Thursday, February 6, 2014

End a busy weekend, played by Koreans nordpack in trendy places, toilet rolls used as kleenex, coug

- "My eyes must deceive," - said Sea to meet in the hallway - Santesh, nordpack are you wearing foam hair "Well, I do not carry foam, no And I felt a little embarrassed at having to confess Mar I forgot?. wash my hair this morning. Santesh unfortunate that you forget to water your flowers, nordpack grooming his hair, shave his beard, cure their colds ... and write your posts! nordpack
End a busy weekend, played by Koreans nordpack in trendy places, toilet rolls used as kleenex, coughing, sneezing, desenfrioles ... and wilted flowers that I knew not properly watered. The protagonist of these days, however, was my cousin Adam Raga. With just twenty-one, the firstborn of my uncle Chandran (the last one left me after the death of Vijay) and my aunt Angels, is on track to regain the championship of the world indoor trial after claim victory today Marseille ahead of Briton Dougie Lampkin, his closest rival. I tried calling to congratulate Adam, but had his phone turned off (I guess so be weary of flattery). Prefer not being able to talk to him. Natural result would not, because we've never been too good. Envy envy their titles and recognition of their efforts to their family, the media and the Tarragona institutions. And yet I'm happy for him because I hate him for his fame, but I want to be one of the few close relatives who have in this country. Otherwise, it's Monday morning. And we know that means office Monday and siginifica tedium, absurd conversations, nasty cafes, nonsense Adolfo Rodolfo and new conquests. Justifies such a scenario repeat tonight with wine and cheese, and end the night drunk, cursing my ways, envying Adam a little more ... and perhaps lamenting for leaving such beautiful wither as you now preside sadly my living flowers. Perhaps I'll like my flowers nordpack wilting in silence? I think the last glass of wine ...
They are four-thirty in the afternoon. Just got back to the office. And very glad I am (as usual). I do not know how I managed to convince two companions - Amado Ortega and Rodolfo Sánchez - to stop work at one o'clock, and National I enfilásemos towards Chueca in order to taste a delicious vegetarian menu at Chez Pomme of Pelayo street (high for vermouth in Bodega Sierra prior) Amado has hallucinated. I think it was his first day in Chueca. Amado had never seen two people of the same sex making cuddle (that was not on TV), had never entered a condom store and not know existed dedicated to leather goods shops, free magazines gay background, sexual themed video stores, Seller or as explicit homosexual Berkana covers in the window. In a way, it was like taking a child to the amusement park for the first time in his life. "Look, Rodolfo, a boy with blue hair!, Or" Where you say that hoop hangs? "Was the kind of questions that we ran over to fold each corner. The short road that runs from the parking Vazquez de Mella Square to the Pomme Chez has been immortalized trying to satisfy their curiosity. already in the restaurant, including the cream of mushroom starter and the second pesto tortellini, Amado asked me why people are devoted to ate around. I was puzzled. because I turned my head in all directions to look for on the other diners, but I have not noticed anything strange. Finally, giving up on finding a differential point, I asked him for the reason of your question. Amado answered "Well, I think it should not work, because as wear suits and all have a weird hairstyle ..." Just two years ago, Mar sepillo (Telecom Noise companion who came to Madrid two years ago from non- so-remote Linares) explained to me that his first visit to Chueca was so important to her, when her boyfriend-of-all-the-life called to inquire about your stay in Madrid experience, she replied: "Enrique, I think my world is very small. nordpack "Obviously nordpack his relationship with Enrique that lasted two newscasts, which needed to enlarge ...
Today I did not want to work. And I have not worked. My last month in Noise Telecom has been so unproductive as the last days of Peter Gibbons at Initech, arriving at half past eleven the office, nordpack wearing a military jacket and the first up leaving without feeling guilty. I let the day pass without hiding nordpack boredom. Santesh Raga, is part of the strategy, I say, hang in there. And I think certainly on my way to achieve my goal: unfair dismissal. But the days pass slowly. Waste the few hours in front of the actual nordpack laptop eternizan

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