Friday, February 28, 2014

Fact 1 1-5 1. Cigarettes are the single-most traded item on the planet, with approximately 1 trilli

Currently, smoking is regarded as wicked addictive habit that can kill you and those around you. You will not find them advertised anywhere - nor will you see people smoking inside public buildings.
It seems that these days smokers are considered anti-social and are often frowned at if seen smoking outside in crowded places. foam mart Below is a list of interesting facts about the cigarette that was launched foam mart Lifeschool.
Fact 1 1-5 1. Cigarettes are the single-most traded item on the planet, with approximately 1 trillion being sold from country to country every year. Globally more than $ 400 billion, it is one of the largest industries in the world. 2. The nicotine content in several major brands reported increases. Harvard University and the Massachusetts Health Department foam mart revealed that between 1997 and 2005 the amount of nicotine in Camel, Newport, and Doral cigarettes foam mart may have increased by as much as 11 percent. 3. In 1970, President Nixon signed the law that put warning labels on cigarettes and banned television advertisements for cigarettes. 4. U.S. cigarette manufacturers now make more money selling cigarettes to countries around the world than they do selling to Americans. 5. The American brands Marlboro, Kool, Camel and Kent has about 70% of the global cigarette market.
Fact 2 6-10 6. Cigarettes contain arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, ammonia and 43 known carcinogens. 7. In the early 1950s, the Kent brand of cigarettes used crocidolite asbestos as part of the filter, active carcinogens known. 8. Urea, a chemical compound that is a major component in urine, is used to add "flavor" to cigarettes. 9. Filter 'Cork Tip' was originally coined in 1925 by Hungarian inventor Boris Aivaz, who patented the process foam mart of making cigarette filter from crepe paper. All types of filters were tested, although 'cork' may not have been one of them. 10. In most countries around the world, foam mart the legal age to purchase tobacco products is now 18, up from 16, while in Japan the minimum age of 20 years.
Fact 3 11-15 11. Contrary to popular foam mart social belief, it is NOT illegal to smoke tobacco products at any age. Parents are within the law to allow the children to smoke, and the children are in the legal smoke-free tobacco products. However, the SALE of tobacco products is highly regulated with legal legislation. 12. Smoking ban in various parts of the world has been used as a tool to quit smoking in public places. As a result, many social businesses that claim a significant reduction in the number foam mart of people who go to pubs, bars and restaurants. 13. Scientists claim the average smoker will lose 14 years of their life due to smoking. However this does not mean that smokers will die young - and they may still live a 'normal' foam mart age. 14. The U.S. states with the highest percentage of smokers foam mart Kentucky (28.7%), Indiana (27.3%), and Tennessee (26.8%), while the countries with the fewest are Utah (11.5%), California (15.2%), and Connecticut (16.5%). 15. Cigarettes can contain more than 4,000 ingredients, which, when burned, can also produce more than 200 chemical 'compounds'. Many of these 'compounds' have been linked to lung damage. Fact 4 16-20 16. The United States is the only major cigarette market in the world where the percentage of smoking women (22%) close to the number of men who smoke (35%). Europe has a slightly larger gap (46% of men smoke, 26% of women smoke), while most other regions have few women smokers. Statistics: Africa (29% of men smoke, 4% of women smoke), Southeast Asia (44% men, 4% of women), Western Pacific (60% of men, 8% women) 17. Nicotine reaches the brain within 10 seconds after smoke is inhaled. It has been found in every part of the body and in breast milk. 18. Sugar approached approximately 20% of the cigarette, and many diabetics are unaware of this secret sugar intake. Also, the effect of burning sugar is unknown. 19. Cigarettes 'Lite' is produced by injecting tobacco with CO2 and superheating until the tobacco 'puffs foam mart up' like expanding foam. Expanded tobacco then fills the same paper tube as tobacco 'normal'. 20. Smokers draw 'lite' and menthol cigarettes harder (on average) foam mart than regular cigarettes, causing foam mart the same overall levels of tar and nicotine to be consumed.
Fact 5 21-25 21. Cigarettes 'Lite' manufactured with air holes around foam mart the filter to aerate the smoke as it is drawn in. Many smokers have learned to cover the holes with their fingers or lips to get a stronger hit. 22. The immune system of smokers has to work harder every day than non-smokers. As a result, the blood will contain less antioxidants smokers, though sist

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Polyol is an active hydrogen monomer based polyester, polyether, or hydrocarbon material containing

