Saturday, May 31, 2014

In the third century BC Pljevaljski area was the center of the Illyrian tribes Pirusta, which is en

Beginning today Pljevlje list of streets in Social Economic activity Production System General Information Technical Infrastructure Environment Administration Politics and Society Demographic characteristics of national movements in Pljevaljski end of 1941-1945 census Municipal Assembly Political situation in Pljevlje 1945-1991 monuments Monastery of the Holy Trinity Hussein - Pasha Mosque Monastery plain packaging australia Monastery of St. sufficient. Archangel Michael Monastery Dubočica Municipal, S ... Sat - tower monument on Stražica plain packaging australia Tumuli and old towns Events Days of humor and satire Award "Risto Pejatović" award "Vukovar Bezarević" plain packaging australia award "Tipar" the November ceremony Tournament "Drop the drugs in the basket," first hair Montenegro Days Regional exhibition underway; cheese honey Heritage Monastery treasury Heritage Museum of the High School National Theatre in Pljevlje Tipar Journal "Bridges" inter-community award "20th November "Pljevaljski brewers Yugoslav Museum of humor and satire
The object of this work is the Islamic religious community in Pljevlje between the two world wars, its role, and the importance of working in an environment which is its geographical position on the border of a variety of influences, both Turkey and the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Serbia and Montenegro.
The time in which is situated the theme of work is also characteristic; The First World War and the creation of a unified Yugoslav state have caused plain packaging australia a number of changes in the socio-political, religious, educational and cultural life.
Issues in the IVZ Pljevlje and beyond has not been seriously studied. Historiography is this issue so far dealt with only fragmentary and superficial. The previous works are mainly plain packaging australia observed this subject in a wider context, and in particular is a lack of research papers based on archival documents. Hence, this work is only a small step towards a comprehensive and systematic study of this subject.
The ambitions of this study are that the reader draw attention to the socio-political situation in Pljevlja in the Ottoman Empire and after annexation of the territory of Montenegro, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The paper explains the process of Islamization, demographic trends of population, development and expansion plain packaging australia of the city, education and culture. In part that relates to the question of the IZ in Pljevlje interwar explained IVZ complete organization in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the team regarding the organization of these activities on a concrete example of Pljevlja. Jamaat plain packaging australia and mosques, both in urban and in the rural areas, the Mufti, shari'a courts, religious and educational activities, vakufs i Waqf mearifska administration.
The reader has before him a paper that was written on the basis of a broad literature, periodic newspapers, journals and archival materials plain packaging australia mikrofilmovanog fund of the State Archives of Montenegro in Cetinje. In making this work, I had a lot of help mentor prof. Dr. Serbo Rastoder, so take this opportunity to him and all others who have contributed to this work looks like this, I sincerely thank you.
Few cities in this region and beyond can boast such a god-this and eventful history as it can Pljevlje. Throughout history, here are changed plain packaging australia Illyrian, Roman, Slovenia, Turkey, the Austro-Hungarian tradition and each of them was given a special stamp history Pljevlja. Archaeological findings show traces of one distant prehistoric civilization in this area. In fact, it is considered that the way led through pathways that are Polimlje, plain packaging australia Pljevlja, Niksic and Cavtat merged Danube region with the Dubrovnik area. This was one of the directions in which they are in the period of about 2000 years BC group people from the East were shifting towards the Adriatic, indoevropizirajući these areas, as with the associated emergence and Illyrians. 135
In the third century BC Pljevaljski area was the center of the Illyrian tribes Pirusta, which is engaged in mining. This tribe was part of a large tribal alliance, known as the "Illyrian state," which is at the peak of its power under Queen Teuta stretched all the way to the south of Corfu.
Even then, the Romans realized the danger that they may threaten the expansion of the Illyrian state, so that they began to mix in the Macedonian-Illyrian conflicts and thus under its sphere plain packaging australia of influence include the land that is covered "Illyrian state." At the end of the first century BC the Romans conquered all the Illyrian regions. Illyrians resisted (particularly distinguished themselves Pirusta), but it was not enough to resist the great empires.
When the Romans came to this area, the first thing they did was exploit knowledge Pirusta mining. So we have the opening of the mine: lead and zinc - hollow rocks, iron ore - Prawns. It is not yet known whether plain packaging australia near Pljevlja (husks) or near Prijepolje plain packaging australia (Spinning wheel) we have the remains of a Roman Municipium. The name of this village is not known. We know only that it would begin with the letter "S" to the scientific

Then follows a flood of information about the relationships between individual villages, between ea

On the island, after two weeks I traveled through the country, I finally met her dream of every traveler: the ideal taxi driver! ... Let me say this: I use the precise words. When I say "perfect", I mean it, "ideal". green foam Robert - let's call him simply named Robert green foam - founder and owner of a taxi company, "Robert".
RELATED NEWS News Your renters rooms are discern-ment of CIA agents, I'm Dan Alex. Of course I did not invent aaaah, Hvaaar! I do not know otherwise imagine what I felt there ... Split: Place the dark atmosphere of which others can only dream
Hill of a man, 30 years old, local guy - his grandfather was a blacksmith who forged green foam the cemetery gate in the Old City. Robert still lives in the Old City. Hvar is left only for military service in Pula for a few more trips. Speak to local accent fantastically green foam slow, even when in a hurry (assuming - which is an absurd hypothesis green foam - that there is something green foam worth rushing). Robert's manners green foam are exceptional, no friendly "fuck you" in every sentence. He knows everyone and everything, so he decide přeložit that I drove through the island, off the usual tourist routes. Is not that just decided to merge with the locals ... I'm green foam just looking for something green foam beyond the usual Hvar disco and tourist cafes. Listening to the blues and old rock
In the car, Robert lets Lynnard Skynnard and, despite its appearance of heavy metal, tattoos and other external signs of identity, revealing a taste for blues and old rock and roll. "When my friends were listening to New Kids on the Block, I listened to the Beatles," green foam he says. Age is important because green foam Robert was born in 1980. Year. This means that you never really knew communism, but as a boy saw when Serbian planes bombed some military installations on the island. "Of course I remember," says driving calmly, green foam "that the first plane came over me so low that I could see the pilot's face."
We talk about everything, but Robert does not fall on any one of my cheap journalistic trick. He is just an honest man who keeps his truth. Take me through the desolate hills, forest fires devastated arly, through villages and isolated hamlets, from Hvar and Stari Grad to the other end of the island, in Sucuraj, where cease all roads. The island has few trees. Even on the day I arrived by ferry from Split, firefighters extinguished green foam a fire that completely went blank one hill. "They are experienced people, accustomed to disaster," said Robert, as if he was not one of them. "Cultivated land that remains green foam today is only 25 percent of what it was. Lavender fields, vineyards and olive groves, everything is burned. The villages were abandoned and many people moved away. "
Robert speaks a little English and a little Italian, and wanted to learn Portuguese, but mostly loves his dialect. "Croats from the continent would not even understand us when we talk to each other," he says. First, I think that's an exaggeration, like so many other things that one hears in Croatia, but then gives me some examples: "For example, you use For" come "to say that you have arrived in Hvar. In our dialect, green foam "I arrived in Hvar" becomes "Io son in arrivň For '. Arrivň, as in Italian! ... And For, as Ancient Greek form of the name for the island of Pharos. Is not it wonderful? "Yes, I must admit. While it About the For the Hvar could easily come from the customs of people from the Old City to close A which then becomes Oh, and the name of your city pronounce Stori Grod.
Then he continued: "And you would say 'I'm back', we say 'Tornň son is'. Also, old people from Storog Groda say 'addio' when they meet. They say addio at the beginning and say addio and when leaving. But all that is lost, the young do not talk that way, "he says sadly, even though he is the only 30 years old. Moreover, each village has its own dialect and specific pronunciation. As we go along the road between green foam the two villages, which are practically touching, Robert's face brightened. "Look here," he exclaimed, pointing excitedly to the outside. Morocco, Texas, Gaza ...
Then follows a flood of information about the relationships between individual villages, between each "Paiza" as they call it here locally. So the village of Dol others call "Morocco" is another village green foam "Texas" green foam because the people there something wild and tough, then comes the "Gaza", and even, yes, "Israel," I will appoint a place for local residents whose rest islands claimed to be stingy.
Maybe I without Robert could see the Greek fields, which are under the protection of UNESCO, which share a long antique dry-stone walls that criss-crossed the island, but no one would have led to the mountain to see the "lime kiln" green foam stone oven in the form of a tower, the by lime obtained centuries ago by burning limestone. "Such a tough job," says Robert dreamily. "These people probably had a terrible life."
Robert in his character's natural goodness, which is why it does not matter what others ride like a cowboy, especially if you know that they come from "Texas". He knows, of course, everyone on the island. We stopped near the archaeological meadow in the Old City, and there he, miraculously, members of the archaeological team, welcome and allow me to pass

