Saturday, March 21, 2015

When the sun turning red under the violet vapor mount the dogs began to bark from afar, Rroko retur

MNVR | Grief
Blurred cut foam reflections of the day beating in the yard of leave from walls, glass stones, a scorching heat to bother glitter eyes hinder breathing. It was midday heat, vapor plym vague. In zbardhyltë sky seemed no sun. Radiation seen abundant light copper color. In the yard seemed that life was extinct. Any turkey standing rooster standing cut foam motionless on the keg was empty as embalmed. cut foam Two bowls of pure fresh food on a wooden chair, sad break the monotony of gray flood. Outside, on the one hand, the village lying pale, silent and inactive, in turn, sea over there whiter than the sky.
Nora, under shelter, wash clothes; broad wings plunge into water freshness slide ei then draw up covered with soapsuds. Breasts of hovnin trying under gjoksoren flowers. All the abundance meat slipped cut foam under garments issuing the athta ama sweat. She occasionally blowing chalk that could see the water mirror kaltëreme pug-nosed face with eyes wide like a goat. Without the distorted body was returned last wet fingers blazing forehead, with a sigh of exhaustion.
The man did not answer. The tongue felt thick and dry as the sick; felt disturbance, some strange concern. It seemed as if he was introduced to the bloodstream a bad feeling, a poison, something that burn and ligështonte cut foam worse than djegaguri the heat of the day. He made three or four suction cut foam with fury; smoke wrapped cut foam in a whole manner of a veil. Later he përhumb slowly. The woman was still there, leaning back on the keg, by rubbing clothes. cut foam Ardor was heavy and menacing; in that heat but did not feel gurgling water and breathing lajtores as heifer and impregnate spirit of the man and followed with an easy destruction, in every sense, feeling the vibration gicilime lust. He had looked to socks Nora, who had slipped to Kavil, leaving thick pulpën detect, two eyes and green jumping sometimes disappear under the eaves, like grains cut foam grapes in turbid water. Nora turning encountering this look of annoyance had not. Rather, felt to flow through the veins a vicious blood boiling, the figure still alive in front of the father in law, in that heat limbs sfiliste to arouse desires.
Land was burning beneath; leave crops stifling hot flushes. Mpitë air to suppress the lungs, brain hit as heavy steam stank. And he succeed in his eyes tight from continuing vetëtitja sickle, cut foam swollen hands that seemed cut foam to be plasnin, there, cut foam on all fours, haunted ei insensitive to the effort, forgetting that he is alive. Field stretching despite major swaying in the wind. Had not finished it field. Expected ears once again grow, grow again. Reapers, piecemeal removed cut foam dragged forward, silent, no song without words.
Korvo always take a three grades melancholy melody, similar cut foam to a complaint cut foam tiorbe, a motive learned from who knows who and who knows where ... sounded like a funeral music. The life of those people perish cut foam under those kmesave sounds like tail, unceasingly.
When the sun turning red under the violet vapor mount the dogs began to bark from afar, Rroko return to his wife dispirited by taking the legs, her body burned with eyes still tight. See directly across from the n'ajrì, veguese spots, big and yellow, and nothing more.
When returning, Nora put forward a bowl of soup plym he përpinte without cut foam raising his head, with voraciously, like a hungry dog. He did not see what the young woman full of lust, it's fertile womb woman with breasts swollen with milk; he did not feel healthy smell of the meat that boils. There were always those yellow spots in the eyes. Released there in a corner, in a haystack, as a haunted animal and slept. Kuqëlosh, old copper colored, with a handkerchief tied around the face, as he wound, with greasy hair and dangling uncut narrow cut foam forehead, short neck. The highlight! Ugly.
Rroko pulled from his pocket a handful of cash. Afterwards walked quietly up the yard, the father before smoking, son of the back like a beaten dog. When I saw the coming cut foam together of all Nora was troubled, felt a sense of fear and some faded. Rroko was directed by tables with uncertain step of a blind, paving gray eyes tightly as to absorb light at the end of dusk. It was as dizzy from fatigue of the sun. He worked from dawn to evening as a buffalo to plow, the father of majmej in limonti inhaling cigarettes and drink. He worked without complaint, without desire, cut foam like buffalo in others. He had just kmesën, waist and arms that did not ever getting tired.
There were a girl, a girl of three years to

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