Rubber foam is found in a variety obegrass anticell of applications, from pads on the car seat and furniture for insulation in the walls and equipment on the soles and heels on shoes. Foam is made by forming gas bubbles in the plastic mixture, using a blowing agent. Making foam is one continuous process to make laminate or slabstock or batch process to create various shapes by cutting or molding. There are two basic types of foam. Flexible foam has an open cell structure and can be produced in both high and low density. Applications include cushioning for furniture and cars, mattresses and pillows, automotive trim and shoe soling. Highly crosslinked rigid polymer foam with a closed cell structure that prevents the movement of the gas. Their main applications are as insulation for buildings, obegrass anticell refrigerators and freezers and refrigerated transport vehicles. History
Initially, the foam made from natural latex rubber, white sap produced from the rubber tree. In early 500 BC, the Maya and the Aztecs used this latex for waterproofing purposes and also heated it to make a toy ball. During the early 1900s, the first patent obegrass anticell granted obegrass anticell for synthetic rubber and a few decades later invented a process for foaming latex. Another process was developed in 1937 to make of isocyanate-based foam material. After World War II, styrene-butadiene rubber replaced natural foam. Today, polyurethane is the material most commonly used for foam products. Foamed polyurethane is currently making 90% by weight of the total market for polyurethanes.
Polyurethane Consumption in the United States during obegrass anticell 1997 is estimated at about 4.8 billion pounds (2.18 billion kg), up 13% over 1996 and represents about one-third obegrass anticell of global consumption. Canada consumed 460 million pounds (209 million kg). Construction, transportation, furniture, carpets and industry is the largest user of polyurethane, with a leading construction and transportation at 27% and 21%, respectively. Flexible foams are the largest end market, accounting for 44% of the total volume in the United States and 66% globally. Of the volume in the United States, obegrass anticell accounted for 78% slab materials and products formed 22%. Rigid foam is the second largest end product, accounting for 28% of the market in the United States and 25% globally. Design
The molecular structure, number, and a reaction temperature of each ingredient to determine the characteristics and subsequent use of the foam. Therefore, each formulation should be designed with the right ingredients to achieve the desired properties of the final material. For example, obegrass anticell switch the blowing agent may require an increase in the additive to maintain thermal properties. Increasing the amount of blowing agent requires more water and surfactant to keep the switch in the optimal bubble size and formation rate during foaming. The density of the foam is determined by a number of blows. Stiffness and hardness polyurethane can also be adjusted by changing levels of flexibility in the formulation of polyol chemistry. By mixing various combinations of starting materials, the reaction rate and the overall rate of drug during processing can be controlled. Raw Materials
Most foam is composed of the following chemicals: 50% polyol, polyisocyanate 40%, and 10% water and other chemicals. Polyisocyanate and polyol is a liquid polymer which, when combined with water, produces a reaction (generating heat) to form polyurethane exothermic. The two most commonly used polyisocyanate is diphenylethane diisocyanate (MDI) and toluene obegrass anticell diisocyanate (TDI). Both are derived from petrochemicals available and manufactured by well-established chemical processes. Although MDI is chemically more complex obegrass anticell than the TDI, this complexity allows composition adapted for each particular application. MDI is commonly used in rigid foam, while the TDI is typically used for flexible foam applications. Mixture of MDI and TDI are also used.
Polyol is an active hydrogen monomer based polyester, polyether, or hydrocarbon material containing at least two active hydrogen atoms. Type of polyol used to determine whether the resulting foam is flexible or rigid. Since most immediate polyol reacted obegrass anticell with isocyanates when added together, easy to combine and form a polymerization process into one step. During the polymerization process, the polyol and polyisocyanate molecules obegrass anticell and interconnection relationships obegrass anticell together to form a three-dimensional material.
Various kinds of additives are also used. The catalyst (tin and amine) accelerate the reaction, which allows large volume production runs. Blowing obegrass anticell agents that form bubbles of gas in the polymerization mixture, were required to produce foam. The number of blows can be adjusted by adjusting the water level. Flexible foams are usually made using the carbon dioxide formed during the reaction of water with isocyanate. Rigid foams using hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), hydrofluorocarbons

The addition of styrene polymer results when vinyl benzene (styrene) monomer (containing a double b

Polystyrene (IUPAC Poly (1-phenylethane-1 ,2-diyl)), abbreviated following ISO Standard PS, is an aromatic polymer made dariaromatik monomerstyrene, liquid hydrocarbon that is commercially manufactured from petroleum by the chemical industry. Polystyrene is one of the most widely used kinds of plastic.
Polystyrene is a thermoplastic substance, which is in solid (glass) state at room temperature, but flows if heated above the glass transition temperature (for molding or extrusion), and becomes solid again when cooled. Pure solid polystyrene is a plastic, colored hard with limited flexibility. It can be cast into molds with fine detail. Polystyrene can be transparent foam art or can be made to take on various colors.
Chemical makeup of polystyrene is a long chain hydrocarbon with every other carbon connected to a phenyl group (the name given to the aromatic ring benzene, when bonded to complex carbon substituents). Polystyrene's chemical formula is (C 8 H 8) n, it contains the chemical elements carbon and hydrogen. Because foam art it is an aromatic hydrocarbon, it burns with an orange yellow foam art flame, giving off soot, as opposed to non-aromatic hydrocarbon polymers such as polyethylene, which burn with a yellow flame (often with a blue tinge) and no soot. Complete oxidation of polystyrene produces only carbon dioxide and water vapor. Because of the chemical inertness, the plastic used to make containers for chemicals, solvents, and food.
The addition of styrene polymer results when vinyl benzene (styrene) monomer (containing a double bond between carbon atoms) attach to form a polystyrene chain (with each carbon is attached to two carbon single bond with others and phenyl groups).
Polystyrene is generally flexible and can come in the form of moldable solids or viscous liquids. Tensile force on the plastic is mainly caused by short-range van der Waals attraction between the chains. Because of the long chain hydrocarbon molecules consisting of thousands of atoms, the total attractive force between large molecules. However, when the polymer is heated foam art (or, equivalently, deformed at high speed, due to a combination of viscoelastic and thermal insulation properties), the chain can take a higher level of conformation and the last slide of each other. This intermolecular weakness (versus the high intramolecular strength due to the hydrocarbon backbone) allows the polystyrene chains to slide along one another, rendering foam art the bulk system flexible and elastic. The ability of the system to be easily deformed above the glass transition temperature allows polystyrene (and thermoplastic polymers in general) to be easily softened and molded by the addition of heat.
AD model 3 will show that each of the chiral carbon backbone is located in the center of the tetrahedron, with 4 points to the node bonds company. Say the-CC-bonds rotated so that the backbone chain lies entirely in the area of the diagram. From the flat scheme, it is not clear which of the phenyl (benzene) foam art groups are angled toward us from the plane diagrams, and which are angled foam art away. The isomer where all of them are on the same side is called isotactic polystyrene, which is not produced commercially.
Ordinary atactic polystyrene has a large phenyl groups foam art randomly distributed on both sides of the chain. This random foam art positioning prevents the chains from ever aligning with sufficient regularity to achieve any crystallinity, so the plastic has a very low melting point, ie, T m is much lower than the T RT. But metallocene - polymerization catalysts can produce ordered syndiotactic polystyrene with the phenyl groups on alternating sides. This form is highly crystalline with a T m of 270 C (518 F). Extruded polystyrene is as strong as unalloyed aluminum, but much more flexible and lighter (1.05 g / cm 3 vs. 2.70 g / cm 3 for aluminum). foam art
Thermal conductivity (k)
The coefficient of linear expansion foam art (a)
Polystyrene is formed with a

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

MILITARY VALUE to maximally exploit the role of diplomacy in high profile strata which at times is

