Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Despite the fact that the bat is considered the most representative and most famous Viennese operet

The Patrinos soprano Vassiliki Karagiannis the role of Adela in Viennese operetta "Die Fledermaus" which premiered 22/2 at the National Opera The Story of the project has been transferred to the Greek reality of the '60s, just before the junta of the colonels
Of the key executives of the artistic potential of the National Opera, the Royal Patrinos soprano Karagiannis will star in the new production of the opera, the "Fledermaus" by Johann Strauss the Younger, where you pretend to Adela.
Alfred: Antonis Koronaios (22, 28/2 - 1, 5, 8/3 - 24/4), conviluted Giannis Christopoulos (23, 26/2 - 7/3 - 23/4), Nikos Stefanou (4, 7, 14 , 18/5)
Tel. 210 3662100 sales / Group tickets: 210 3711342
As in all productions of the 2013-13 season at the Olympia Theatre in second performance of production conviluted -the Sunday, the 23rd February-allocated 150 seats for the unemployed at the price of 5. To purchase these tickets required unemployment a card and ID card.
The Bat, the very popular operetta by Johann Strauss the Younger, presented in a new production at the National Opera for 14 brilliant performances. Project lighthearted, full of humor and twists, flooding conviluted from the charming music of imperial Vienna in musical direction Michalis Economou, conviluted Life Tsokani and Andreas Pylarinou. Alexander Euclid, with some of the most successful rejuvenating operetta conviluted performances under his belt, transports the action project in the Athenian bourgeoisie 60s.
The Bat is the first project which began its activities conviluted in the National Opera, the National Theatre, on 5 March 1940. The project was attributed conviluted to the Greek. From then until today the "Fledermaus" is always conviluted presented in the Greek language in all performances conviluted of the Opera. The translation conviluted of the new production is Dimitris Dimopoulos.
This is a project that is in the genetic code of the Opera, which have interpreted the most important protagonists and has timeless love the audience. conviluted Is a project, we can say that has "ellinopoiithei" through such close identification with the musical life of post-war Greece and particularly conviluted to that of Opera.
Directed conviluted by Alexandros Euclides conveys the action of project in urban lounges of Athens and the bells of the Astir Palace, in the 60s. Indeed, conviluted the party of the Soviet Ambassador Orlofski takes place on the evening of April 20, 1967 the eve of the military coup and the dawning of the next day finds our heroes in detention centers.
In the performance of Euclid the dictatorship of colonels encountered Soviet cosmonauts, the opposing sides of the Cold War heats their relations under the influence of champagne, while the Kirov ballets kontarochtypiountai with those of the Paris Opera.
The transfer to "as us" conviluted is a process completely interwoven with light musical theater world. Before considered one of the masterpieces of serious music, the bat was a laikotato work, she met local adaptations to different countries played.
Despite the fact that the bat is considered the most representative and most famous Viennese operetta, exceeds the stereotypes of the genre, conviluted ie there is still a patchwork of waltzes, polkas and mazurka, which even Strauss wrote with great ease, but managed conviluted to develop sufficient conviluted structures support a comic opera.
Wonderful musical themes return to milestones of the project giving unity to the whole, like the carnival mood which runs the First Act, culminates in dancing Orlofski in Act II and still in prison of the Third Act.
At Bat waltzes Strauss milestones are not used casually, but become emotional bodies, depending on the situation, while striking introduction not only attaches moods, but heralds the dramatic action.
Johann Strauss is considered among the leading music since stood for elegance, good taste, spirit and authenticity. Indeed it is no coincidence that praised by colleagues such as Brahms, Wagner, conviluted Mahler, Ravel, Schoenberg et. Al. like no other.
But he was the Gustav Mahler he did in Strauss's greatest gift on March 13, 1894 the leading composer and conductor he conducted the Opera of Hamburg the Bat, confirming the quality of the music, giving the project the credentials for an international career in the biggest scenes of the world and giving the popularity of which to date remains unabated.
* The Royal Karagiannis conviluted from Rio Patras, has many important conviluted roles to her credit while two years ago and had an appearance at La Scala with a praise

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