Thursday, November 13, 2014

John Gruber of Daring Fireball rained a little further on the numbers and down until the iPad still

When the news came in last week that Android now had grabbed 30% of the market for tablet computers, m I had seen little mbende out. For there is no doubt that Android manufacturers rates tough on the tablet market foom now, but even from almost nothing to 30% - on a quarter or two - ld now quite violently.
It is research firm Strategy Analytics has network until that sent 15.1 million tablet computers on the market in the second quarter of 2011. Of this 9.3 million iPads and 4.6 million Android. The rest is Microsoft Windows, QNX and others.
It gives THE FOLLOWING distribution of market share for Q2 2011: Apple iOS: 61.3% (94.3%) Android: 30.1% (2.9%) Microsoft: 4.6% (0%) QNX : 3.3% (0%) Other: 0.7% (2.9%)
John Gruber of Daring Fireball rained a little further on the numbers and down until the iPad still udslger Android Honeycomb ratio of 21: 1st But how now it is no Android also has network market share on 30%?
It's frst with Android Honeycomb (3.x) that Android has fet a system tailored to tablet computers. The new operating system was prsenteret in February 2011, and many manufacturers therefore sent new Android tablet computers on the market in the second quarter.
But since there are many manufacturers foom of bidet, are sent relatively many more devices on the market. Also more than actually slges, the shelves in the stores gotta make up. Samsung should be out in stores, Motorola will in stores and lie side by side with Samsung, etc., Etc.
After playing John Gruber little further with the numbers, and takes the total number of iPads sold and put into use. The figures, Apple has just published to 28.73 million. And thus one can say that the iPad has sold 21 times more than Android foom Honeycomb for now.
But it is aligevel a good illustration of that statistic may well be twisted and turned in many different directions. And can one st figures are not used to illustrate a development or stagnation, there is perhaps some others who can.
Streaming service Viaplay is ready with the very first Danish app on the console Xbox One.
This December's premiere on Netflix next big drama bet. Watch trailer for Marco Polo here.
After one year of LACK PES is back on Xbox One and PS4. We've played them both and have a video ready for you. Can game finally foom threaten FIFA?
The name Nokia is now away, here is the first Lumia smartphones under the Microsoft name.
TEST: 6 Honor Android Smartphone
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