Thursday, May 22, 2014

In libraries, literary museums, cultural and educational institutions, enterprises, labor groups, m

Oleg Proleskovsky - about future developments in the field of print media | Belarusian Union of Journalists
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It is charged with the control function in the transfer and dissemination of information in Belarus. But the agency itself is one of the leading news providers in the country - at least because of the social importance of their industry. Judge: Year Book, the rapid development of Internet, reorganization plans printed mass media ... These topics (and not only), we talked with the Minister of Information of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Proleskovsky.
Calendar year draws to a close. As is known, in Belarus, he was declared the Year of the book. Which actual cases, projects it manifested? What has been done in our country to promote the written word?
Lately, much has been done, we have made considerable progress in key areas. Reorganized the book trade by creating a single joint stock company "Belkniga." Now it is the largest player in the book market, people get a decent wage. And most importantly - "Belkniga" today works for the country, operates economically stable, actively developed. The main project was the consolidation of the printing industry foam for comfort Polygraph Kolas and Minsk factory color printing. Thought about this association since the Soviet times, and realized just now. Today, practical foam for comfort activities are building a single enterprise so as to be effective and competitive in the printing market.
And another important foam for comfort thing is, I think, be undertaken. Almost three years ago, I was actually in the industry exploded: losses fragmented work, the lack of clear plans for development. Today, all collected in a single fist in the first 9 months of 2012, the industry's no money-losing business. foam for comfort This is what I instructed the President.
In terms of regulatory support should primarily mention the development and adoption of the first reading of the Law "On Publishing in the Republic of Belarus." This document will allow for integrated management of the publishing and printing industry in ensuring full government priorities in its development. This will be used more modern regulation corresponding global legislative and law enforcement. foam for comfort I want to say that this special legislation on regulation sphere of publishing, first adopted in Belarus. Among the CIS countries such special laws are only in Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine, but our - the most complete and perfect. This confirms the interest in the project from my colleagues - heads of departments of the former Soviet Union during the recently held a forum in Ashgabat scientific and creative intelligentsia states - participants of the CIS.
In Ashgabat, we have considered a number of topical issues: humanitarian cooperation of the CIS is quite successful, and it is sure a great future. Belarus is deeply involved in the integration process is the principled position of our President. I believe that evidence of high international confidence in Belarus is and my election as Chairman of the Council for Humanitarian Cooperation foam for comfort (JLG) states - participants of the CIS held in Ashgabat joint meeting of the Board and the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation (IFESCCO) states - participants of the CIS. Even today, with the support of tens IFESCCO we implement important projects in the field of information, culture and education. For its part, will make every effort to ensure that this work came to an even higher level. If you go back to the Year of the book, I would note that his activities foam for comfort go on throughout the country. This exhibition, promotions, foam for comfort presentations, meetings foam for comfort with writers. For example, in Brest organized an interesting action "Poetic trolley": different routes of the city in the salons of the Belarusian trolleybuses sound poems, including poets and Brest.
In libraries, literary museums, cultural and educational institutions, enterprises, labor groups, military units and formations, in the structures of public organizations book exhibition of works anniversaries. Many of them - not only in print, but in the electronic versions, foam for comfort dubbed in Russian and English languages. In the Republican campaign "Janka Kupala Chytaem i Kolas times the" along with actors Belarusian theaters, poets, actively participated poetry lovers, foam for comfort readers and employees of libraries, students, teachers.
Wide range of activities implemented under Children's Book Week, World Poetry foam for comfort Day, World Book Day and Copyright Day World writer, the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture

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