Friday, May 30, 2014

John R. GOLOVIĆ (1909 - 1984) was completed in Tuzla apprenticeship with master Nathan Friedman. Fo

Beginning today Pljevlje list of streets in Social Economic activity Production styrofoam peanuts System General Information Technical Infrastructure Environment Administration Politics and Society Demographic characteristics of national movements in Pljevaljski end of 1941-1945 census Municipal Assembly Political situation in Pljevlje 1945-1991 monuments Monastery of the Holy Trinity Hussein - Pasha Mosque Monastery styrofoam peanuts Monastery of St. sufficient. Archangel Michael Monastery Dubočica Municipal, S ... Sat - tower monument on Stražica styrofoam peanuts Tumuli and old towns Events Days of humor and satire Award "Risto Pejatović" award "Vukovar Bezarević" award "Tipar" the November ceremony Tournament "Drop the drugs in the basket," first hair Montenegro Days Regional exhibition underway; cheese honey Heritage Monastery treasury Heritage Museum of the High School National Theatre in Pljevlje Tipar Journal "Bridges" inter-community award "20th November "Pljevaljski brewers Yugoslav Museum of humor and satire
Pljevlje were once the city trade and commerce, especially in the Middle and New Era. So here are a very common surname - Kovačevići, Zlatarić Kujundjic Potters, Terzic (tailors), Mutapdžići, KAČAR, Sujuldžići ... Unfortunately, this is so important human activity is not particularly detailed and researched and trained. If we add to our carelessness and neglect, then the only one of them used to live in these areas, remained little more than nothing. Few surviving documents and photos with families who have had their prosperity while the "craft was a golden" complete fund modest resources. Certainly that is one of the golden period styrofoam peanuts underway; zanatsva any time Austro-Hungarian troops in Pljevlja. In one of the documents from that time Stevan I Samardzic styrofoam peanuts writes: "While here garnizovala Austrian army except liferanata and many others have benefited. So many artisans have worked exclusively with the Austrian army (like sausage, bakery ...) But I do not need this for a moment interpret the world mourns the Krauts. And he who does not have much idea about the general interest, so the Serb looks forward to leaving the Krauts. "
Popčetović styrofoam peanuts S. Lazarus (1892-1939) was one of the first true masters of modern plumbers. In Pljevlje began to learn KOVAČKO - wainwright craft in Mustafa Nahodovića and 1908th year runs in Niksic. There, in a master "latina", together with Philip following reports from stamped ends locksmith-tinsmith trade. Unmatched was in making the stove, styrofoam peanuts sink, tub, gutter, various types of scales, steel gates, metal roofs. For his service in the Balkan and First World War, he was awarded several times. The holder of a medal of St. Sava.
St. John Stamenić (1904 - 1990) was completed apprenticeship in Sarajevo, and the 1930th year he opened a workshop on "John styrofoam peanuts Stamenić and brother" in the bazaar, as opposed to the former "Zelengore" where he worked with his brother Dojčilom. Tinsmith shop had Diko and their brother, who was also a good Brazier.
John R. GOLOVIĆ (1909 - 1984) was completed in Tuzla apprenticeship with master Nathan Friedman. For a short time working in Valjevo, and the 1930th year, its full service styrofoam peanuts and a lifetime spent in Pljevlja.
Pero M. Potparić (1910 - 1982) is a ploy finished 1923rd styrofoam peanuts year in Laza Popčetovića, with whom later and runs until Liar sudden death of the 1939th styrofoam peanuts year. After the war, working in state enterprises styrofoam peanuts and institutions.
Svetozar Sacred Mr. Novakovic - Lika (1914 - 1999) learned the trade at John Stamenić, styrofoam peanuts in whose workshop is conducted for fifteen years and before the war goes to work in the workshop styrofoam peanuts "Brace Vidovic". After the war, working in various municipal and utility companies. styrofoam peanuts
This is one of the oldest styrofoam peanuts crafts in which they Pljevljaci practiced since ancient times. Smithies were usually located on the outskirts styrofoam peanuts of the city, and there were the villages and along roads. The most famous blacksmiths in the twentieth century were - imperative Krejović, processing Irić, Redžo Bajramovic, Mustafa Nahodović with children, Tomo Milicevic, Murat Nahodović, Milan Popadic and later Nuhanovic Ali, Ali Šefkija Nahodović, Dzemail Dautović Halil Belović, styrofoam peanuts Meho Pelidija, avdo Cano, Milos Kotlaja and others. As blacksmiths who dealt exclusively with POTKIVAČKI jobs, so. nalibanti were Duran Pobrić, Tweedledee and Ljumić Ali Kurtovic. After World War II, a prominent blacksmiths were Demir Nuhanovic and Ljubo Milicevic, and among the rural craftsmen known was Vukoman Peruničić from Pandurica.
The first professional photographer in Pljevlja was Nicholas J. Nastic (1868-1928). The story, which was opened by 1892. Near the camp - the garrison, was also a barber and it was inherited by his son Ljubo. Later, in 1932. Takes the job Savo J. Milic (1907-1941), whose photographs are an important document of a time. Besides these should be mentioned and Radmila Mažice (from Foca) and after the Second styrofoam peanuts World War - Anica Milic, the wife

Thursday, May 29, 2014

On the above website I read that the name originated from Rosnić Popov, however, I

