Sunday, March 22, 2015

Boll ALL YOU moralistic roll paper globalists you want to look at European roll paper than European

Occupation: Albanian! | Newspaper theme
Albanian footballers are heroes being attacked. Not words of foam explosion, but the explosion works to impressing talent. Why not blame those who insult the profession are "Albanian"
"Asking Shaqiri and JANUZAJ play with Albania, is like asking Rita Time to sing the song Sinan Magic". Thus wrote in a post on Facebook colleague Mero Tirana, how to put the lid euphoria and wild campaign continues against a teenager, Adnan JANUZAJ, now how much time is put under pressure to say "yes" of the Albanian team in football.
All campaigns against JANUZAJ now, as the boys who play for Switzerland since many times, has become hunt, no rational excuses to go to perfiditet. They continue to SHAHEN, insulted and labeled, being called the traitors, just because they are doing their job professionally, in states that have given everything. They are criticized that there are Albanians, unless you play for the Albanian National Team.
All attacks are they coming from those who have Albanian being a profession, not ethnicity. Of those who feign nationalists and patriots, but not so. Of those who think that way are serving the nation, but they serve besides hatred and discord. Of those who are linçojnë these young and talented, who "blame" to only have that, simply, have chosen not to play for Albania, but for the countries roll paper that gave everything. Have chosen to show professional, not a folklorist. Have chosen to continue to be Albanians, but not be the profession "Albanian".
Who says they should still be playing for Albania Albanian just because they were born? All Albanians, wherever they are, should feel proud of their achievements and not be targeted to low attacks of nauseating, just decent people for whom sound logic is luxury.
This discourse anatemues to Albanian boys, Switzerland and Manchester Adnan is regrettable. They honor us and are heroes. Not words of foam explosion, but the explosion works to impressing talent.
Being Albanian profession is dangerous. Such people do not choose either roll paper route tool to attack everyone and everything under their boxes, not enough Albanian. They mix in order ethnicity profession. They order "shqiptarovatin", how weak rappers roll paper that piskasin the scream to show not the world, but their Mahala they are Albanians.
Albanian boys soccer-stars are not like that. They have football profession and frustrations to show their talent Mahalla have passed long ago. Now they turn to show the world what they know and what they can. As with ethnic Albanians, not by profession. As Swiss and Belgian nationality, not by profession.
Unlike many Albanians "profession", they respect the countries where they were born and grow up. Unlike many Albanians "profession", they work with honor and respect wherever exhibit their work. Moreover, show respect for their critics, who deserve to be left at the mercy of nonsense that rattle.
Being the profession "Albanian" is dangerous. More so when the delirium of disappointment and pride of reversing calls dastardly as "traitors death", alluding to the talented guys that make us feel more proud.
Boll ALL YOU moralistic roll paper globalists you want to look at European roll paper than Europeans themselves ,, plenty AII with such slander your moralizmat ,, all of you who think pateriot roll paper and national pride are those and only for a nation refuse roll paper football game them and represent one other nation.
Out with comparisons of the type of Rita Ores that have no connection with any kind of football ,, or are ignorant to the football field or do with malevolence, and if we would think as we have written this then CNA should place all see work tones, and are still pateriot will, to flee to contribute roll paper to other countries as in sports, in music ,, in education, in medicine, in culture and this place has us leave sharlatanve ,, all have to contribute to our constituents and impress in mind that if anything ,, to look no personal interest in cemes nation that are still pateriot will, biles more than those who saktifikuan for their country ,, then you're wrong.
Then do not understand what goes here Jonuzaj? if you mean the initiative in fb that says YES Jonuzaj to Albania, where does the problem here? it is a clean start off where fans and dashamirsit roll paper the futollit want to see Jonuzajn with our national team, or, and this is wrong, should not play with us?
I agree with your criticism and would like to ask a question all these "analysts 360 ": How will

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