MILITARY VALUE to maximally exploit the role of diplomacy in high profile strata which at times is needed is to have a military clark rubber locations force that is respected at least for the size of the region. In development now, the road towards it being framed and laid up in the mix into the path established and mature. Until the arrival of 2014 with a variety of armaments tub fills every inch tidal wave kesatrian military arsenal, despite new stage in restoring the true nutritional condition of defense equipment but are now beginning to appear strong and sturdy after so long fasting and just enjoy a dish of old armaments jumlahnyapun limited. This is the fulcrum of the current prefix to the superior force in a span of five years following the year 2014. In the space of time that if Indonesia is consistent clark rubber locations with the strategic plan to strengthen the military, clark rubber locations then the second is where the military began counting clark rubber locations the military's determination to bring the power of defense equipment detterence add effects and more thrilling silent attack. In the space of time it is certain there will be the addition of at least 3 new submarines result of trade agreements and apprenticeship in 2012 between South Korea and Indonesia. Assuming the third submarine is expected to be completed in 2017 under the supervision of PT PAL South Korean submarine was able to make two more so that in 2019 there were 5 new submarines. In areas prone to dynamic situations with a variety of territorial conflict, the Indonesian military reinforcement that was allegedly bound for the number one strength of ASEAN (at least on par with the other ASEAN countries, for example Singapore and Thailand), although the analysis is in an effort to upgrade diplomatic confidence in any diplomatic dealings with little fist full of muscle. Of course it is reasonable and can only be done if there is a background of military force behind it. Without intending suspect for weapons or compete compete compete guts to fight of course, because every business dispute can still be resolved with dialogue such equality. Note some of the following events in its development, then looks to be a blessing for all components in synergy in order to enclose nan solid state. Among them are: Intersection territorial with Malaysia (a co-write and comment, should be resolved by means of discussion and negotiation although the series can reach many times the discussion). Malaysian Navy blunder in Ambalat to do a show of force, arrest workers disputed Unarang Reef Lighthouse clark rubber locations actions that led up to this persecution, clark rubber locations which angered the Indonesian military, including the President who came to the region with a warship escort. The presence of a head of state to the region carrying the message diplomatic dispute resolute and strong, we do not play with fire! Responding to the understanding of the flat, perhaps the reason Malaysia did it, because it certainly felt it more strongly clark rubber locations than Indonesian military. In fact, this is an important point which then triggers clark rubber locations the rise of the Indonesian military. Ambalat case is whip revival of the Indonesian military which is actually surrounded by (ma'af) neighbors is minimal with good intentions, not neighbor friendly, cutting to the crease for more than thirty years RI order to get along the way is always forward clark rubber locations the space of harmony and said diplomatic courtesies polite and warm. Unmitigated, friction was getting into when Coupled writing clark rubber locations a derogatory former Malaysian minister Habibie clark rubber locations and Abdurrahman commodity campaign for UMNO in Malaysia highway option in 2013 which for us is enough ears redden. Aust ralia neighbor Yammer
Different then the malaysia one is also different country, Australia. The attitude of our country is indicated by associating the polite language but not in the order dictated easy or not easy to agree appropriate Australian diplomatic desires and ambitions. Look barrage history was not so desires satisfied, they still pierced and leave us?? For example, clark rubber locations when East Timor was about leftist ideology dominated the first cold war era, Australia and the U.S. agreed with the Indonesian military deployment postscript costs borne by the Indonesian military. But after the cold war ended, the land of kangaroos was turning right and maneuver "counterattack" East Timor was about to let go of the Republic of Indonesia on the grounds of human rights and desires of the local community. Australia in Papua issue should not be two-faced towards us. On the one hand, they vowed that Papua is an integral clark rubber locations part of Indonesia but on the other hand also on the grounds of human rights and the will of the people of Papua, Australia gave an ambiguous space in a way to get along with RI. Foreign Samuel P. Huntington dubbed as foreign countries in Asia, a torn country, geoculturally torn country, always feel

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The pioneer in polyurethane polymers conducted by Otto Bayer and co-workers in 1937 in the laborato

A polyurethane (PUR and PU) is polymer composed of a chain of organic units joined by carbamate (urethane) links. Polyurethane polymer formed by combining two functional monomers bi - or higher. One of the isocyanate group containing two or more functional and the other containing two or more hydroxyl groups. Monomers are also more complicated to use. Alcohol and isocyanate groups joined to form a urethane relationship:
R'NCO ROH + ROC (O) N (H) R '(R and R' are alkyl or aryl) combines process, sometimes called condensation, usually requires the presence diamond foam of a catalyst. Polyurethanes are used in the manufacture of flexible seating, high-resilience foam; rigid foam insulation panels; microcellular foam seals and gaskets; wheels and tires durable elastomer; automotive suspension bushings, electrical potting compounds; high performance adhesives, surface coatings diamond foam and surface sealants; fiber synthetic (eg Spandex); carpet underlay, and hard - plastic parts (ie for electronic instruments). Polyurethane is also used for the manufacture of hose because it combines the best properties of both rubber and plastic. diamond foam
The pioneer in polyurethane polymers conducted by Otto Bayer and co-workers in 1937 in the laboratories of IG Farben in Leverkusen, Germany [1]. They acknowledge that the use polyaddition principle to produce polyurethanes from liquid DIISOCYANATES and liquid polyether or polyester diols seemed to indicate special opportunities, especially when compared with the existing plastic made by the polymerization of olefins, or by polycondensation. The new monomer combination diamond foam also circumvented existing patents obtained by Wallace Carothers on polyesters [2] first., Work focused on the production of fibers and flexible foams. With development constrained by World War II (when EFA is applied on a limited scale as aircraft coating [2]), it was not until 1952 that polyisocyanates became commercially available. Commercial production of flexible polyurethane foam began in 1954, based on toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and polyester polyols. The discovery of these foams (initially called imitation swiss cheese by the inventors [2]) was thanks to water accidentally introduced in the reaction mixture. diamond foam [Citation needed] These materials are also used to produce rigid foams, gum rubber, and elastomers. Linear fiber produced from hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) and 1,4-butanediol (BDO). The first commercially available polyether diamond foam polyol, poly (tetramethylene ether) glycol, was introduced diamond foam by DuPont in 1956 by polymerizing tetrahydrofuran. Polyalkylene glycol cheaper introduced by BASF and Dow Chemical in 1957. Polyether polyols offered technical and commercial advantages such as low cost, ease of handling, and better hydrolytic stability of polyester polyols and quickly replaced diamond foam them in the manufacture of polyurethane goods. Other PU pioneers were Union Carbide and Mobay, U.S. Monsanto / Bayer joint venture [2] In 1960 more than 45,000 metric diamond foam tons of flexible polyurethane foam produced .. As the decade progressed, the availability chlorofluoroalkane blowing diamond foam agents, inexpensive polyether polyols, and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) indicates the development and use of polyurethane rigid foams as high performance insulation materials. Rigid foams based on polymeric diamond foam MDI (pMDI) offers better thermal stability and combustion characteristics than by TDI. In 1967, urethane modified diamond foam polyisocyanurate rigid foams were introduced, offering better thermal stability and flammability resistance compared to low-density insulation products. During the 1960s, automotive interior safety components such as instrument and door panels were produced by back-filling thermoplastic skins with semi-rigid foam. In 1969, Bayer exhibited an all plastic car in Düsseldorf, Germany. Part of it was produced using a new process called RIM, Reaction Injection Molding. RIM technology uses high pressure impingement of liquid reactive components followed by the rapid flow of the reaction mixture into the mold cavity. Large parts, such as automotive fascia and body panels, can be formed in this way. Polyurethane RIM evolved into a number of different products and processes. Using diamine chain extenders and trimerization technology gave poly (urethane urea), poly (urethane isocyanurate), and polyurea RIM. The addition of fillers, such as milled glass, diamond foam mica, and processed mineral fibers gave rise to reinforced RIM (RRIM), which provides improvement in flexural modulus (stiffness), a decrease in the coefficient of thermal expansion and thermal stability. This technology enables the production of the first car-plastic body in the United States, Pontiac Fiero, in 1983. Further increases in modulus le

