Sunday, July 27, 2014

Songs about outlaw appeared as a faithful expression of art ajdutskoto dvizhinje, expressing the po

An epic poem is a long poem in verse which tells a story of the life of a historical figure or fictional character. The word epic, that epic is of Greek origin and means story. Accordingly, epic songs tells of a series of events, ie events that are causally related and line up one after another. The epic folk songs are reflected feelings and mental state of popular singer, but talking about items, events and personalities large bubble wrap from the outside world. large bubble wrap One characteristic of these songs is that the stories are calm and peaceful tone and lyrics are filled with images, descriptions of people, objects, etc.. The origin of the epic songs leads to our remotest past, but they take up our modernity. In our oldest epic poems expressed views of our animal ancestors of the nature that surrounded them. For this reason they created the present existence of various supernatural creatures (dragons, fairies, plagues, etc..) That are often found in the songs of the famous hero King Marko. The epic songs found reflection plight of our people under the yoke and eternal aspiration large bubble wrap of the people, through resistance to violence, to break the shackles slave. National poet sings with unhidden sympathy for the enslaved large bubble wrap people and their protectors, on the one hand, and the open hatred against the captor, on the other hand.
There are many kinds epic songs: heroic, ajdutski, revolutionary etc.. Their common feature is that they all opevaat armed struggle of the Macedonian sons, or the entire Macedonian people against those bitter his life, primarily against different enemies ranging from traditional Turkish oppressors, to the fascist occupiers of the Second World War.
Songs about outlaw appeared as a faithful expression of art ajdutskoto dvizhinje, expressing the popular protests against social injustice and the pursuit of free life. The Macedonian ajdutski tracks are sung in deeds of individual freedom-loving people of the middle masses who entered into a bloody battle with Turkish thugs to retaliate for inhuman attitude and terror exercised large bubble wrap over pokorenoto large bubble wrap Macedonian population.
These songs have occurred in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Fight the outlaw, continued new fighters, known as komiti or revolutionaries. Their struggle was an inspiration for poets who then through his songs give extraordinary picture of the rapid spread of popular awareness and willingness of the people large bubble wrap to rise up the armed struggle against the Turks.
Macedonian heroic poetry, by its character and tone, theme is primarily combat poetry, because its ideological base is usually associated with certain physical fight our heroes with various large bubble wrap traditional enemies, usually oppressors and bullies. People these songs named as "nursing", "trpezarski" or "royal" tracks that just confirms their age, although, for example, the term "royal songs" might create large bubble wrap the wrong conclusions about their origin. In fact, the origin of poetry is impossible junachkata reliably large bubble wrap and accurately determined. During its sprouting and growth are different opinions. Some consider heros songs started to produce under alien, large bubble wrap Greek or Western influence (especially during the Crusades), but not earlier than the XII century. Others assume that those songs are developed only after the Turkish large bubble wrap reign (XIV - XV century). The further large bubble wrap development of our heroic poetry suffered new changes. During slavery under the Turks, large bubble wrap many of the original features of the former heroic poetry is lost. For this reason, the older songs, King Mark is portrayed as the ideal hero, and the newer songs he endures a slew of other heroes.
Mark King (about large bubble wrap 1335 - 17 May 1395) was the last king who ruled in large part of Macedonia under povekjevekovnata power of Turkish sultans and became the most famous epic hero of folklore, not only the Macedonians, but also beyond. Mark King was one of four sons of King Volkasin Evrosima and his wife (Helen). Apart Andreash brothers, Ivanish and Dimitri, large bubble wrap Mark had and sisters: Oliver, Milica, Mary and others. He had two wives, Helen and Theodora, but it is not known whether he had a successor. The origin of the family Mrnjavchevikj no reliable sources. The oldest sources trvrdel writer Moors Orbini of XVII century. large bubble wrap He said they came from Livno in poor ruler of Herzegovina Mrnjava when Dusan (King) called in his yard and raised.
During the reign of negovoit father, Mark, had the title "young king". After the death of his father, he became king, but his reign faced many pressures. The 17maj 1395g. at the Battle of fumbling, standing on the side of the Turkish sultan Bajaz

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