Tuesday, May 20, 2014

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The Academy of Postgraduate crimson foams Education held a national crimson foams seminar-workshop on "Information technologies in the activities of educational crimson foams institutions." It invited teachers - participants crimson foams of innovative projects on "System application of information technology in educational institutions", "Implementation of the system model use of electronic educational resources for the development of information and educational space of the educational institution." Among the basic topics of the workshop - effective individually oriented technology crimson foams based on the use of ICT; development, cataloging and use of electronic educational resources to institutions of secondary education; Automation of management activities; development of professional competence of members of the teaching staff.
Modern institution of education can not remain aloof from the realities of the information society. Massive use in everyday life and everyday personal computers, mobile devices, development of network information technology and social communication services, the need to improve awareness of information and educational space poses new challenges educational institutions, imposes additional requirements for teachers to information and communication competence . Vice-rector of the Academy of Postgraduate Education, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences Irina Dziuba, opening the event, stressed the importance of the use of information technologies in educational institutions. Systematic approach through innovation involves the execution of a number of principles, including the validity and continuity of key areas, elected at an educational institution. To implement the processes of information in various educational institutions consist of different circumstances. And the design of innovation activity, it is important to objectively assess the current level of development of the material and information and educational institutions space gained by its staff or by individual teachers experience the power of positive attitude towards innovation external social environment, as well as the reality of getting the anticipated results. crimson foams "The worst thing is that now we can meet and talk about this global organization - is the digital divide: if someone in the use of information technology moves forward, and someone - is far beyond the threshold, and then reach a predetermined level can not, - said I.A.Dyuba. crimson foams - Those innovative projects which aim to prevent and eliminate the digital divide, as it combines different educational institutions (different quantitative composition of students, trained teachers, technical equipment crimson foams and working conditions). Nevertheless, the experience that they acquire helps them move forward more quickly. " crimson foams Another principle - balanced development, manageability, crimson foams and continuity in the implementation of a project (innovation activities should be well planned, analysis and evaluation of the intermediate results of operations should be the basis for taking corrective management actions). crimson foams One of the objectives of the innovative project is to attract him the widest possible range of participants. "Many innovations have often held only by the enthusiasm of one man. Came groovy organizer or combat director - we go leaps and bounds, retired software engineer who did the school website - and the site ceased to exist. It is therefore important that the project, which is implemented, was interesting not only the leadership of the educational institution, but also to all the staff, students, parents, "- says Irina. If innovative work in an educational institution is the media interested, any innovation starts wearing nadpradmetny character: it becomes effective crimson foams when used by teachers of various subjects for different aspects of the educational activity. Another aspect of the implementation of innovative projects - performance. Naturally, different starting points lead to different results, and therefore should be assessed not only quantitative parameters, but also the dynamics of their changes. Also important is the presence not only of significant personal outcomes (eg, win the competition), crimson foams but also a stable group of indicators (eg, increase in the percentage of teachers who have confirmed or improved their qualification category).
Gymnasium team number 3 works in Mogilev innovative project entitled crimson foams "Implementation of the system model use of electronic educational resources for the development of information and educational space education institution." Some results of this work with the participants shared dyrek

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