Monday, May 26, 2014

It was your idea to go into the inferno, to meet with our compatriots bring out unique videos, risk

Questions of the newspaper Voice of Armenia meets visited Syria Deputy Director General PanArmenian Media Group Arman Saghatelian. - Arman, you are the first and only representative of the Television of Armenia, who visited Syria, wracked by civil war.
It was your idea to go into the inferno, to meet with our compatriots bring out unique videos, risking their lives, to give people a chance, so to speak, to learn first hand what is happening in Syria? - Actually, the idea of lying on the surface. honeycomb structure In Syria, we have a big community before the war, voiced figure of 100,000. honeycomb structure Today, of course, the picture has changed - Armenians in Syria remains less, although specific statistics on this occasion no one gives. The country is in a state of civil war, and it would be logical to some of our TV people there finally got. This was facilitated by other factors, for example, if the Russian fellow TV journalists asked us for materials honeycomb structure from Syria, it became clear that such is not there. Visuals that we give on the air, taken from foreign news agencies. Meanwhile, being a company that represents today a number of media, including television, we were faced with a dilemma: it turned out that a particular journalist or an operator in Syria we have no right. - Why? - Because the situation in terms of security, is unclear: there is a war in Syria, and the main work is the backbone of the new generation of journalists, a faint idea of the principles of conduct in such extreme situations. They have never worked in a military context, and given the unpredictability of events in Syria, the risk was great. honeycomb structure In short, it was decided that he would go from one person and leadership PanArmenian Media Group I precisely. We enlisted the help of our Foreign Ministry and organizer of the Help brother bound for Syria plane with humanitarian aid. As a result, honeycomb structure on board this plane I arrived in Aleppo. - Not often heard that the situation in Syria is strongly distorted media for the worse, but in reality it's not so scary as it is inflated journalists. What was your impression? - On the one hand, there is a civil war, and it can not be questioned. And the war is at a very strange rules essentially no rules. But before that I would like to come back later. On the other hand, Aleppo lives, there is a relatively successful areas, and there are areas where there are active hostilities, and there is complete devastation, no infrastructure, no people, people evacuated. I saw the shells are falling on residential neighborhoods, honeycomb structure snipers who shot at children, women and civilians. From all this going anywhere. But somehow all learned in comparison honeycomb structure is also a fact. If you recall the situation in Stepanakert in 1992 and compare it to what is happening in Syria, it's just things that are incomparable. Because in Aleppo, for example, in the relatively affluent areas still have all the infrastructure, mobile communication is at the very least, there is electricity, operate stores, etc. Another thing is the psychological perception. I visited one of the Armenian college graduation class of which were evacuated from the area Nor Gyuha, which is on the line of contact, to a safer area. At one time these kids had great comfortable building, yard, football field, etc. And now the whole class to huddle in one room, in which, however, has electricity, air conditioning. Teaching is their own. When I asked the teacher how they live, complaints began to cramped conditions. honeycomb structure I repeat: in comparison with those that they were really compressed conditions. But if we compare these children with their peers, forced to sit on the cold concrete floor in the basement of a bomb in Stepanakert, the concept of difficult honeycomb structure conditions is a slightly different color. As I studied these children basements military Stepanakert? honeycomb structure Burned old books to somehow warm his hands, otherwise it was impossible to hold a pen. So, no discounting the horrors of civil war, murder, deadly shells fell on residential areas and comparing the situation with a period of peace, one can understand that people who are forced to bear all the hardships of wartime and live completely different realities. - What can you say about the relationship between honeycomb structure the Armenian community of Syria and Armenia? Does it sufficiently? - Communication is very weak so far. I had to be there for a number of events where the word Armenia sounded a couple of times. But let's not forget that the Armenian community in Syria for many years has been self-sufficient organism, had a self-contained structure, organization, traditions and way of life. Of course, there are ties with Armenia and with the help of our fellow citizens honeycomb structure who have decided to come from Armenia to Syria, and through the individual departments, in particular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Syria has been very active, our embassy in Damascus and consulate in Aleppo. But in general it seems that the community set out to independently seek solutions to the challenges it faces. - This value

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