Monday, February 24, 2014

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08/09 - Re-START +1994 in concert! Foam party & DYLAN floor "Discoflorida
Restart in concert +1994 Return the one and only END OF SUMMER FESTIVAL in conjunction with the celebration of the levers 1994! After the summer holidays, travel and music and parties on the beach one night where relive the magic of summer!
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Regarding the origin of pollution, according to the engineers is virtually certain that the foam po

Rovereto Rovereto Trento city Vallagarina-Highlands Riva del Garda Riva and Arco Basso Sarca and Ledro Valley and Lower Valsugana Primiero Lavis and Rotaliana Pergine and Upper Valsugana Fiemme and Fassa and Val di Non and Sole Giudicarie Rendena foan Sports Economics National Cinema & Entertainment Editorials The Director shall Categories Health Sciences foan School Techno & Travel
TRENT - It was caused by a solvent is not dangerous to humans pollution Fersina, from high school Galilei to the confluence with the Adige, which occurred in the last hour. They say the first examinations of the chemical laboratory of the provincial environmental protection.
According to engineers should all be charged at the "diisopropilnaftalene", a chemical solvent used for various processes that, from a study of doctors Healthcare Agency, "is of little interest given the toxicological profile considered not very relevant, considering foan the effects of both irritative for both short-term effects from prolonged exposure in humans. "
Regarding the origin of pollution, according to the engineers is virtually certain that the foam pollutant must be started from the lower area of the suburb San Dona, where it comes from a collector that collects the white waters of the area. The Municipal Police of Trent then filed a complaint to the Prosecutor of Trento, denouncing the event pollutant load for now unknown.
The APPA has just been informed that it is only a mild biodegradable and harmless. It 'nice to know that the eco-terrorists today use green materials. Spend a little 'more, but so are environmentally friendly. Reply
The APPA was the one who phoned foan the steel mills on the day before you go to do the checks and to find out who is polluting the Finance Police had to intervene in the Veneto. And 'one that says that the lake water is Caldonazzo swimming ... reply
someone got rid of antigerminativo for potatoes, because it is DIPN, a derivative dela mothballs, the diisopropilnaftalene that is polluting and toxic to man and the environment; few good farmer or merchant valsugana? Reply
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The most obvious thing to squeeze the usual suspects with a bank account foan or a house note and not abusive ...
Oh finally someone who has the courage to say things as they are, I congratulate you. Do you know that ...
The magic of snow: children playing
Italian music is mourning the sudden death in a car accident, Francesco Di Giacomo, the usual heading of Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, the historic Roman band among the most representative of the Italian progressive rock
Lucio Gardin
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Sunday, February 23, 2014

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The eyes of love that transforms everything but the eyes, in general, how to make honeycomb who watch things in their own way. The distance between reality and imagination is obvious and subtle, how to make honeycomb and I'm sure someone must have shown extracts of Vian's novel in cartoons, the kind that a quintal I watched in my childhood. I feel tickle the memory when I see that the bell comes to life, that my legs are getting longer, the colors have changed.
A flood, a host, a vortex of symbolic meanings that overlap, intersect and merge. Only Antichrist by Lars Von Trier seemed so complex. So much so that I think that concern him twelve other times would not be enough to reveal all the secrets. It would be, in any case, the penalty. Colin and Chloe
The magic is there, and pervades especially Colin, who naive and loving collides with the world, making steal every last penny from friends, illness, and life. Determined albeit naive, comes into play at all costs to save the life of his wife. But the dullness overwhelms how to make honeycomb him. His house, rich and bright, it becomes gradually losing liveliness and joy, the windows become smaller and smaller, the walls are crumbling faster and faster. There is no trace of the lavish breakfast swept away by washer. how to make honeycomb Everything is dark and sad. The regret is that everything has lasted so little.
Cars transparent, friends representing the emotions, behaviors of human beings in distress, public transportation such as elephants, cocktails for every mood, more or less legalized drugs and the company around, which is the background and he observes, are only some of the aspects of a film rich.
The magic is there, and not everyone can have so much respect by refraining how to make honeycomb from defining minutely the details or expressing too much 'protein' evaluations. What is evident is that this film lends itself to many considerations, however, how to make honeycomb subject to the level of reading in which the viewer how to make honeycomb had access or who chose ... I agree with what you wrote about the complexity and all the rest. For the delicacy, which lies in the choice of the director of communication and one that reads between the lines of this post, the my compliments. :) Reply Delete
2014 (13) December (5) December (8) 2013 (37) December (5) July (10) October (2) London, crazy days and city lights! MOOD INDIGO_ the foam of days September (1) August (2) June (2) March (4) November (3) January (1) November (3) July (4) 2012 (30 ) December how to make honeycomb (5) November (1) August (2) April (5) July (1) January (1) August (7) November (8) 2011 (1) December (1 )

Saturday, February 22, 2014

After the success of Human Nature, If the Spotless Mind, The Science foam inserts of Sleep and The

