam technologies d'Experiències docents amb ICT IV Jornada d'Experiències Docents amb ICT UIB III Jornada d'Experiències Docents 2012 II d'Experiències Day 2011 First Day Docents Docents d'Experiències 2010 Arts and Humanities Experiències docents Anglesos Llengua and Literature Studies Catalan Literature Llengua i espanyoles Sciences Physical ach foam technologies Sciences de la Salut Grau of Physiotherapy Psychology Sciences Socials i Infermeria Juridiques Educació Children Educació Primària Educació ach foam technologies Treball Social Geography Social Pedagogy Engineering and Architecture Enginyeria d'Edificació Matemàtiques General
In the university community, we are aware of the relevance of social ach foam technologies networks telematics in the way we communicate and convey our ideas, thoughts and attitudes in situations of different nature. In addition, these new communication channels allow rapid dissemination of messages to our network. Therefore, as teachers, social networks provide an opportunity to enhance the knowledge and student learning as a key element of responsibility that the University has in society. Therefore, it is interesting to integrate the use of these social networks in classroom activities.
With this in mind, the main objective, and considering that new technologies are very attractive to students, I decided to incorporate activities in the social network "Twitter" in the subject of Business Strategy, the third year of GADE during the 2013-2014 year.
Enter "Twitter" as a learning tool allows students to construct ach foam technologies ideas and forward in short sentences, and that these ideas are not confined to the walls of the classroom but are disseminated through their own personal networks.
The implementation required 4 steps: Create a Twitter account. The account isestrategiauib. I have a separate account of the subject of my personal account for hygienic reasons; well, my private thoughts do not affect, at least directly, to his own ideas. Ask students to follow the account and be his followers, creating a reciprocal relationship. ach foam technologies One of the rules of conduct of Twitter is that you can not force anyone to follow; however, it is not necessary to follow or be followed to help; It was enough that the message referenciase toestrategiauib to know if students performed the tasks required. Although ach foam technologies there were those who were not followers, not participation dwindled. Create "hashtags" that give rise to messages. Keywords were included as hashtags within transparencies. First, hashtags served ach foam technologies as the basis for the messages, but also as a way to highlight the most important concepts of the subject. In practical classes, requesting tweets according to the topics addressed. The format of the tweets isestrategiauib write first, accompanied by a text that included at least one hashtag transparencies. ach foam technologies
An example of what can be achieved interaction is achieved after a visit to the Biotechnology Cluster (BIOIB) ach foam technologies in ParcBit. The goal was to create their own hashtags, included the cluster as a receiver of messages, and transmit what had most impressed them about the visit. The result is that both BIOIB as ParcBit, and myself, we had fast and learning firsthand about the visit feedback and we generated a lot of satisfaction.
Quant Rebeca ach foam technologies Méndez-Durón Assistant Professor ach foam technologies Doctor of the University of the Balearic Islands. He received the degree of Civil Engineer at Tec de Monterrey (ITESM). Master in Industrial Economics (2002) and a PhD in Business Economics ach foam technologies and Quantitative Methods (2008) by Universidadd Carlos ach foam technologies III de Madrid ach foam technologies (UC3M). He worked for Grupo Vitro (1993-2000), first as Technical Consultant and Head of Research and Innovation Management. Rebecca has also been deputy director of the Fernando de los Rios residence between 2007 and 2008. His teaching experience ranges from the Financial Analysis Strategic ach foam technologies Management, both at Degree and Postgraduate UC3M since 2008 at the UIB. He has also been principal investigator on a project teaching innovation. His research interests include social networking, innovation, organizational behavior, ach foam technologies and industrial ach foam technologies software and open source biopharmaceutical. His current research includes social media in the pharmaceutical industry and the effects of the management of clinical trials drug approval.
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