Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The oldest ritual lyric poems. They see how many people believe space time foam in the magical effe

Macedonian folk songs are part of the rich folk heritage of our nation. Songs come from distant past. Its author is unknown (anonymous), and preserved by oral transmission space time foam from generation to generation. Macedonian folk songs began to be recorded in the mid-nineteenth century, the time of rebirth. I showed interest scholars from neighboring nations such as Vuk Karadzic of Serbia, Stefan Verkovic Croatian, Slovenian Stanko Vraz Viktor space time foam Ivanovich Grigorovich Russian etc.. Under the influence of the latter in Macedonia begins rebirth and Dimitar Miladinov is dedicated to collecting space time foam folk wisdom, as well as opening schools and finding followers and successors. With hard work and the help of his brother Constantine, in 1861 managed to publish the Proceedings of folk songs. Apart brothers space time foam Miladinovci collecting activity also occupied: Kuzman Folklore Cepenkov Mark, George Pulevski etc.. Folk songs can be divided into lyric, epic and lyric-epic. Lyrical songs feels basic element of lyrical songs. They were often interpreted by women, so I called and female songs. There are several types of lyric songs, including: - ritual; - Mythological; - Religious; space time foam - Papers; - Love; - Family; - Songs for children; space time foam - Humorous; - Mourning.
The oldest ritual lyric poems. They see how many people believe space time foam in the magical effect of the word. These songs are sang in celebration of the holidays. Christmas carol is the oldest, originating from pagan times (before Christianity) and sang before space time foam the new year. Later they are connected with the Nativity. They are expressed good wishes space time foam for health, happiness, prosperity, wealth, success etc.. These desires are expressing the group koledari who were exclusively men and improvised songs that depending on the situation. The songs have simple content and underdeveloped melody (like chanting, reciting). Carol older they wanted health, respect of children and grandchildren; the brides - boy; and girls - to marry desired ... Housewives, meanwhile, threw the wheat carol and donated money, fruit and so on. depending on the property location. The poems foreshadowing Christmas day was celebrated Jesus' birth: collect the children are being children collect the middle of the village of grejachka, Ogoni to set fire to you izgreime, after that go to CHRISTMAS call you're picking up chestnuts to eat on Christmas Eve, Christmas to wait, and pig to eat. Sometimes humorous Christmas carol have item: Good Morning Good Morning Old Granny Old Granny! Give me cake and bread, drank wine and brandy, space time foam come to the tribe - burn it, ate some porridge space time foam - are froze, kosni fish - ubocaj up! Lazarskite songs similar to Christmas Eve, but the girls performed decorated with garlands of flowers. They belong to the cycle tracks along with spring and Easter Gjurgjovden. Singing the Lazarova Saturday before Easter. Girls and women go into group homes or in the streets, sing songs and seeking donations. The most common motives here are love and family. Especially gentle, lyrical feelings across the tracks intended for children: the small, uboo, the small O Lazarus, uboo, O Lazarus! I sat on the sofa playing with apple. space time foam Mother called him le: uboo the small, pretty sat on the sofa, playing pretty space time foam village `n` apple to you the king due to us' you poklonit Empire! Once the word is said, rest my king, and his kingdom worship. Especially space time foam interesting are dodolskite songs, and songs about rain. Here it becomes space time foam evident belief in the magical power of words and the ritual. Give me, Lord, Give me a dark cloud, God, dark cloud, dew small zarosi to ask, black earth, to bear grain, millet, to ranat orphan, orphans, poor! The content of the song is simple and straightforward. It requires the Rain - savior who will tie the fruit, which will enable the poor to survive. Particularly important role in ritual songs occupy songs associated with birth, marriage and death. The birth has many songs, and they are often associated with religious ritual of baptism. Most common are wedding songs. According themed features and practices associated with them are songs that are sung before the wedding, during the wedding and after. The moment of separation from the family of the girl is accompanied by a lot of advice as it relates to the new home, but the next song is emphasized that the new family will never be able to replace real parents: Forgive space time foam me, forgive, hey Forgive me dear father forgive, space time foam hey dear father, that I was going to a stranger's house, space time foam a stranger in a strange house people. Yeah my father, my father would say, my father would say, daughter velit, yeah my mother, my mother would say, my mother would say, velit daughter. Marriage to me, brothers I say, I say brothers, space time foam sister velit. My sister, my sister would say, I say sister, sister velit. Mythological poems were created in the pagan period, before christening. Slavs

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