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Search foam inserts Closeup of magnifying glass on Today at Cinema film of the moment Star News The news from the world of Cinema and Tv Famous Phrases The phrases engraved in the memory of movie soundtracks Soundtracks who created the movie Reviews reviews in-depth and exclusive foam inserts of films such The 5 Trivia foam inserts What lies behind the emergence foam inserts of a film? London Calling An open window on the events in London Video interviews The prestigious video interviews with the protagonists of modern cinema Cinema Special Events unique and special appointments foam inserts
After the success of Human Nature, If the Spotless Mind, The Science foam inserts of Sleep and The Green Hornet, arrives in theaters the last Italian film by French director Michel Gondry, foam inserts Mood Indigo - The Foam of Days (The Écume des jours ) co-written with producer Luc Bossi. The Giffoni Film Festival unveiled National July 24 after the transition into the real festivals from Cannes to get to Sydney. The film, based on the novel by Boris Vian, starring Romain Duris (fresh from the success of Populaire - Something About Rose), Audrey Tautou (Therese D, A Very Long Engagement, the Amélie) and Omar Sy (new star of the star system after the French revolutionary Almost Friends). The film takes its title from the homonymous Mood Indigo by Duke Ellington and beautiful song, the notes of which the two main characters fall in love.
Colin (Romain Duris), a young rich, creative and idealistic, spends his days devoted to the more unusual pastimes in the company of his bizarre chef Nicolas (Omar Sy) and his friend Chick (Gad Elmaleh), a poor engineer admirer of the philosopher foam inserts Jean- Sol partre. Chick lives her romance with Alise (Aissa Maiga), the grandson of Nicolas, of which he fell in love. Colin lives dreaming foam inserts of meeting the great love and his wish comes true in a big party where he meets Chloe (Audrey Tautou), a young woman who wins the tune of Mood Indigo. foam inserts The two fall in love and get married in a short time but during the honeymoon their happiness foam inserts turns into sorrow: Chloe discovers that she is sick because of a water lily growing in her lungs. In a phantasmagoric Paris, to pay the necessary care and continually surround foam inserts of fresh flowers that should alleviate the pain and help it heal, Colin is forced to accept jobs more absurd. As the disease progresses and more

Not having constraints of time and place, for the costumes (Florence Fontaine, former costume desig

Without using the overused expression visionary genius Gondry, it's easy to say that this film may appeal only (perhaps) to those who have read The foam of the day, the book by Boris Vian on which the film is based. Here, I read it. Because if not, Gondry and so beautiful, but also to fans of the director this movie would seem complicated, too over the top to be understood in just two hours: the 'imaginary Vian is so detailed and rich in details and surreal details expanded polystyrene foam that probably only Gondry could make a movie, and in fact does so in its own way but keeping the letter of the most bizarre creations of the author. Suffice it to say that the book was written in 46, but we understand that you are in the hands of the pages unusual expanded polystyrene foam in the first ten rows:
Colin put his comb and, armed wire cutters, cut obliquely at the corners of his eyes dull, so as to make her look mysterious. He was forced to do it often, because it grew back quickly.
Gondry chooses to put literal expanded polystyrene foam images in the book, having a great time, maybe too much in fact one of the first things expanded polystyrene foam it does is to cut your eyelids expanded polystyrene foam Romain Duris, after having drilled the floor of his shower to get off the water. In general, the use of cinematic techniques unrealistic it pairs well with the text of Vian, of which there is never said if set in a future more or less distant or in a realm of fairy tales (in fact I would like to consider the story like a fairy tale despite the absence of a happy ending because it contains expanded polystyrene foam all the elements), which allows Gondry maximum freedom in setting and in the context of vision.
So even the bizarre text descriptions are shaped more or less literally on the screen, and although the film appears confusing and tiring - visual special effects, director and specials touch of magic in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, say, are all weigh too much and the plot that is not already the most cheerful - some images are a feast for the eyes.
The costumes are unfortunately easily expendable despite the director's freedom, as Vian constantly makes use of materials and details imaginary too exasperated to include them in the film:
Colin slipped his feet into a pair of leather sandals bat and wore an elegant red dress from home, corduroy pants very deep teal satin jacket and woolen hazel.
Not having constraints of time and place, for the costumes (Florence Fontaine, former costume designer for The Art of the dream) Gondry choose to ignore some descriptive parts in favor of an imaginary lighter and less tied to the text, giving the film a timeless character expanded polystyrene foam costumes in which real live together with elements of daily without weighing expanded polystyrene foam it down further. There is a taste a bit 'retro in the choice of fabrics, colors and shapes, very clean and linear, recalling the 60s albeit revisited in contemporary terms.
[Alise] was dressed strangely enough, with a white sweater and a yellow skirt. He had white shoes and yellow, and hockey skates. He had smoked and silk stockings over white socks, folded on shoes fatigued by the effort to become high and laced with white cotton strings that ran three times around the ankle. Alise entailed also a silk scarf in a bright green [...]
On average, the girls were presentable. One of them wore a garment of woolen almond green with large golden ceramic buttons, and on the back, a rack with forms a little 'special.
More philological however, expanded polystyrene foam is the surrender of the wedding scene - not just Colin literally nailing the tie, but also clothes for Chloe, Isis and Alise coincide with the written description, socks purposes as incense smoke, the same color of his skin blonde, and high heels or leather bianc, and there was still over her white dress, lying around, and there were also two dresses clear water of Isis and Alise, two layers of muslin that wrapped around the body, and a big tulle veil that departed from his shoulders, leaving his head completely free (although I understand the convenience of the scene to remove the veil of tulle).
Although the ring-shaped nausea Alise makes a brief appearance, but in general the rich descriptions of the clothes, fabrics and intricate decorations of Vian are not found in the image, which is a bit 'a shame having to do with a text so embellished details. Even ignoring the text, however, is very well known Gondry's skill in making so literal allegory of the story, the great and rich world of Colin shrinks while dying of the disease Chloe absorbs light of her.

