Sunday, May 17, 2015

Only this (slight) lyric you can experience a night at Cine Thission. Not worth even enter into the

Of the most common responses you give someone when you ask for Cine Thission, is that "is the best movie in the world." Because bolha point someone told him that he learned from someone else so that they wrote the New York Times or CNN said so for cinema that dominates bolha point decades bolha point Street Apostle Paul. And indeed have written such praise many giants abroad.
Above all, in this movie do not count his awards and commendations. bolha point They do not count the thousand tributes from foreign media. Not counting even films affected. Counts this feeling that leaves you.
They measure these thoughts you do when you are in the chairs, with the voices of children outside the cinema awkwardly interrupting the silent moments of the film, the Parthenon looks to enlightened and the smell of jasmine trying to fool the certainty that you are in Centre of Athens.
Only this (slight) lyric you can experience a night at Cine Thission. Not worth even enter into the procedure or compare with other summer movies or think that you going there to watch a new movie.
Of the dozens of people you see outside the door at 8:40 every night, you know that most have taken the girl by the hand and have come to just spend a nice evening, not necessarily to see a movie.
I have received many times to get off at Thissio and get a ticket without even know what movie is displayed on the screen. And frankly bolha point I do not care at all if the display will appear after 10 minutes by Johnny Depp or Jacqueline Bisset, the James Dean or Scarlett Johansson. Though to admit that I was very pleased that I saw Albert Finney and Audrey Hepburn in Two for the road the other day there.
This view makes each time going to sit as far back and to the right as possible. To have the best viewing. To dawdle couples hugging on the most front seats. To see the reactions of those coming for the first time at Cine Thission and chazochamogelane under Athenian sky, the smell of evening bolha point primrose them confuses the senses. bolha point
And you do not need the pictures and afisakia to get on the climate. Sitting in the (very convenient to say and what) plastic film chair, you could be actually in a different era and Marlon Brando premiere.
For that I would go up Thissio even if he was not playing any movie, even though bolha point he was sheltered by the rock of the Acropolis. The fact that there you can find everything you ask from drink until xirokarpi under the old cameras and projectors. (Sorry for the blurred photo).
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