The document "Criminal discussion at a district court in Kotor against Todor Kadic, the Bjelopavlici, in Montenegro, Montenegrin killers eva foam armor ruler, Prince Danilo Petrovic - Njegosza, held on 18 September 1860th year." With the Italian eva foam armor language script translated by John Bućin. The novelty of "Audience" 11 November - 16 November 2003rd
"Jankovic Jankovic (Dubocani) and Čepeljice (Trebinje), came from Petrovic and Milus (Niksic), they are Maleševaca from the left bank Trebišnjica desert island (Little Village Montenegro) eva foam armor between the river Susica and Tara come from Prekotarja; Estuary eva foam armor and Tepca (Uskoci), Zabljak, earlier: Jušičanin from Flat Kotar (Dalmatia) have moved here, so one of them move in beer, as Jankovic, Lower Grabovica (Šavnik) in Drobnjaci are descendants of Novae Group Djurdjic (closest they Janjići), an offshoot eva foam armor of the homogeneous Dulović Pejankovića branches and branches spread Dobrilović, descendants of Matthias Drobnjak, therefore: Matijasevic, and Jankovic and others; Moračani, natives; Rovca as: Jošanović, some have moved away from Piva in Brskut (Bratonožiće ), and from them the Bases (Left River), Podgorica and Berane, and still in Bijelo Polje; Lješnica (Bijelo Polje) Bistrica (White Box) 1854 - 1856th year., in Sokolskoj nahija (Serbia) from Piva in Uzice Montenegro, blacks (Bijelo Polje), Bijelo Polje, Worcester, Grancarevo and Upper Bihor (Bijelo Polje), are natives; Selišta and Zagorak (Pjesivci) are relatives branch: Djukic and Stankovic, immigrants from the Left Rivers (descendants Stevan Vasojevici), a native of Booths (Sandzak). eva foam armor At one time they were called eva foam armor Petrovic, cousin and Vitković; White Church and Honcići (suffering), each have predigli to temper the (Metohija); Paint Roller Deluxe Gorge, Caves, Pines, xam, Bukišta Karst, Arbanases Jankovic, Ljumović, Drušići, comb, Rvaši, Mrcelji, Bobija, Dodoši (River Crnojevića) and Zabljak on Skadar Lake and Rijeka Crnojevića (descendants of someone Leke), from Piper immigrants from Klimenata (Kljemendi), eva foam armor northern Albania. eva foam armor Delete
"They are in Risan, damned (Scutari); Ljubovija (western Serbia); Lokanj (Zvornik) The garden (suffering), see: Garović and Glavatičići; GORIČAN (Zeta), and there from Upper Gorica (Lješkopolje), Podgorica where they moved from Markovina (Cetinje) branch Ivčević the deaf Dol (Crmnica); Cetinje; branch Bacovic, eva foam armor the White Rudin (Niksic), passed in Dubočani (Bileca) Branch Maleševaca from Mirusha from shore Trebišnjica moved in and Anđelići Dubočani (Bileca); Lješnica (Bijelo Polje) Buttercup, Crljenica, Bob's, racial and special in Čadine and Spinning wheel (Pljevlja) from Piva each moved in Ribaševinu (Užička Montenegro); Nalježići (Zeta); Svrčuge and Baošiæi, Herceg Novi; Ubli, Herceg Novi settled 1687th year. from Bjelica (Cetinje) still has them on the periphery of Herceg Novi, without more data; Mrkovi and Ljuštica, Herceg Novi, they are moved from Herzegovina in the 17th v.; Kumbor, Herceg Novi, who moved from Klobuk (Herzegovina) Grbavica (Komarnica), Savnik, branch Dobrilović. Among them are the Glasinac (Romani); eva foam armor Morinj (Risan); Ljutići and measles (Pljevlja) and second in racial, Spinning wheel and Čadinje eva foam armor (Pljevlja); Igalo, Herceg Novi, they branch out Davidovic Pastrovici; Herceg Novi; Nalježići (Zeta), they are from Montenegro; Krusevice, Herceg eva foam armor Novi; Đenovici, Herceg eva foam armor Novi originating from Klobuk (Trebinje); in Risan and Herceg eva foam armor area are mostly immigrants eva foam armor from Herzegovina; Muo (Kotor) are from the Old Montenegro; Kotor around the 1900th year.; Kotor 1,601th years.; Mul (Tivat) of Old Montenegro; eva foam armor Perast village (Kotor) immigrants from the Old Montenegro; eva foam armor "Reply Delete
"Nalježići (Tivat), native to the Old Montenegro, Dobra Voda (Bar); Midas and Vladimir in Ulcinj 1900th year., Some have moved away from Piva in Sokolski nahija (Serbia) and the other in Cream (Uzice) from Montenegro eva foam armor Up evicted Jankovi descendants in Pilatoviće (Cacak), related regional Pavlovic and Colico (Čolovim descendants) in Mojkovac eva foam armor immigrants from the House; Salce (Ulcinj), Podgorica 1854 - 96 yrs.; Danilovgrad; net migration Mačuga (Podgorica) and settled in Drenica (Kosovo) brothers Todor - Toda and Nicholas, eva foam armor from the Todić Toda, who had moved to Bogunovac, Petrinja Battalion, Tulare, Međeđa, Stara Banja and Sijerinska Spa (southern Serbia), Podgorica; Straight River (Mojkovac), and in buttercup (Pljevlja). Some later as: Sokić; braid (southern Serbia) from gravediggers (Podgorica); Zeoke and Šumadijski Kolubara native Morače (Kolasin) to Podgorica from the Zetas, a branch Terzic; Grill (damned), Shkodra, from Montenegro; Bošnjik (Raska), Serbia, eva foam armor settlers from the White Church (suffering) Jankovics brotherhood in Ceklin Jankovics, zagranak brotherhood Ivčević the deaf Dol Jankovics in SELIŠTE Jankovic Piva (Montenegro 5 houses) originating from Drobnjaks from Tepačavsv. Nicholas "Reply Delete
On the above website I read that the name originated from Rosnić Popov, however, I'm taking my last name Rosic and origin of Popova (Dvrsnica village, which was abandoned and demolished) and the oldest eva foam armor marked grave is from the early eighteenth century. Do you have some

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The assignment foliovník of the past is sensational. In the company of the best chefs and connoisse

ZAGREB - 'Thank you,' he said simply Christian Cabalier this Saturday and picked up the prize in the air. For the second year in a row 300 most respected experts from across the Croatian declared his restaurant Bistro Appetite for best restaurant in Croatia and Zagreb.
RELATED NEWS News VIDEO, PHOTO gastro most ambitious project in Croatia: It's 100 best restaurants! 'Good restaurants' best-selling applications on the iTunes Store! 40 BEST RESTAURANTS Istria and Kvarner: eat the most delicious foliovník food in the basement of the Blue
Cabalierov Croatian is still not perfect, so the microphone is left to Sanji Cabalier, his wife. "We believed in victory and in the end to achieve this. Now we have to work even harder. Especially foliovník now, after the second victory in both categories, and the city of Zagreb and throughout Croatia. We are now under scrutiny and we will have this year a special effort "said Sanja and once again bowed ovations. 'Good restaurants' best-selling applications on the iTunes Store!
It was the end of yet another rigorous selection of the best Croatian restaurants. 'Good restaurants we launched a year ago with the desire to finally give people foliovník a real insight foliovník into the restaurant scene in our country, "said the Saturday Sasa Špiranec, one of the founders of the project. Together with the morning list, the most popular culinary magazine foliovník in Croatia, good food and the general sponsor of the Zagreb Bank team behind Good restaurant has created one of the most ambitious culinary projects in the past ten years.
Several months of voting that big connoisseur restaurant scene came up winners in seven categories. In addition foliovník Bistro appetite, winning in other categories, who controlled the restaurant foliovník Waldinger Osijek, Small Hiža from Maèkovac, Batelina from Banjole and Pellegrini from Sibenik. In a separate category 'A friend of wine', a restaurant that pays special attention to respect for wine is Dubravkin way from Zagreb who was last year's winner in this category.
'This year's vote was even more exciting, as we had last year's results so we can compare how they develop some restaurants, "says Mila Batinica, editor of the magazine Good food. This year's list has brought some big surprises and changes in the ranking of the best restaurants. 'Maybe we loved to see new restaurants that are in their first year managed to place high on the list', continues Batinica. Thus, for example, took a small bar high eight place in Zagreb and highly commendable 18th on the national list. It is similar Rougemarin bistro, which is in its first year failed to reach the high 14th place in Zagreb. VIDEO, PHOTO gastro most ambitious project in Croatia: This is the best 100 restaurants 2012th!
"This election is a great indicator of quality restaurants and trends in the culinary scene that guests appreciate," he continued Špiranec. As such an indicator, it is also clear that the biggest winner, foliovník maybe even bigger than your appetite, Pellegrini foliovník from Sibenik. After last year found a second on the list of the best restaurants in Dalmatia and only 16 on the national list this year took a sovereign victory in Dalmatia and sat at a phenomenal fourth place on the national list.
The same goes with a cellar Batelina from Medulin which has become a big favorite in the circles of experienced gastronomes. At the awards David Skoko, Batelinin foliovník chef, greeted with ovations, and on the national list jumped from fifth to third place and won in the regional category, which last year had escaped narrowly.
A similar thing happened in Slavonia and Danube where Waldinger Osijek beat Danube foliovník from Ilok and won in the category of regional and jumped five places on the national list. The only category in which there were no surprises were in central foliovník Croatia where small Hiža again dominated (but it is jumped foliovník from twenty-fifth place to eighth place on the national list) and in the restaurant category of friends where wine is a sovereign victory for the second year in a row took Dubravkin path and jumped up one place in the list of the best restaurants in the country. foliovník
The assignment foliovník of the past is sensational. In the company of the best chefs and connoisseurs of gastronomy scene in Croatia, the winners were celebrated until the early morning hours, and banquet guests were totally captivated by the food prepared by some of the best restaurants in Croatia. Crowds in front of the tables Batelina, Bistro appetite and Appetite City, Dubravkin times, Academie, Lara and Penatia and Takenoko were sufficient to chefs winners Narada foliovník well, but in the end they came out with smiles stretched across foliovník his face.
At the awards foliovník we caught and Tomislav Wruss, director of media EPH. "This is only the proclamation and declaration of the tip of the iceberg," he explained. He confirmed that this year we can expect a full range of products related to good restaurants. 'Once again we do luxury edition is currently the best and most reliable guide through Croatian restaurants. You can also expect foliovník đepno edition line