Friday, February 21, 2014

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Posted by Palmira D'Arrigo at 23:47
samanta folini September 7, 2013 21:10
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15 hours ago

Some time ago I published a post that riuguardava a fun game to accomplish with scriuma shaving and food coloring. Unfortunately, in those days the blogspot platform has had problems for a whole day and was under maintenance. The restoration of the links, I realized that I was missing this post: other bloggers in which the same thing happened I was told that, with a little 'patience, everything would be back to normal. On my blog, unfortunately it did not happen. Fortunately for explain how to achieve this "magic slate" just a sequence of images (which of course I have archio) and thus propose again.
Hello, I wanted to alert you that dmani publish a post where linker this article. I also thought about putting a photo of always declaring averl apresa from your bog (obviously not the one where you can see your kids ^ ^) if you find any problems, let me know and togierò immediately. here is the link, visible after tomorrow Delete Reply
hello! as usual I take a few ideas from your marvelous blog and rich to play games at home with my kids today ... then I'll link on my blog for this idea! ps: I have also taken your bannerino! Delete Reply
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1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years App motor activity foam run for kids Birthday cards Carnival Casa Camper suitable for children Birthday Painting, Drawing, Sewing Creative Heart Sweets for children Where to Play Experience sensory DIY Felt Flakes Celebration foam run birth Photography Gichi that stimulate the senses Play together to play when it rains Games Outdoor Games that stimulate the senses games that stimulate the mind games with the colors of the alphabet Games Creative Play Summer Games Games Games fantasy fiction games Puzzle games math games do-it- Games you freedom in Earth Day giveaway Rubber crepla Guest Post IKEA WORLD OF COLORS Learning while having foam run fun Interpret drawings Autumn Chores Chores Chores Summer Winter Carnival Chores Chores Chores Christmas Halloween Easter Chores Chores Chores Spring Valentine's chores for the Epiphany Chores for Father's Day Chores for Mother's Day Children's foam run Books Sewing Machine Healthy eating Montessori Pregrafismo Christmas Recipes Recycle Reflection Silhouette hands dexterity Development This Moment Racking toilet paper tubes A little 'me on Friday Book Lifestyle
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Thursday, February 20, 2014

A soft and light-textured cream contains tyvek roll Aloe Vera, notes, particularly moisturizing and

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Ideal for travel and perfect to take with you if you 'at any time of the day, all packed in packs looking for classic tyvek roll taste, a symbol of taste and refinement that has always characterized the Made in Italy.
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For use as a mask: spread a generous amount of product evenly on damp skin, avoiding the eye area.

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To all of us it will happen at least once to "forget" to cleanse your face before going to bed after a stressful day at work, but now with Skin Glacé transform this moment into a treat for ourselves.
This is the true example of a product line of double-action Freeze 24-7 as deeply cleanses and purifies the skin and moisturizing detossinandola thanks to the union between daily cleanser and mask that allows the spontaneous formation of foam. The oxygen is transported below the surface educolor of the skin, forming, above, a fast-acting mask based on an exclusive basis to organic rice bran and soy protein Hydrolyzed educolor that moisturize the skin, keeping it firm and elastic.
The composition of this product also sees the 'Monte educolor Kaolin clay with purifying and detoxifying, juice of leaves of Aloe Barbadensis which has soothing and purifying, and finally, educolor Vitamin B5 is an exceptional seboregulating.
With the very first use, you can see how Skins Glacè, with ease, removes makeup and eliminates impurities, cleanse educolor thoroughly educolor and helping to improve the appearance and tone of the skin. Also soothes redness and irritation, leaving the skin visibly soft and smooth despite its effectiveness in cleaning the pores, removing excess sebum and impurities without stripping the skin of its natural moisture.
In order to maximize its potential Set aside some free time and Applied Skin Glace on the facial skin moist, massage until a rich lather and rinse thoroughly.
For use as a mask: spread a generous amount of product evenly on damp skin, avoiding the eye area. A rich foam mask will form immediately. Let it set for 1-2 minutes and rinse well with water by massaging in circular motions repeating the process in the morning and evening.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

With Loris feces therapy on chewing obegrass and a doctor told me:

"One can not think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well" (Virginia Woolf). I love to cook or better pastrocchiare.Anche I am one of those who every day raises the big question: "What I cook today?", Well this is 'cook', but instead I love 'pastrocchiare', preferably in the afternoon when the little prince makes his nap. This is my time of leisure and relaxation. Welcome obegrass to my blog!
I'll show you how children engage obegrass in pastrocchiare if I let him go without the fear of getting dirty. When you go to the race is hard but you have to create these moments of sharing and freedom of expression because of the hands you create, so that our children create by thought must become dirty hands, just dirtying it comes in contact with the material with the one can express feelings and experiencing sensations. I used an old apron of Loris and Coccetti of little value so that he could do 'with me / like me'. He has learned over time to kiss the bread and even a sandwich in his hand when he puts him to sleep by putting a cover of luck. He learned that the bread grows in silence and warm :-) We have created a rigmarole that goes: "It grows, grows and grows ...". I've always left dirty rather than learning to write their name. Then I came doubts when I saw some mothers brag about their children who were 3 years of 'genes'. I confided with the aide of Loris and I sat right in saying that it was what had to be done at this age, even before writing. A few days later, Nathan assembly at school, the teachers complain that we moms do not make them dirty, do not let them manipulate and 'mark' with brushes instead of how it should be done. Dear mothers I know it's difficult. Whenever a dirty shirt or smear a wall is a nice job but trust me, dirty means 'there' at this age. See them as they enjoy smearing the fogged windows of the car? You do not write that? And when they write on the walls? Maybe we create a private obegrass corner of their own. Then maybe with whipped cream or shaving cream we cover a work plan and instead of pencil or pen, let them write in cream!
With Loris feces therapy on chewing obegrass and a doctor told me: "If you do not dirty do not chew." Loris has serious problems to get dirty, I put all I with him but it is not always obegrass easy because it suffers obegrass and is oppositional in this activity, even lather obegrass hands upsets him. Here, I want to tell you, maybe that's why I'm more open with Nathan in this 'work', I'm obegrass afraid that he is afraid of getting dirty, excuse the pun but the meaning is just that!
Let them get dirty, let them express, is a milestone and preparatory to their growth. Writing should be fun, should give sensations such as when blowing out candles dip your finger into the cream. Yes why we want our children moms!
Something about me
mammaloris Italy Mom journalist with little time to himself but really want to do and express creativity. A food blog is the perfect compromise. I am married, I have taught my husband to eat vegetables. I have two sons who fill my days, I love them in spite of everything ... and to think I wanted a girl! I am the queen of the house! Cooking has always had the smell of the family. I grew up seeing my grandmother scramble obegrass in the kitchen to prepare great meals when we gathered on the occasion of the celebrations. As a teenager I 'saw' obegrass that my mom cooked and then I started to take notes ... "Originality consists obegrass in returning to the origins" (Antoni Gaudi). They Puglia obegrass and my cooking is inspired by my homeland, hence giving birth. I like to change and experiment in the kitchen to put more to the test. My friends asked me for recipes and I repeated 'that good' and who does not like to hear it? The kitchen is the cook and love can not do well. In my small way with this blog I provide some advice and I open the book of my recipes. Enjoy the show, please email me and leave a comment so I'll obegrass do better and better. View my complete profile
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Attention, dexterity, patience, passion: these are the ingredients for the success of a just cookin

