Thursday, April 3, 2014

Good tools are a good tool. It

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Good tools are a good tool. It's that simple, the iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit is such a tool. Why buy just at iFixit Europe? Also, very easy: with the purchase makes you a small contribution to the idea of iFixit, icar net the worldwide community that helps each other to fix things. Repair, Do not throw it away. The iFixit repair manuals help. A really great thing.
With the help of thousands of repair instructions so you could put together a selection of tools that will not only delight hobbyists. More than 70 tools, the iFixit Pro Tech Tool covers for computers, which is supplied in a handy roll-bag (tool roll). This müffelt incidentally quite strong and only after two wash cycles - without tools - in the washing machine and a week airing, the smell is almost completely gone and now stinky freely used.
In addition to the 54-bit screwdriver set, my personal highlight and out of my craft everyday hardly imagine, there are the practical Plastic Opening tools for kratzefreies opening housings, icar net various precision tweezers, antistatic spatula for poking, prying, and open up a Anti-Static Wrist Strap , a suction cup and many other useful tools. The overview of all tools can be found here.
So all in all a very useful tools which, I may be a good idea supportive, unconditionally recommend. The iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit in Europe iFixit shop for 69, - EUR (excl. Shipping costs) icar net can be ordered. A clear craft suitable buy recommendation.
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