Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The show ends with

Yesterday I realized bulle one of my many dreams: to attend a live Michael Bublé. And not just any, but the hundredth stage of Crazy Love Tour, the legendary Madison Square Garden. Do not even know where to begin to tell! Already be at Madison was exciting ... but it is a huge palace bulle built perfectly, so that even us poor relegated last ring we have outstanding views and in the air we're pretty close to the stage. A little disappointed when we discover that the concert will start at 21, not the 20 as it was written everywhere, there risolleviamo immediately bulle when the opening act opened bulle the evening by filling this gap of time. TERRIFIC! A cappella vocal group, bulle formed by seven black guys, each of which "impersonates" a musical instrument and / or sing. Stuff to be amazed! They manage the great intention to warm the atmosphere, bulle not only singing but also entertaining the audience. They are called Naturally 7, and I recommend you read up and watch some videos of their performances, because really deserve! bulle After them, you have to wait a few more minutes, but then it's his turn. Lights off, a bull's-eye with the initials "MB" moves on stage, then the curtain opens. There is another curtain, lit in white, which stand out against the silhouettes of a man and an orchestra. The audience explodes, the show begins! "Cry me a river", one of his songs that I like best, opens the dance with his pace, and ends with the burst of fireworks on stage. The beginning is perfect, a bomb! Honestly, I do not remember the ladder or all songs eseme, but not important. That man is wonderful. bulle It's not a singer, is a showman. It 'a bulle pleasure for the eyes and oreccihe, to dream and move but also makes die laughing. It 'an artist. It 'a great deal! After the first two songs, stops to greet and introduce the evening. Interacts with the audience: the very first thing he does is read a couple of posters carried bulle by the fans. One asks for a photo, he says "Shit, yes!", Does it bring to the stage and bends over to make this picture with her.
30 seconds later, feeling the delirium of the public, says something like that loves us too much and can not resist, and is thrown into the midst of the first file to embrace some of the fans. He says that this was a lucky year for him, because tours and albums have gone well, and is also married. To which the audience bulle reacts, and he says something like this: << I thank the fourth of the public who is happy for me, but I also love the ones I have booed and others, who are husbands and boyfriends of women present, and that they thought, "Come on, it's so gay ... it is impossible to get married!" >>. And down laughing. (You can find the video of this moment HERE, thanks to this xomareesa that loaded the real goodies !!!) But this is just one example ... The presentation of the musicians is hilarious, as well as the mini-tribute imitation of Michael Jackson and esescuzione of "Twist and Shout"! Note that makes almost a third of the concert on a mini platform in the audience, reached by walking among people while singing. And 'there during one of the touching moments of the evening, or one in which introduces "Home" (this video I did!) And dedicated bulle to the soldiers who spend Christmas away from their families, and executing it in total darkness, accompanied only by a guitar - and from all over the audience. Ah, another thing that I love is his initial bulle invitation to let go, leaving us to go because bulle we can transform the evening into an unforgettable moment. Invites us to dance with boyfriends and girlfriends, to sing if we feel we want to do, << and if your neighbor tells you "Shut up, I'm listening to Michael Bublé!", You answer him, "Shut bulle up you!". Do not worry, so New York is a big city, not review most of those neighbors chair! >>. Nothing to say about the songs: he has a beautiful voice, a great ability to interpret, is original and very "jazz" in the way that always introduces small variations on the theme ... even if it was "only" a great singer, his concert deserves. But the fact that he is much more than that, it allows you to immerse yourself in a parallel world in which two hours fly like nothing happened.
The show ends with "Have not met you yet", but then of course Michael comes back for an encore consisting of "Feeling good" (I think), "Me and Mrs. Jones" and "A Song for You" . Surely this song gives one of the most exciting moments of the evening. It 'a song that tells of a singer who talks to his wife, but I have the impression that he is turning to his entire audience, saying that there is nothing more important to him, and for how many stages have trod in his career, bulle is with that audience that he is sharing that moment, c

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