No other dessert is more sensual and attractive meringue: probably, the dreams of 'designer, a certain Gasparini Meiringen Swiss pastry chef of Italian descent, were reserved for the adults when it was invented in 1700. Sweet extraordinary simplicity and effect: the simple mounted only two ingredients, egg whites and sugar, is capable of creating unforgettable banqueting roll scenes. In any context is inserted and its different types, the meringue always manages to be the hero, "the first woman in the bakery." The American physicist Benjamin Thompson showed in 1804 that the ice cream, if it is covered with a layer of meringue in the oven does not melt.
The combination of egg whites and sugar gives rise to various types of meringue. The four types of meringue most used in the world of pastry are: Meringue Meringue French classic Swiss Meringue Meringue Italian
In the classic meringue, are mounted at room temperature egg whites with the sugar until it reaches a frothy and firmly. banqueting roll In fact, the egg whites, using concussion, incorporates air bubbles rising in volume and transformed into foam. The egg white contains molecules capable of binding with water and molecules that bind with the air. Mounting the egg white, we only distribute the air bubbles in the dough, making it rigid and stable white foam. Then add the sugar will form a foam stabilization, banqueting roll which will be ready to be fired.
This meringue is prepared with method "cold". Sugar is added three times. You mix the egg white with one part sugar to increase its strength, banqueting roll thus avoiding the formation of grains, then when mounted has doubled in volume, banqueting roll you add the other part sugar to stabilize it. Finally, by which time the mixture is well mounted, add the last part of sugar that will ensure a consistency CROCCANTINA banqueting roll and a caramelized flavor.
The process of this meringue is done when hot. Warm up the egg whites with one part sugar to 60 C, then put them in making planetary mount at medium speed. With this procedure we give structure to our meringue, making it solid and compact. When the mixture is mounted on the other hand you add the sugar, which can be powdered or granulated: the choice is yours, the result in stability banqueting roll does not change. Will be more smooth and velvety with icing sugar, more brittle and rough with sugar.
It is also called meringue base because of its use for the preparation banqueting roll of other desserts such as frozen desserts, fruit mousses, Bavarians .... A product certainly valid in the bakery for its versatility.
Egg whites make themselves fit in with the planetary one part sugar. A part prepares a syrup with sugar and water at a temperature of about 12 C, a half, pour flush sull'albume to 3/4 of the assembly. At this point increases the speed of mounted and then decreases again to pay the second half of the sugar. This will help to not create a thermal shock during processing, thus avoiding the formation of dots of sugar within the meringue. By doing in this way will create a thermal chamber within the egg whites in order to avoid the formation of grains of sugar.
Attention, dexterity, patience, passion: these are the ingredients for the success of a just cooking meringues. Let's see what happens during cooking: heat stabilizes the foam that the effect of heat tends to expand and increase in volume. With the heat of the proteins banqueting roll coagulate the albumen by stabilizing the structure of the foam by venting the air that leaves voids, called alveoli. The meringues are cooked between 80 C and 100 C with the valve open to let the steam escape, then at low temperature. A temperature too high, in fact, make the meringue yellow due to the cooking of sugars and proteins, giving also an aftertaste toasted meringue. banqueting roll The meringues, therefore, do not undergo a cooking process in their proper, but only a drying. banqueting roll
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Monday, February 17, 2014

The new spot is titled Sony

The new spot is titled Sony 'Foam City', the city of foam. And, in fact, is a soft white blanket to progressively invade the streets of downtown Miami, solar city in Florida. For the filming of the spot was built the world's largest foam cannon, capable american paper and twine of producing two million liters of foam per minute. Starring spot the true inhabitants of Miami, invited to enter the 'Foam american paper and twine City' as they are taken by the cameras in all their spontaneous reaction to the new landscape of the city, at the sight of scooters, motorcycles and even trucks american paper and twine that are trying to make their way through rivers foam. The inhabitants of 'Foam american paper and twine City' fail to grasp every single moment of the scene using some models american paper and twine of Cyber-shot digital cameras, Handycam camcorders and Sony Alpha digital SLR cameras. The "perfect bubble" is immortalized with a digital SLR Alpha. All the images taken during the shoot was loaded on an online database, to allow the protagonists of the event not only to relive the experience, but also to share it with others. In order to more effectively convey the uniqueness american paper and twine of the experience of 'Foam City', a team of documentary filmmakers selected several individuals and groups of people (including an entire family of Miami) to follow during the shoot, to record the emotions to view of such an extraordinary environment. For the new spot, directed by Simon Ratigan, Sony has turned the advertising agency Fallon London, the same who signed the BRAVIA campaigns - the trilogy 'Balls', 'Paint' and 'Play-Doh'. In addition to the main spot, advertising will also be made specific for individual products. "We wanted to create a magical event, american paper and twine to offer people the opportunity to experience a truly unique photographic experience, to achieve unprecedented and unrepeatable shots," says James Kennedy, General Manager, Marketing Communications, Sony Europe. "A place to show how our products american paper and twine are designed to capture real life moments in the very moment in which they occur, with the maximum yield of the details. With 'Foam City', we have created a situation where it is absolutely impossible to stop filming, even for a moment, because every second you experience something totally unexpected and extraordinary. "" In the past I have often busy to take the experiences and the authentic emotions of the people, "he adds Ratigan. "Involving citizens in Miami, with their real enthusiasm in interacting with this new and exciting landscape, with no indication but to explore the environment, american paper and twine it was a fantastic experience. The spot will show the true emotions and the natural reactions of people american paper and twine in front of a city overrun by the foam. "Some interesting american paper and twine facts about the commercial - I'm 200 Miamians taken while they live the experience of Foam City '- For the ad was specially created the world's largest foam cannon 2.8 meters american paper and twine in diameter - To produce 2,000,000 liters of foam per minute were used 1,000 liters of water - The extent to which the foam produced is used for the spot could fill an Olympic swimming pool in 24 seconds - It is estimated that, once the shooting, will be produced 460 million american paper and twine liters of foam - To create american paper and twine the perfect bubble, american paper and twine has been hired Professor "Allan the Bubble": more than 15 years of experience in the business bubbles - bubbles to create unusual shapes have been built specially dedicated machines - Of the 150 people who make up the crew, 18 were devoted to the production of the foam The commercial american paper and twine was filmed with three cameras that use more than 24,000 feet of film: 16 hours of recording to produce 90 seconds of the spot.

