Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hi! Google gerade packwell im Web und bin auf dieser Homepage gelandet. Respekt, haben Sie toll gema

Steve, Blogged about this yesterday here . I think Wendy hit the nail on the head with this video. I also felt my own learning journey packwell yesterday, mirrored the networked student. My question is how do we design professional development to transform educators from being the “Sage on the Stage” to “Learning Concierge”? It seems to me that in order to assist students in making connections, we need to be connected ourselves. I’m not sure that regular classroom teachers with “full packwell plates” have the time or energy to do that. Perhaps that is roll tech integrationists need to fill. Provide lists of connections for people. Thoughts?
[...] Teach 42 shared a video the Networked Student in Plain English. I think this is also an excellent example of the networked teacher. This illustrates packwell very well how I work within my learning packwell network and how we can continue to be life long learners in an area that we have interest. packwell I believe teachers need to be similarly network to enhance their learning and to learn how to effectively use these tools to support student learning. I will be sharing this with my colleagues. [...]
This is the greatest post I have come across so far.I am really pleased to post my comment on this blog .I love your blog by the way, I am gonna have to add you to my list of watched blogs .Thank you for this very useful information. stored it.Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Hi packwell Mr.Dembo, Thank you for commenting on my blog. Most of my friends don’t like sushi either. We actually just watched a “in plain english” video on wikis. Unfortunately packwell I could not view your video because youtube is blocked in our district. Bye
Hello, Michael Walker’s question gets to the source of the mission. packwell Kids can do anything we ask them in regards to integrating technology into their learning. The difficulty is with many of our teachers. I don’t have the answer to: ” packwell how do we design professional development to transform educators”. Getting our administrators to give up time for training packwell is the starting place. After that I know it has to be hands on learning or it is wasted time. Thanks, Greg
Bill Johnsen
Hi! Google gerade packwell im Web und bin auf dieser Homepage gelandet. Respekt, haben Sie toll gemacht. packwell Ich wünsche Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg mit Ihre Seite und natürlich viele Besucher. packwell Hier habe ich mich sehr wohl gefühlt und werde wieder packwell hierher zurückkommen. Freue mich auf einen Gegenbesuch auf meiner Homepage
Hallo, ich kam durch Zufall auf diese Seite und möchte einen netten Gruß hinterlassen. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr auf meiner Homepage auch einmal vorbei schauen würdet! Vielleicht wollt ihr einmal auf Sylt Westerland oder an der Ostsee Urlaub machen?! Wir haben dort sehr schöne Meerblickwohnungen. Vielleicht bis bald einmal! Herzliche Grüße
Connectivism and Learning | Provost Sharon L. Vasquez's Blog

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