Friday, April 3, 2015

What do you like most about summer? I was a little girl, so I associate the summer holidays. foam t

Good Morning! Finally we arrived at the end of the week and for many it means the last day of work or school !! That'S Nice. Today my village is enveloped in a mist disturbing, so I propose this Tag, I feel inspired !! I saw it on the blog of Dany A book for a friend, who in turn has discovered from Fracy Never say book. Today it's up to me !! But be prepared, the books will not be the protagonists of this nice little game.
What do you like most about winter? Ohhhh, I love the snow and the Christmas atmosphere, Buble listen while I read a book. Have you ever read a book by the fireplace? And 'the place that I prefer, fortunately not own a great. I sit in the chair Ikea, hairy and covered fireplace !! The peace of mind ... Have you ever had an angel in the snow? Yes, one time, I was already foam talent great and I wished with all of myself to try !!! You've never seen Santa's sleigh? Not really foam talent !!! What color is your favorite coat? I have only a coat and black. But I'd like to own one red. How many times do the shampoo in the winter? Unfortunately I have hair that tend to get dirty easily, then every 2-3 days, but it depends on the season. What is your favorite Christmas movie? Nothing Christmas movie, but this time I love to watch the madness of Disney classics. Have you ever had ice cream in the middle of winter? A lot of times! Panettone and Pandoro? Pandoro, and even better if stuffed:-) foam talent What color is your favorite scarf? Are not very imaginative ... black!
What do you like most of the spring? I like to watch the first trees in bloom, daisies on the roadside and yellow primroses. foam talent The early birds in the early morning chirping outside my window. What is your favorite flower? Poppies I think. What colors foam talent associate to this season? The pink, yellow, green, blue, all colors that finally peep after the winter. Often cuts your hair in this period? Absolutely not, the hairdresser I go a few times a year, without a policy ... When did you begin to spring? When I sit down to read on the step of my balcony without dying of cold !!! Which best describes the odor? Are cooled almost all year, say that odors are not really my forte !! Never collect flowers to dry them and store them? Ever done in my life! Like walking? Lot. I live in a village, nature reigns supreme (or almost), then wander aimlessly foam talent is beautiful! Have you ever burned in this period? I do not even scorched foam talent summer in Puglia ... What food reminds you of spring? The tiramisu with cherries.
What do you like most about summer? I was a little girl, so I associate the summer holidays. foam talent And if these are held to the sea, we are riding foam talent !!! What is your favorite fruit? I love cherries and lychees. Do you prefer foam talent the beach or the pool? The pool right no, I love the sea and the desert must also, in short, I have to be able to read in peace without anyone that I stomp my feet or I spray with water pistols, I have to be able to do the snow angel (summer edition) without touching anyone !!!! Like going to the parks? Unfortunately, fewer people around and I'm better, I suffer from a mild form Agoraphobia foam talent (in my case I'm afraid of the crowd concentrated in small spaces), but I can control myself. then the water parks I avoid them, if I can choose !!! What is your favorite drink? Coca cola ... I know it hurts, but I also like the Mojito !!!! What you hate instead of this season? Low blood pressure !!! What time do you go to sleep? Since I have a pupa, soon. Summer or winter that is, at 22.30 am in bed, unless there is a party by a friend !!! Like going to the mountains? I never liked the mountain, if not to go skiing, but lately I'm re-evaluating my stances. What kind of suit wearing? Bikini forever, possibly strange colors !!! How do you spend your days? Work, do the mother, wife, girlfriend, foam talent daughter, and the reader. As always !!!
What do you like most of autumn? I like the leaves that change color, pomegranates, chestnuts, tea and my steaming cup of Zimbabwe. What is your favorite dessert? All those soft and creamy, with a ton of cream cakes and cream. No, they are not greedy;-) Do you celebrate Halloween? Never celebrated in my life, we have so many of our traditions, but I have a little girl and I'm sorry to impose on me, now is not yet able to understand, so yesterday I "celebrated". Have you ever done trick or treating? My mother would give me a trick on his nose ... What do not you like autumn? foam talent I do not like the sun sets so early. What color is your umbrella? I lose them all, lately used to Peppa, but not really my m

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