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The total area of the district Lyakhovichi -135 194 hectares (796 acres of them takes the regional center). The main land users - 20 agricultural organizations, 14 farms, forestry, honeycombs cereal industrial and 6 150 other companies and organizations, as well as 18.6 thousand citizens. Established in September 2003, land use and Geodetic Survey area is currently under reform. According to the Presidential Decree "On Improving the regulation of land relations honeycombs cereal and the state control over land use and protection" from March 2010 based on the existing land management office will be established in the structure of the district executive committee. 7 qualified professionals zemgea service area perform substantial amount of work. Carefully, honeycombs cereal quickly, professionally and courteously serve their many clients surveyors district structure. Wide range of issues to be resolved. At the heart of the work - the basic principles of land relations. In particular, special attention is paid to the use of land for the intended purpose, to protect and improve the useful properties honeycombs cereal of the earth. Keeping honeycombs cereal order on the ground - a problem for anyone, the present owner, and land surveying services for workers - professional and responsible work, the decision of which no details. In the service of long work on the principle of "one window" - in order to reduce time in preparation of documents and relieve people of bureaucratic red tape and inconvenience. Land Management district office is always ready to provide professional and competent honeycombs cereal assistance. For the convenience of citizens is conducted additional reception every Wednesday from 17.00 to 20.00 and Saturday from 9 .00 to 14.00. Svetlana MAKHNACH, Head zemgeasluzhby district.
Irina on One for all and all for one. In Lyakhovichi selected "Family of the Year" honeycombs cereal by Larissa Kaptsevich colleague Congratulations! Zhanna to New Playground Lyakhovichi overall sports fans on Nikolai War Museum - the territory of the world. In Fortresses hero will be a new exhibition on the nature of the athlete "hardening takes." Judo - a struggle, including with a Kamila at Mackle and not garbage. In Ljahovichsky honeycombs cereal area from April 4 to May 4 passes Month to collect recyclables resident at all the same Talminavichy
"LV" - 70 years (21) "Direct Line" (52) 2013 Year thrift (8) Education (160) The ABCs of Security (60) Olympic marathon in 2014 (11) Army (36) Official (70) Welcome Year of hospitality! honeycombs cereal (1) The war in fate (7) Acute angle (42) Elections (34) History (41) guests are welcome (4) Society (173) informs GAI (54) Charity (21) State Care (15) Housing honeycombs cereal (18) Law and order (37) Sketches (13) Health (99) Incidents (75) Compatriots (119) Tips and Tricks (2) Contest (38) Map Point (4) Culture honeycombs cereal (66) Mirror order (25) Workshop (23 ) Note (25) Youth pamphlet (30) Monologues Olga Borodina (10) Medicine (49) We and our children (14) The Bookshelf (14) On the agenda (113) At the enterprises (51) for personal reception Questions (7) News (344) Games (4) Events from Saturday to Saturday in Liahovichi district (197) Politics (15) Incidents (54) Tips boys (5) We and leisure (4) The "LP" ( 23) The work of famous! (52) attempt at writing (9) President (4) The native folk (27) Responses (17) Religion (19) Holiday (151) Agriculture (252) Employment Service (5) Service-101 (48) Sports (77) Statistics (13) Elements (8) Meetings (13) Family Barometer (10) Creativity our readers (2) Tourism (3) Technology of Success (13) Belarus Year Book (6) In the Spotlight (44) Power (37) Lessons of morality (4) Fast (7) Interesting (20) Reader - newspaper-reader (42) Ecology (34) Economy (48) How do we serve (78)
Select Month May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January honeycombs cereal 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November honeycombs cereal 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010
First official website of the Council of Ministers of the second Brest Regional Executive Committee Lyahovichskij third district executive committee fourth Prints Brest fifth Institute of Journalism of the Belarusian State University 6.Sayt newspaper "SB" 7.Sayt Belarusian Union of Journalists
The theme is presented honeycombs cereal Daily News Copying site materials is prohibited! All resources on the site of the newspaper "Lyahovichskij Gazette", including text i graphical information is protected by the Belarusian and international Ord

Monday, May 26, 2014

It was your idea to go into the inferno, to meet with our compatriots bring out unique videos, risk

Questions of the newspaper Voice of Armenia meets visited Syria Deputy Director General PanArmenian Media Group Arman Saghatelian. - Arman, you are the first and only representative of the Television of Armenia, who visited Syria, wracked by civil war.
It was your idea to go into the inferno, to meet with our compatriots bring out unique videos, risking their lives, to give people a chance, so to speak, to learn first hand what is happening in Syria? - Actually, the idea of lying on the surface. honeycomb structure In Syria, we have a big community before the war, voiced figure of 100,000. honeycomb structure Today, of course, the picture has changed - Armenians in Syria remains less, although specific statistics on this occasion no one gives. The country is in a state of civil war, and it would be logical to some of our TV people there finally got. This was facilitated by other factors, for example, if the Russian fellow TV journalists asked us for materials honeycomb structure from Syria, it became clear that such is not there. Visuals that we give on the air, taken from foreign news agencies. Meanwhile, being a company that represents today a number of media, including television, we were faced with a dilemma: it turned out that a particular journalist or an operator in Syria we have no right. - Why? - Because the situation in terms of security, is unclear: there is a war in Syria, and the main work is the backbone of the new generation of journalists, a faint idea of the principles of conduct in such extreme situations. They have never worked in a military context, and given the unpredictability of events in Syria, the risk was great. honeycomb structure In short, it was decided that he would go from one person and leadership PanArmenian Media Group I precisely. We enlisted the help of our Foreign Ministry and organizer of the Help brother bound for Syria plane with humanitarian aid. As a result, honeycomb structure on board this plane I arrived in Aleppo. - Not often heard that the situation in Syria is strongly distorted media for the worse, but in reality it's not so scary as it is inflated journalists. What was your impression? - On the one hand, there is a civil war, and it can not be questioned. And the war is at a very strange rules essentially no rules. But before that I would like to come back later. On the other hand, Aleppo lives, there is a relatively successful areas, and there are areas where there are active hostilities, and there is complete devastation, no infrastructure, no people, people evacuated. I saw the shells are falling on residential neighborhoods, honeycomb structure snipers who shot at children, women and civilians. From all this going anywhere. But somehow all learned in comparison honeycomb structure is also a fact. If you recall the situation in Stepanakert in 1992 and compare it to what is happening in Syria, it's just things that are incomparable. Because in Aleppo, for example, in the relatively affluent areas still have all the infrastructure, mobile communication is at the very least, there is electricity, operate stores, etc. Another thing is the psychological perception. I visited one of the Armenian college graduation class of which were evacuated from the area Nor Gyuha, which is on the line of contact, to a safer area. At one time these kids had great comfortable building, yard, football field, etc. And now the whole class to huddle in one room, in which, however, has electricity, air conditioning. Teaching is their own. When I asked the teacher how they live, complaints began to cramped conditions. honeycomb structure I repeat: in comparison with those that they were really compressed conditions. But if we compare these children with their peers, forced to sit on the cold concrete floor in the basement of a bomb in Stepanakert, the concept of difficult honeycomb structure conditions is a slightly different color. As I studied these children basements military Stepanakert? honeycomb structure Burned old books to somehow warm his hands, otherwise it was impossible to hold a pen. So, no discounting the horrors of civil war, murder, deadly shells fell on residential areas and comparing the situation with a period of peace, one can understand that people who are forced to bear all the hardships of wartime and live completely different realities. - What can you say about the relationship between honeycomb structure the Armenian community of Syria and Armenia? Does it sufficiently? - Communication is very weak so far. I had to be there for a number of events where the word Armenia sounded a couple of times. But let's not forget that the Armenian community in Syria for many years has been self-sufficient organism, had a self-contained structure, organization, traditions and way of life. Of course, there are ties with Armenia and with the help of our fellow citizens honeycomb structure who have decided to come from Armenia to Syria, and through the individual departments, in particular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Syria has been very active, our embassy in Damascus and consulate in Aleppo. But in general it seems that the community set out to independently seek solutions to the challenges it faces. - This value

