Saturday, July 12, 2014

New research has revoked the outdated belief

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Before you start spraying your freshener air freshener to connect the base oil or light up scented alexander smurfit candle, you should alexander smurfit think twice. We were totally shocked when we learned about the harmful effects that these products can cause.
Defense Council Natural Resources, an international organization for the protection of the environment, a study titled "Clearing alexander smurfit the air: Hidden dangers of air fresheners" which concluded that 86% of tested fresheners contain phthalates. alexander smurfit
Ftalatite used as plastic softeners, anti-foaming agent in aerosols and can be found in plastic toys, cars, paint, pesticides, cosmetics and perfumes. According to research published by the NRDS, most ftalatite affect testosterone levels, that are associated with reproductive alexander smurfit abnormalities.
Numerous animal studies have shown that when exposed to phthalates reduces alexander smurfit testosterone alexander smurfit cause genital deformities and reduced production of sperm. Studies conducted alexander smurfit show that people ftalatite predizikuvaat hormonal changes, poor quality sperm formation and changes in the genitals. Five types of phthalates, one of which is located in air fresheners, causing defects in newborns. Moreover, NRDS said ftalatite fresheners from symptoms associated with allergy and asthma.

New research has revoked the outdated belief "the dose makes the poison." In other words, it means you have to have high exposure to toxins consequences can be harmful to health. New research alexander smurfit shows that even minimal exposure to phthalates can have serious health consequences.
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July 12, 2014

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