Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Agricultural Technical Institute and Forest Smurfit Carton de Colombia (ITAF) is a private onli

The Agricultural Technical Institute and Forest Smurfit Carton de Colombia (ITAF) is a private online packaging non-profit, was founded in 1986 by Father Hernando Palacios. In principle, the institution operated as a farm household, but from 1993 began to function as an educational institution. It is located in the La Florida 10 km from the municipal seat of Calima - The Darien.
Contribute to the integral development of children and youth, developing in them a commitment to the environment, to improve their quality online packaging of life at the personal, family online packaging and community level. To achieve this we offer an education centered on principles and values relevant technical and technological agricultural, livestock and forestry.
ITAF wants to be recognized as an institution: Educational Leaders rural sector. Committed Forging sustainable community development programs. Forming citizens with principles and values.
OUR BELIEFS Teamwork fosters leadership. online packaging In the field is the country's future. Planning is the key to success in management. The continuously online packaging updated, generates positive changes in the educational work. We believe that through the foundation of the project students achieve life chances and expectations of a better online packaging emotional and productive future. online packaging

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