Sunday, May 25, 2014

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Network cellular shops Dixis negotiating the sale c OJSC "MegaFon" |
Companies - sellers phones and contracts are actively seeking buyers. Following the "Euroset" and "Betalink" put up for sale Dixis. Cellular Network Dixis negotiating the sale with one of the mobile operators, said its representative Hope Zakharova, refusing to give details. According to a source close to the competitor Dixis, and the manager, who is engaged in the preparation of pre-large network communication outlets, it is a "megaphone". Close to Dixis and "Megaphone" management confirmed it. About this newspaper "Vedomsoti" today, September 11. Part IA "RosFinCom": OJSC "MegaFon" - one of the largest operators of GSM cellular communication in Russia. Was founded in May 2002 as a result of conversion of JSC "North-West GSM and integration under one brand with CJSC "Sonic Duo" (Moscow), CJSC "Mobicom-Kavkaz", ZAO "Mobicom-Centre", JSC "Mobicom-Novosibirsk", ZAO "Mobicom-Khabarovsk", ZAO "Mobicom-Kirov", OAO "MSS-Volga", JSC "Volga GSM" and CJSC "Ural GSM". The license portfolio company and its 100% subsidiaries covering the entire territory of the Russian Federation toilet paper roll crafts with a population of 145 million people.
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Saturday, May 24, 2014

In the end, you can import the dictionary Belarusian (Modern Spelling), all dictionaries can be dow

Microsoft has released videos about innovations Windows microbille Phone 8.1 22.05.2014 - 23:38
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Write this article microbille inspired microbille me with blog LiveJournal. Girl asked where you can find a package to the Belarusian-known program FineReader eighth Although since nearly four years and has already published several new versions of the program, but the problem with OCR in the Belarusian language and not solved until now.
It must be hard to find someone who actively uses computers microbille and do not know about the program FineReader. The program is a very powerful tool to convert paper documents, microbille images and PDF (and DjVu) files to plain text. But this is not all that it can do. The latest microbille versions of the opportunity to process documents microbille of poor quality and recognize texts with complex structure. Eg containing tables, figures, and not very complicated formula. It is clear that without human intervention until necessary, but it is minimal and more or less complex text can be edited in a few minutes (assuming that you see in the program microbille is not the first time). To date, the program supports 189 languages, 36 of them are basic, ie have dictionary support. Unfortunately, microbille the Belarusian language is not the primary, and the quality of text recognition without the support of the dictionaries is very mediocre. Moreover, the company's specialists are not aware that in the Belarusian language, there are three current spelling: spelling Latin, modern spelling (narkomovka), classical spelling (tarashkevitsa). And for example, if you have a book in PDF / DjVu, written Belarusian Latin, probably you will have difficulties with the transfer to plain text. I have several times appealed microbille to the developers of the program with a proposal to identify microbille at least three Belarusian-language spelling without dictionary support, but I always refused, spasylavshysya that the commercial interest of the Belarusian-language population and the state of the program FineReader not, enter it now and not advisable. I understand that I am not the first who addressed this proposal. At Google, I found an interesting article that was published in the newspaper "Zvezda", which refers not only about why there is no corresponding support of the Belarusian language in FineReader, but generally on the state of the Belarusian language in the computer world.
And after I was firmly convinced that our state is not interested in supporting the national language, and experts from ABBYY's made it clear that they will only change something if it is the largest commercial order for their product, I started looking for a way out of the situation yourself because I honestly did not like that quality OCR, which offers a program microbille by default. Time recognition program is often wrong and demanded my participation. One thing was clear that without dictionary support can not do ... And I decided to do it yourself. Moreover, I set a goal to artificially introduce all three Belarusian spelling.
First of all, we had to find dictionary files of all three Belarusian currents. Naturally, the only condition - is the file size with the dictionary. Than it is, the better. With a little searching, I found on my hard drive appropriate dictionary files. FineReader program I had installed (I use FineReader 11), and therefore could only build dictionaries microbille in the program itself. Incidentally, in version 9 I could not get to do this: only a part of the program has imported words from the dictionary. 10 and 11 versions of these limitations was not.
In the end, you can import the dictionary Belarusian (Modern Spelling), all dictionaries can be downloaded from one file. Choose User dictionary> Edit ...> Import and wait ... I'm not very powerful computer, so Import the dictionary somewhere took 5-6 minutes. Each time it does not have to be imported, microbille but because you can wait ...
Everything else is done by an algorithm microbille where we created a dictionary support for the modern spelling of the Belarusian language. microbille As a result, we were able to recognize the text using the full dictionary in classic spelling.
The fact that you can not only write Cyrillic letters in Belarusian, but also letters of the Latin alphabet for sure not everyone knows Belarusian (be honest, not every Belarusian even at the elementary level has a modern spelling, not like Latin). And this thread has been very popular in the XIX century. Incidentally, it was printed in the Latin alphabet first Belarusian microbille newspaper "Peasant's microbille true." Perform all the steps that we performed when integrating with the modern spelling microbille dictionary. Language name instead of "Copy of Belarusian" write "Belarusian (Latin)" Source language: Belarusian Alphabet - here it is necessary to replace it all. I specially prepared for the Latin alphabet. You only need to copy and paste a string Alphabet

Shqip عربی Հայերեն accident Azərbaycanca

Area 2010
Shqip عربی Հայերեն accident Azərbaycanca Nohchiyn BiH / Hrv / Srb / CG Belarusian دری ქართული English RFE / RL Regional Afghanistan Adyghe Kyrgyz Kazakh Macedonian پشتو افغانستان پاکستان فارسی Româneşte Toҷikӣ ozodi. org Tatar calage Qırım Turkmen calage Ukrainian Cream Vzbekcha Russian Russian Kazakhstan Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Crimea
Prague accent Examination Freedom Online conference Blitz analysis Liberty Zone
Cannes calage Film Festival 2014. Holiday is not for everyone
About 15-20 thousand people (according calage to other sources to 40,000) participated in the protest rally on October Square and Independence Square in Minsk. Announced the establishment of the people's movement for free elections without Lukashenko. Some participants tried to break into the Government House. Clashed with riot police. As a result, dozens of people were detained and beaten, including presidential candidates Hyaklyaev, Sannikov, Konstantinov, Statkevich Rymashevski. Organizers said that the event will be perpetual, and encouraged everyone calage to come to Independence Square on Monday, December 20th at 18 o'clock.
If you do have to report or show something important, connected with the area, send information, photos and videos to address rferl.minsk @ 6:57 "We ourselves must build their future" 6:30 "Space 2010" brutally dispersed 6:00 According campaigner calage "European Belarus" Alyaksandr Atroshchankau, at 6 am, police broke into the apartment trustee Andrei Sannikov, coordinator of the civil campaign "European Belarus" Dmitri Bondarenko. According to his daughter Bondarenko, police officers took her father's nothing calage to explain and not telling where it is drawn. From 5:54 ATC Moscow district of Minsk released calage correspondent Konstantin Lashkevich, told BelaPAN Chief Editor Portal Marina Zolotov: "Constantine was arrested close to midnight and held in police custody for about four hours." 5:00 According to the activist campaign "European Belarus" Alyaksandr Atroshchankau, police broke into the office calage of the website "Charter 97", calage where the site editor calage Natalia Radin and several volunteers. All detained. Detainees 4:45 Alexey and Dmitry Uss Mihalevitch. 4:35 detained leaders of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections": vice president of the International calage Federation of Human Rights Valentin Stefanovich, defenders Vladimir Labkovich calage Anastasia Loiko, Sys Sergei Soloviev et al. 4:31 Pozniak: Lukashenko stands neck-deep in blood 1:40 Nyaklyayeu taken away by men in civilian clothes from the hospital in an unknown direction, said his spokeswoman calage Julia Rimashevskaya: "Seven men in civilian clothes burst into his room, closed his wife in the next room. Despite calage her screams, Neklyaeva wrapped in a blanket and taken to an unknown destination. " 1:30 Statkevich is in a detention center on Akrestin. His trustee Martselev Sergei said: "Nicolai already sent by taxi from the square. But car blocked several cars. Masked men who do not call themselves, dragged him out of the taxi and took him to the detention center in Akrestsin. This the last thing he had to say on the phone. This was at 23:37. " According to witnesses, Mr. Statkevich was severely beaten. 1:10 The police beat reporter calage Oleg Gruzdzilovich Radio Liberty. When he was filming the beating of a young man, he was attacked from behind, started kicking. Broke camcorder. Once he started screaming that he was a journalist, he was thrown, ran to beat others. Dozens of people dragged into paddy wagons. 1:00 Nyaklyayeu detained in hospital ambulance company spokeswoman, calage "Speak the truth," said Julia Rimashevskaya Radio Liberty: "Even calage in the first half of the night, we felt that the health Vladimir Niakliaeu such that nevertheless he decided to stay overnight calage in hospital, although he initially refused hospitalization and was going to go home. But a few minutes ago, we learned that he was detained in hospital. More details until we know. " Lawyer Uladmiera Neklyaeva Tamara Sidorenko told Radio Liberty that she called calage Neklyaeva wife Olga and said that "the most Neklyaeva somewhere dragged out of the room." According to the lawyer, it is unlikely it will be able to get any information about the find