Provided you have a decent packing material pipe from the head at least, of having packing material

One of my fixed ideas in the field of pipe is that almost everything you understand the mouthpiece. packing material Must be communicated letting me my grandmother packing material who in other times had the same idea about shoes and men. He said that after all rimpannucciarsi packing material in a coat or a jacket was not acceptable so hard. But if you wanted to figure out who you were dealing packing material with, the thing to do was look at his shoes.
A shoe decent and reasonably clean you said that you were dealing with a person with dignity, even if the dress was not of tailoring. A beautiful shoe but dirty and malcurata you spoke of a wealthy scoundrel. A shoe cheesy but combined with a sophisticated dress, revealed that the person in front of you trying to look like something it was not.
A lot of pipe, however, continues to happen that way. You see them under the lights, in tobacco, polished packing material and garnished with price tags of all respect. packing material But look at the mouthpiece and printed "ciucciato" separates immediately, inevitably, the pretentious pipe without substance from that which justifies packing material its price with genuine quality research (I wrote about it in this post on Dunhill but there is also much more: musician and Gigliucci spring to mind).
Provided you have a decent packing material pipe from the head at least, of having packing material spent a reasonable fee and to have arrived at a good point of the first pre-terminal poor, there may be cases where it is reasonable to think of a new mouthpiece to measure, hand made with extraordinary ability and quality materials, by a craftsman who has the means and, I would say, the culture that are missed on the first assembler hasty trade. To be able to read the pipe, it can predict the effects.
Pipe so I've already talked about it here and here. This time, the care and Simone Mauro Gilli are touched in a calabash foam acceptable packing material level but her sisters as too many Turkish, hanging from a mouthpiece horrible and cheesy that has always prevented me from appreciating it. This time I went to Gilli person (inevitably falling into the network of some of his pipes that I could not resist) and I chose for my new cumberland foam that Simon had already shown me by email. And 'dark enough, but what they call "honey". Most of the green I had in mind, most of the blue that I intended to order two new square panel at the time, it seemed to me that the honey to enhance my foam and pull out the high-pitched that old yellow cap had always prevented.
The result is depicted at the top. And it's more than I dared hope for. The graceful and elegant curvature of the Cumberland packing material enhances the perfection with which the mouthpiece is restricted to the graft tooth (which in itself is another masterpiece). The variegated tones of browns cumberland resume that culottage began to develop. The bad anattrocolo has become, finally, the swan.
The pipe has remained a discreet foam, without huge demands. If it were a person, it would be a man dressed in sweater and corduroy pants. But change his shoes perforated leather with a pair of Church's hand-stitched, made it a completely different person. Not only in perception, but also (at least according to my grandmother) in substance. packing material
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Sooner packing material or later I'll redo the mouthpiece of some of my pipe to Gilli. But now I can not. I just realized that I had an urgent need to renew my shoes park ... :-) Reply Delete
The same theory of the shoes, I made her my mother since I was a boy. Theory that I apply again when vsdo around, packing material applied also to the (my) of the tie that the model predicts, the material, the combination with the dress, but also the node and the length :-) Delete packing material Reply
I run the risk of going a bit off topic, but I am sure that Tonibaruch here forgive me ... The pipes were returned by Gilli me today, I can not find the words to describe the bill of these mouthpieces, top quality, materials and workmanship, stuff other times ... tillo Delete Reply
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Friday, February 14, 2014

Books all natural

Hello everyone today I wanted to make a review on two Sensure shower gel that I found at the Coop. Both have an INCI very good and I've paid 90 cents. one per 100 ml of product. These products can also be found at Upim and Home Savings and you can also find the larger size of 200 ml which costs about 1.50 Euros, or 500 ml which costs 1,80 / 2,00 euro. In addition there is also the version with aloe and this also has a great incidence. Milk and Honey shower gel INCI Aqua (solvent) Cocamidopropyl BETAINE (surfactant) OLIVOYL SODIUM GLUTAMATE (detergent) POTASSIUM OLIVOYL Hydrolyzed WHEAT PROTEIN Cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine (surfactant) LAURYL marcela zacarias Glucoside (mild nonionic surfactant) GLYCERIN marcela zacarias (denaturing / humectant / solvent) GUAR HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE ( Antistatic / film forming / viscosity) PARFUM SODIUM BENZOATE (preservative) SODIUM OLIVAMPHOACETATE (antistatic / surfactant) Potassium sorbate (preservative), marcela zacarias Olea Europaea OIL (emollient / solvent / plant) MAGNESIUM PCA (humectant) SODIUM PCA (Antistatic / humectant) PANTHENOL marcela zacarias (antistatic) OATS SATIVA KERNEL OIL (skin conditioning / solvent) Hydrolyzed OAT PROTEIN (antistatic) POTASSIUM PALMITOYL Hydrolyzed OAT PROTEIN (hair conditioning / skin conditioning) I really liked this product, it is delicate and has a very good smell that remains marcela zacarias on the skin even lighter after showering. I've used both as a shower gel for the body as a normal soap for hands and face and I had a great time in all three cases. White Musk INCI AQUA shower gel (solvent) Cocamidopropyl BETAINE (surfactant) OLIVOYL SODIUM GLUTAMATE (detergent) POTASSIUM marcela zacarias OLIVOYL Hydrolyzed WHEAT PROTEIN (detergent / wetting) COCOAMIDOPROPYLHYDROXYSULTAINE (surfactant) LAURYL Glucoside (mild nonionic marcela zacarias surfactant) GLYCERIN (denaturing / humectant / solvent) GUAR HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM marcela zacarias CHLORIDE (Antistatic / film forming / viscosity) marcela zacarias PARFUM SODIUM BENZOATE (preservative) SODIUM OLIVAMPHOACETATE (antistatic / surfactant) Potassium sorbate (preservative), Olea Europaea OIL (emollient / solvent / plant) MAGNESIUM PCA (humectant) SODIUM PCA (Antistatic / humectant) PANTHENOL (antistatic) Lilium candidum (vegetable) This fragrance I liked a little less than the other. Unlike that this milk and honey, once had a shower, you do not feel on the skin. But it is still a viable product and apart from the scent (which still is not bad), I loved it. This, too, I have used both the body and the face and gave me no problems. I advise you to try them because the value is, in my opinion, very good.
Books all natural
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