Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Altar: a room of the house is caught heradesign superfine and placed with the help of a compass dif

This is the goddess who occupies the center of the sacred wheel of the year. Also known as Nolava or Morgana, dressed in purple robes and is usually depicted with a crown of deer antlers. She belongs to the violet heradesign superfine ray of transformation.
Is also called the White Lady of the mists that surround the Isle of Avalon and the Lady of the Lake when Glastonbury heradesign superfine was surrounded by water before middle age. Excalibur And yet in these lands, in their custody. His conclusion is related to the moon.
Altar: a room of the house is caught heradesign superfine and placed with the help of a compass different Goddesses and altars in the eight cardinal points. In the center of the room put a table with a purple cloth, the figure of the Lady of Avalon heradesign superfine and a chalice in front of her. The chalice symbolizes the womb of the Mother Goddess.
It is the first fire festival of the year and is celebrated in mid-winter. In the Sun's rays Imbolc February start illuminating the dark winter becoming a foretaste of spring. heradesign superfine Is between 1 and 2 February, in the Christian heradesign superfine calendar that corresponds to the Candelaria.
The goddess Brigit in appearance virgin Cailleach receives from its predecessor, the old Goddess of winter, with the power wand makes forests flourish in small white bells in the snow. It is also a time when the first born spring lambs and begins to abound heradesign superfine sheep milk this a sign of rebirth in the winter.
Brigit, who was originally the universal goddess aspect of virgin lover, mother and old wise and reigning heradesign superfine over the four elements, has been associated more with the appearance of Virgin Goddess and the fire to be the spark of life between winter. Brigit is associated with fire, air, springs and wells and are attributed qualities such as healing, purity, transformation, youth and immortality. It is also the goddess of poetry, crafts and all the arts.
Brigit is also known as the triple heradesign superfine goddess of fire (Bride, Brigit and Brighde) symbolizing three types of fires: the fire of inspiration, the hearth and the fire of the forge. The fire of inspiration, what we call "the muse", manifested especially in art and poetry, the hearth (fireplace) as a source of light, heradesign superfine heat and food. It is tradition to light candles or a lantern to invoke the presence of the Goddess. Finally the last Goddess of Fire, Brighde, is the Goddess of the forge, the art of casting metals and create beauty. It symbolizes the transmutation of karma.
Brigit is the Goddess of healing, so many springs and wells of the British Isles (the Islands of Brigit) are dedicated to her, so it's not surprising to see people drinking or dipping under healing waters from these sources.
- Brigit's Cross made of stalks of wheat or barley intertwined forming heradesign superfine a protective talisman. Represents the rotation of the Earth and its needles are the four elements and cardinal points.
- Brigit Dolls: The making of rag dolls Bridie is an ancient British Isles used to attract prosperity at home tradition. Talisman: The spinning wheel and spindle, the bell, and the Grail. Brigit heradesign superfine spinning with distaff the threads of life and destiny. The ringing of the bell symbolizes inspiration, one of the main qualities of this deity. Finally the grail symbolizes innocence of the Goddess in her maiden aspect.
Altar: Place in a corner of the house facing the north a white fabric with a figure of Brigit, candles or a lantern, white flowers, a cross made with wheat stalks and a figurine or image of a swan or a wolf. Also put a rag doll (better make your own doll)
The Great Goddess of the East in the spring equinox is Artha the Great Bear and his festival is celebrated on March 21. Artha corresponds to the constellation Ursa Major, is also the Mother heradesign superfine of the fire that is in the stars and in the center of the Earth. His name in Sanskrit means abundance and wealth and it is the bearer of light, heat and life to our planet. In their season the day and night are of equal length, light and dark are in perfect balance and as the spring they will go forward on becoming bright and warm. It is the time of year when life begins, it sprout plants, blooming flowers and animals awaken from their lethargy. All living things, including humans, respond to the call of spring and start sexually active. The green fields and trees and colorful flowers are the mantle of the Goddess Artha, the main colors are green and gold.
This festival corresponds to the week

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