Friday, May 23, 2014

Life Events Region Crime and Law Sport Culture and Education Weddings and Birthdays Opinions histor

Life Events Region Crime and Law Sport Culture and Education Weddings and Birthdays Opinions history and destiny Viewpoint dan foam samizdat Officially Photos Blogs Playbill Background Most requested New Phones Deals. Address. Schedules over Sluchchiny: Reliable transport agencies Farmhouse Jurist Forum Links Advertising News Commercial Products & Services Bulleting prices for advertising Subscription Offer
Cemetery outside the city at the end of XVI - 1st half of the XVII century in Moscow there was an ethno-confessional structure of the population, which persisted and later. The main groups were Orthodox, Catholics, Jews and Protestants. This has affected the organization of new cemeteries. The Jewish community had a place outside the city opposite dan foam Troychany on the high left bank of the case. Attention to them addressed in the article "Slutsky Jews" ("info-Courier, 2, 2006), so now confine ourselves to brief information. Book records of the Jewish community recorded the burial there from 1679 to 1924. Acted cemetery dan foam before dan foam World War II . In the early 1970s, they eliminated, a territory dan foam ceded under the residential area called District Street Builders. Christian necropolis appeared in some distance from the city to the northeast. This led road that began in the XIX century Kladbishchanskay Street (now Street 14 Partizan). Cemetery dan foam had Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant (consisted of Calvinist and Lutheran) dan foam parts separated by moats. On Orthodox part of the end of XVIII century, built a wooden Barbara church. From the front gate, beside which stood a tower, the temple led track that exists today. Entrance to Catholic part of Kladbishchanskay started stone gate. In 1820, not far from it appeared a wooden church. He stood for twenty years, and in the middle of the XIX century in its place appeared a wooden chapel in honor of the "Withdrawals from Cross of the Savior. " dan foam Cemetery was probably on the outskirts dan foam of "The Island", but since the XVII century its inhabitants have used citywide necropolis. Until the first half of the twentieth century cemetery existed on Troychany. Now it is the military camp on the left side of the street Vilna, near the fork and streets Tutarynava Soligorsky.
Church burial necropolis were at church and monastery graveyards. For example, today a few graves marked with crosses can observe near St. Michael's dan foam Cathedral. There was a graveyard at Yuryevskaya church (now a district of Tolstoy street), as well as around the city's cathedral. There, by the way, at the right of the choir of the cathedral in 1586, was buried Prince Yuri Olelkovich. Grew monastery necropolis. In the city center on the banks happened to 1600 to 1797 was Transfiguration Monastery. Its buildings were burned in 1810, the cemetery remained abandoned and eventually disappeared. With the XV to XIX century located outside Vilna Elias Monastery. Street today spramlena and passes just to the former monastery necropolis. Part of the former cemetery was between "KeNeeSkay" and "Devil" bridge. Just there were discovered dan foam burial during earthworks ten years ago. Were buried on the territory of the Catholic Bernardine monastery. Now there maslabaza, dan foam and after so many years that there is little left. The most significant were the Orthodox cemetery of Holy Trinity Monastery. Here for centuries monks hid and prelates whose names have become history. One of them - Archimandrite Michael Kazachinsky, which is still remembered not only in our country but also in Ukraine and Serbia. Buried here famous citizens. Here were buried Olelkovich Princess Sophia and her uncle, Prince Alexander, dan foam the wife of the great hetman of Lithuania Janusz Radziwill Princess Mary and their son. Found my peace first governor-general attached to the end of the XVIII century to the Russian Mikhail Krachetnikav land. This cemetery began to erode in the 1930s after the closure of the monastery, when located on the territory of a military town.
Funeral for the victims of the war on the territory of the 1st military camp during World War II German occupiers organized a concentration camp for prisoners dan foam of war, which started putting and civilians. For many, it became a place of death, and there they were buried. After the war, a certain portion of the dead were reburied dan foam in a mass grave on the grounds next to the town cemetery, there appeared a memorial complex. However, much of graves remained untouched. After the excavations, which in 2005 had a military dan foam specialists in their place was a monument. On the northern outskirts of the city, near metalaabyadnannya, is a monument where the victims are buried Slutsky ghetto destroyed by the Nazis in 1943. Fatalities in 1944 liberators of the city and war victims buried in b

Thursday, May 22, 2014

- Increase in tariffs due to increased plain packaging australia costs of the company, and plans to

On July 11, 2011 change tariffs for on-net calls, calls to other networks and SMS-messages, as well as monthly fee on some service plans. Tariffs for mobile Internet remain unchanged.
- Increase in tariffs due to increased plain packaging australia costs of the company, and plans to continue investing in the development of the network, launch services and services based on the latest technological solutions, - said Vladimir Karpovich CEO of MTS.
- We tried to approach this difficult decision as flexibly, taking into account what MTS services and the extent to which our customers use. No changes plain packaging australia will prices for Internet services, some tariffs, as well as commitments to equipment purchased in installments. As a result, according to our calculations, the average monthly expenses of subscriber in Belarusian rubles will increase by 10%.
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In libraries, literary museums, cultural and educational institutions, enterprises, labor groups, m

Oleg Proleskovsky - about future developments in the field of print media | Belarusian Union of Journalists
Home BCG Charter Structure foam for comfort Code Contact "Golden Pen" Documents Act Media (July 17, 2008) Decree number 65 (February 6, 2009) Advertising Act (May 10, 2007) Decree number 60 (February 1, 2010 ) News Articles Blogs Competitions Vacancies Gallery
It is charged with the control function in the transfer and dissemination of information in Belarus. But the agency itself is one of the leading news providers in the country - at least because of the social importance of their industry. Judge: Year Book, the rapid development of Internet, reorganization plans printed mass media ... These topics (and not only), we talked with the Minister of Information of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Proleskovsky.
Calendar year draws to a close. As is known, in Belarus, he was declared the Year of the book. Which actual cases, projects it manifested? What has been done in our country to promote the written word?
Lately, much has been done, we have made considerable progress in key areas. Reorganized the book trade by creating a single joint stock company "Belkniga." Now it is the largest player in the book market, people get a decent wage. And most importantly - "Belkniga" today works for the country, operates economically stable, actively developed. The main project was the consolidation of the printing industry foam for comfort Polygraph Kolas and Minsk factory color printing. Thought about this association since the Soviet times, and realized just now. Today, practical foam for comfort activities are building a single enterprise so as to be effective and competitive in the printing market.
And another important foam for comfort thing is, I think, be undertaken. Almost three years ago, I was actually in the industry exploded: losses fragmented work, the lack of clear plans for development. Today, all collected in a single fist in the first 9 months of 2012, the industry's no money-losing business. foam for comfort This is what I instructed the President.
In terms of regulatory support should primarily mention the development and adoption of the first reading of the Law "On Publishing in the Republic of Belarus." This document will allow for integrated management of the publishing and printing industry in ensuring full government priorities in its development. This will be used more modern regulation corresponding global legislative and law enforcement. foam for comfort I want to say that this special legislation on regulation sphere of publishing, first adopted in Belarus. Among the CIS countries such special laws are only in Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine, but our - the most complete and perfect. This confirms the interest in the project from my colleagues - heads of departments of the former Soviet Union during the recently held a forum in Ashgabat scientific and creative intelligentsia states - participants of the CIS.
In Ashgabat, we have considered a number of topical issues: humanitarian cooperation of the CIS is quite successful, and it is sure a great future. Belarus is deeply involved in the integration process is the principled position of our President. I believe that evidence of high international confidence in Belarus is and my election as Chairman of the Council for Humanitarian Cooperation foam for comfort (JLG) states - participants of the CIS held in Ashgabat joint meeting of the Board and the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation (IFESCCO) states - participants of the CIS. Even today, with the support of tens IFESCCO we implement important projects in the field of information, culture and education. For its part, will make every effort to ensure that this work came to an even higher level. If you go back to the Year of the book, I would note that his activities foam for comfort go on throughout the country. This exhibition, promotions, foam for comfort presentations, meetings foam for comfort with writers. For example, in Brest organized an interesting action "Poetic trolley": different routes of the city in the salons of the Belarusian trolleybuses sound poems, including poets and Brest.
In libraries, literary museums, cultural and educational institutions, enterprises, labor groups, military units and formations, in the structures of public organizations book exhibition of works anniversaries. Many of them - not only in print, but in the electronic versions, foam for comfort dubbed in Russian and English languages. In the Republican campaign "Janka Kupala Chytaem i Kolas times the" along with actors Belarusian theaters, poets, actively participated poetry lovers, foam for comfort readers and employees of libraries, students, teachers.
Wide range of activities implemented under Children's Book Week, World Poetry foam for comfort Day, World Book Day and Copyright Day World writer, the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

- They offered us what they would like to write about what has not yet been written either not writ

The magazine for those who think in a European
"I do not suprats garmonіі, ale mean the INTO garmonіya nashym gramadstve on sorry for ustaleўvaetstsa kosht adnago chalaveka yak pravіla, gety chalavek - zhanchyna, the yang side pavіnna ahvyaravats svaіmі іntaresamі іmya syam'і."
On most pachatku minicell foam 2013 Media in Belarus z'yavіўsya resursny package "Gender educational program" (pad redakturay Alena Mіnchenі i Volkі Sasunkevіch). minicell foam Geta adukatsyyny pradukt, yakі skladaetstsa s brashury, Testo, yakі dazvalyae vyznachyts naybolsh prablemnyya minicell foam razumennі minicell foam gendarnay perspektyvy pytannі, i dysku s dadatkovymі materyyalamі for Prace over temamі brashury. Brashura skladaetstsa s chatyroh modulyaў: "Gender and gender: Biology - it's fate?", "New life strategies and new forms of the family," "Gender and Politics" i "Gender in the media." Resursny package byў adnym s vynіkaў Prace praekta house of Belarusian pravoў chalaveka Vіlnі "Razvіtstse gendarnay adchuvalnastsі Belarus" (2011-2012).
- First of all, we, as editors, in everyday life are foremost scholar and theorists in this sense, and it is on our shoulders with Olga Sasunkevich largely lay the responsibility for the quality of textbooks and materials resource pack. Our avtorki wrote on the basis of the training and the texts that we selected and recommended by topic. And we worked very long time with each of avtorok individually. So here we are with Olga perform minicell foam role theorists, but also because of our participants were those who completed a master's program in Gender Studies at YSU, and we counted on their theoretical contributions. In this sense, there are dual position.
- From the beginning we wanted to as a result of the project to get some food. Because we have a professional team director Natalia Head and researcher Alexander Ignatovitch movie, it was clear that there would be some visual form. The second idea was to study or some textual material. Literally at the first meetings participants determine which medium they want to work (with or visually), and then we have already discussed, in what form it will.
One group decided minicell foam that it would be a documentary ("Sukenka"). Those participants who have come to us to work with Olga, came to the idea of the resource pack. Initially, minicell foam we asked them to see what all is on "gender-market", what are the materials, including in their organization, and to think that they would like to eventually get. There were options to work with booklet, short forms, but all the same, as it was the first project in the end the conference participants came to the conclusion that they want to do a detailed product that it was something didactic: read the topic, look for more materials picked interactive exercises if you are a coach, and you can go to work with the group. We and participants realized that such a product in Belarus.
It was important that we did in the Belarusian brochure material. We immediately agreed with the participants that we will have a separate section where we will be giving calculations, search for a material that could coach (la) is operated by the Belarusian data that he or she owned (a) of our situation.
We asked participants to express interest in specific topics. From them came wishes, and we watched with Olya, as conceptually possible to build and offered them a structure that was discussed together again. We want everyone to understand the ideas that we have laid in the structure (why so these modules are built) to agree with her. Thus, it was way process - our experience and knowledge and interests of the participants, their wishes is what they want to write and what they do not have enough text to work.
We ask that participants thought, who needs this resource pack, strongly encourage minicell foam them to do so. If they tell us that someone arranged minicell foam for a presentation - we support all those initiatives that they "went to the people," to carry your product somewhere. Every time I say boldly, you're minicell foam writers! They do not need to seek approval from us or something like that.
- They offered us what they would like to write about what has not yet been written either not written, in their opinion. Of course, not all present a variety of topics, minicell foam and we stepped minicell foam up topics that should still be there. For example, the topic of homophobia does not immediately appear.
- Large dispute was not. When we were with Olya our vision of what we believe, I must say, we convincingly portrayed the any topic, such as the incompatibility of homophobia and democracy is clear that the problem in our area need to be able to explain how it's all connected; why, if the party is considered democratic or if the person considers himself a Democrat, can not go in parallel discourse "why gays go on the street

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

2005 - 2014

Regional councils combined bigwigs regional level, local oligarchs actually unite in the face of heads of enterprises and organizations (75-90%) or their deputies (8-18%). Obviously dominated by the public sector (75-90%) and only 5% of MPs are private business.
Local Councils have evolved foam roses over the last two decades of competitive elections to the closed stable structures, which have their own informal rules. The eve of the local campaign, which will be held March 23, experts from the Institute of Political Studies "Political Sphere" in 2012-2013, analyzed the composition of local councils. The obtained results allow us to keep track of important political developments at the regional level, writes "The Institute of Political Studies." Regional Councils should not be taken as an extremely fine structure, foam roses at least judging from its structure: in regional foam roses councils dominated by important officials at the regional level. Tips obviously play the role of communication within the regional elites and communication foam roses with the population of these elites. Tips are oligarchical character: almost completely dominated the heads of enterprises or organizations (75-90%), deputy heads or heads of divisions constitute 8-18%, and "regular" employees are usually represented only 1-2 deputies for the whole Board. Also among the deputies dominated residents of regional centers, while the regions are represented poorly. At the absolute dominance of the public sector (75-90%), there is a gradual increase in representation of private business (about 5%), which may indicate shifts in the distribution of power at the regional level. Recently in the regional council representative declined governance institutions, but increased the value of the manufacturing sector. Thus there was a critical drop in representation from agriculture. It may also indicate a significant policy changes in favor of "business" (both public and private) at the regional level. Individual parameters indicates that the composition of regional councils formed at the level of the regional center, and that the local government has considerable autonomy.
Coward one terrible enemy, for the enemy to fear and other hope. 14
2005 - 2014 "Belarusian Partisan" Acceptable foam roses Use Policy "Belarusian Partisan" Editorial address: [email protected] Advertising: [email protected] About Mail

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The Academy of Postgraduate crimson foams Education held a national crimson foams seminar-workshop on "Information technologies in the activities of educational crimson foams institutions." It invited teachers - participants crimson foams of innovative projects on "System application of information technology in educational institutions", "Implementation of the system model use of electronic educational resources for the development of information and educational space of the educational institution." Among the basic topics of the workshop - effective individually oriented technology crimson foams based on the use of ICT; development, cataloging and use of electronic educational resources to institutions of secondary education; Automation of management activities; development of professional competence of members of the teaching staff.
Modern institution of education can not remain aloof from the realities of the information society. Massive use in everyday life and everyday personal computers, mobile devices, development of network information technology and social communication services, the need to improve awareness of information and educational space poses new challenges educational institutions, imposes additional requirements for teachers to information and communication competence . Vice-rector of the Academy of Postgraduate Education, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences Irina Dziuba, opening the event, stressed the importance of the use of information technologies in educational institutions. Systematic approach through innovation involves the execution of a number of principles, including the validity and continuity of key areas, elected at an educational institution. To implement the processes of information in various educational institutions consist of different circumstances. And the design of innovation activity, it is important to objectively assess the current level of development of the material and information and educational institutions space gained by its staff or by individual teachers experience the power of positive attitude towards innovation external social environment, as well as the reality of getting the anticipated results. crimson foams "The worst thing is that now we can meet and talk about this global organization - is the digital divide: if someone in the use of information technology moves forward, and someone - is far beyond the threshold, and then reach a predetermined level can not, - said I.A.Dyuba. crimson foams - Those innovative projects which aim to prevent and eliminate the digital divide, as it combines different educational institutions (different quantitative composition of students, trained teachers, technical equipment crimson foams and working conditions). Nevertheless, the experience that they acquire helps them move forward more quickly. " crimson foams Another principle - balanced development, manageability, crimson foams and continuity in the implementation of a project (innovation activities should be well planned, analysis and evaluation of the intermediate results of operations should be the basis for taking corrective management actions). crimson foams One of the objectives of the innovative project is to attract him the widest possible range of participants. "Many innovations have often held only by the enthusiasm of one man. Came groovy organizer or combat director - we go leaps and bounds, retired software engineer who did the school website - and the site ceased to exist. It is therefore important that the project, which is implemented, was interesting not only the leadership of the educational institution, but also to all the staff, students, parents, "- says Irina. If innovative work in an educational institution is the media interested, any innovation starts wearing nadpradmetny character: it becomes effective crimson foams when used by teachers of various subjects for different aspects of the educational activity. Another aspect of the implementation of innovative projects - performance. Naturally, different starting points lead to different results, and therefore should be assessed not only quantitative parameters, but also the dynamics of their changes. Also important is the presence not only of significant personal outcomes (eg, win the competition), crimson foams but also a stable group of indicators (eg, increase in the percentage of teachers who have confirmed or improved their qualification category).
Gymnasium team number 3 works in Mogilev innovative project entitled crimson foams "Implementation of the system model use of electronic educational resources for the development of information and educational space education institution." Some results of this work with the participants shared dyrek

Monday, May 19, 2014

Russia disintegrate, while Belarus is hosting a

Created in Belarus sudruzhnasts camp participants
Shqip عربی Հայերեն accident Azərbaycanca Nohchiyn BiH / Hrv / Srb / CG Belarusian دری ქართული English RFE / RL Regional Afghanistan Adyghe Kyrgyz Kazakh Macedonian پشتو افغانستان پاکستان فارسی Româneşte polyfoam Toҷikӣ ozodi. org Tatar Qırım Turkmen Ukrainian Cream Vzbekcha Russian Russian Kazakhstan Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Crimea
Prague accent Examination Freedom Online conference Blitz analysis Liberty Zone
"We are brothers." The first trailer for the film
Radio Liberty <br> <br> Police could not locate the person who on April 24 October Square in Minsk set symbolic tent with the inscription "We will not stop". Meanwhile, young people creates sudruzhnasts defenders camp.
Responsibility polyfoam for the action, which took place on April 24 on October Square, took the unregistered Belarusian Solidarity movement "Together". Under existing rules, the names of the activists were not disclosed. Says activist Denis Denisov (Denisov) "Optionally know his name. The main thing is that this is the work of young people - hence, the cause of all. " According to the source, now in Belarus is developing the process of combining polyfoam the patriotic polyfoam youth movement. "Creating sudruzhnasts defenders tent city", - says Denis Denisov and calls yesterday's rally on October Square "good start." (Denisov) "The idea was to show that the force, which has risen due to the campground, is growing." On the principles of what is now Belarus based youth solidarity, says Christina Shatsikava (Shatsikava) "We have people from different polyfoam political parties and movements. This community Belarusian young people who want change. Patriotic actions supported us directly. I'm calling, for example, in three rooms. The three call nine more. In turn, each of them - three more. Literally within minutes people on all sides are tightened. " Christina Shatsikava says cellular structure of the organization built up over the camp: (Shatsikava) "I called his number and said," Tell another, even remembers, so you do not get lost. " And now we have collected almost all the phones - more than five hundred. " Christina Shatsikava also reported that tomorrow in the way members of the Commonwealth of Chernobyl polyfoam defenders polyfoam camp begin from October Square.
Russia disintegrate, while Belarus is hosting a "small cold war" - the head of STRATFOR Baranavičy Court decided to destroy the Ukrainian flag Two fingers for Lukashenko in Minsk Chekhov suffered Bard Zmiter Sydorovych found dead
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Large baskets dunnage cuts across the canvas and gives the impression of speed. The distorted shape

Blogroll Guests Girl Act Camel den Bikers prayer John Clarke to drive motorcycle Motorcycle Addiction The bikers code Kamelryttersken A full blown woman caravanserai Good comments from caravanserai spamfilter kitchen Ord Albert Einstein Arnulf Øverland, Do not sleep Coco Chanel Dixie Chicks, Not ready to make nice Einar Skjæraasen, You ska restored tread the grass Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Jakob Sande After a spree ... Jan-Arill Skogholt, Integrated Display Johan Herman Wessel, blacksmith and baker John Godfrey Saxe, Six blind men and an elephant Leonard Cohen Everybody knows Nelson Mandela Nordahl Grieg, To Youth Words and Phrases Words of Israel Rudof Nilsen, the revolution's voice Think for yourself Wishes and hopes
Earlier this summer when the caravanserai was being planned Kamelryttersken asked several write the bloggers if they could write a guest post to celebrate the new blog. Wild and Beautiful was one of them. And remember that took courage and asked not Kamelryttersken sorry for. Because this is a blog post remember is proud few to post. Speed and excitement dunnage on two wheels dunnage in the art ...
Now, it has not been clearly in top form this summer and can thus not recall that you mentioned it (guest post), but when I get that type of confidence, so I tend to nod and bow. Something special request? When?
A day and a night in the box thinking - where ideas about content buzzed around and around at full speed. What relationship do I have wheelers dunnage ..... in his childhood years, dunnage I was the proud owner of a vigorous and sought after "racer".
18 years old I took home blue bubble collapsed and later Europe dunnage around with it. Faithful dunnage and trusting followed it me through the first time as a student, but when family life began, and the oldest man reported dunnage his arrival, was taken over by my young sister who skrota it to my great sorrow few years later.
In a way, it is hardly compatible. When it comes to experience art, it happens almost stagnant. There are works of art that moves, called mobiles, but the artwork is usually rooted in a single place, the so-called site-specific art. The viewer is almost invariably always at rest. To the distress people go around a sculpture and see it from different dunnage angles.
Of course, many motor vehicle artistically decorated. They are regarded dunnage as works of art on the road. Then both the art and the viewer probably moving. It comes under a different category art than my thoughts revolve around.
The American engineer Sylvester Howard Roper invented in 1867 the first motorized two-wheelers. This coal-fired, steam-powered, two-cylinder motorcycle looked like a cross between a primitive pedal cycle and Stevenson's Rocket, dunnage the first steam locomotive.
Tagged Indian was up in a production of over 500 bikes annually and would reach 32,000, its best ever, in 1913. In 1931, Indian and Harley-Davidson dunnage the only two American manufacturers producing commercial motorcycles. There were over 80 different brands available in the UK in 1930.
In 1909 was an artistic movement in Italy that embraced the bicycle as a symbol of modern dunnage dynamics. The movement was called futurism. dunnage 20 February that year was a main party announced on the front page of Paris newspaper Le Figaro. The declaration made known the cultural movement dunnage inspired by modern industry, communication, speed, noise and machinery, dunnage had a burning dunnage desire to race into the future. It should dunnage be expressed in painting, sculpture, architecture, film, textiles, dunnage poetry, music and cuisine!
The Futurists were also strongly influenced by cubism. The first direction on the pictures and paintings by describing the movement as well as the broken dunnage forms. The light was split, and the subject reflected in many facets.
Giacomo Balla was in the first wave of futuristic painters in 1912. During the second wave of the 1920s, he was the great champion. He was a renowned teacher, and among his students were Umberto Boccioni and Gino Severini. In 1914 Balla was so involved in the artistic work, and the belief Futurism was so strong that he called his daughters for Elica (propeller) and Luce (Light)!
Large baskets dunnage cuts across the canvas and gives the impression of speed. The distorted shapes evoking the feeling that the world races away. This was a typical theme for futurists who saw the modern time through art.
So from now on, just take a stop on the route at an art gallery (the exhibition is within reach - worth noting that behind the ear) - then take a break of a futuristic tavern ... (... if it is possible to find one! The most futuristic buildings are in fact often only on paper), listen to some futuristic music (which can be compared with motorcycle sounds) while a futuristic small meal consumed and enjoyed to the fullest!
Hereby guest mission conducted with a small lesson in art history! It only remains "dry krittstøvet