Friday, May 30, 2014

John R. GOLOVIĆ (1909 - 1984) was completed in Tuzla apprenticeship with master Nathan Friedman. Fo

Beginning today Pljevlje list of streets in Social Economic activity Production styrofoam peanuts System General Information Technical Infrastructure Environment Administration Politics and Society Demographic characteristics of national movements in Pljevaljski end of 1941-1945 census Municipal Assembly Political situation in Pljevlje 1945-1991 monuments Monastery of the Holy Trinity Hussein - Pasha Mosque Monastery styrofoam peanuts Monastery of St. sufficient. Archangel Michael Monastery Dubočica Municipal, S ... Sat - tower monument on Stražica styrofoam peanuts Tumuli and old towns Events Days of humor and satire Award "Risto Pejatović" award "Vukovar Bezarević" award "Tipar" the November ceremony Tournament "Drop the drugs in the basket," first hair Montenegro Days Regional exhibition underway; cheese honey Heritage Monastery treasury Heritage Museum of the High School National Theatre in Pljevlje Tipar Journal "Bridges" inter-community award "20th November "Pljevaljski brewers Yugoslav Museum of humor and satire
Pljevlje were once the city trade and commerce, especially in the Middle and New Era. So here are a very common surname - Kovačevići, Zlatarić Kujundjic Potters, Terzic (tailors), Mutapdžići, KAČAR, Sujuldžići ... Unfortunately, this is so important human activity is not particularly detailed and researched and trained. If we add to our carelessness and neglect, then the only one of them used to live in these areas, remained little more than nothing. Few surviving documents and photos with families who have had their prosperity while the "craft was a golden" complete fund modest resources. Certainly that is one of the golden period styrofoam peanuts underway; zanatsva any time Austro-Hungarian troops in Pljevlja. In one of the documents from that time Stevan I Samardzic styrofoam peanuts writes: "While here garnizovala Austrian army except liferanata and many others have benefited. So many artisans have worked exclusively with the Austrian army (like sausage, bakery ...) But I do not need this for a moment interpret the world mourns the Krauts. And he who does not have much idea about the general interest, so the Serb looks forward to leaving the Krauts. "
Popčetović styrofoam peanuts S. Lazarus (1892-1939) was one of the first true masters of modern plumbers. In Pljevlje began to learn KOVAČKO - wainwright craft in Mustafa Nahodovića and 1908th year runs in Niksic. There, in a master "latina", together with Philip following reports from stamped ends locksmith-tinsmith trade. Unmatched was in making the stove, styrofoam peanuts sink, tub, gutter, various types of scales, steel gates, metal roofs. For his service in the Balkan and First World War, he was awarded several times. The holder of a medal of St. Sava.
St. John Stamenić (1904 - 1990) was completed apprenticeship in Sarajevo, and the 1930th year he opened a workshop on "John styrofoam peanuts Stamenić and brother" in the bazaar, as opposed to the former "Zelengore" where he worked with his brother Dojčilom. Tinsmith shop had Diko and their brother, who was also a good Brazier.
John R. GOLOVIĆ (1909 - 1984) was completed in Tuzla apprenticeship with master Nathan Friedman. For a short time working in Valjevo, and the 1930th year, its full service styrofoam peanuts and a lifetime spent in Pljevlja.
Pero M. Potparić (1910 - 1982) is a ploy finished 1923rd styrofoam peanuts year in Laza Popčetovića, with whom later and runs until Liar sudden death of the 1939th styrofoam peanuts year. After the war, working in state enterprises styrofoam peanuts and institutions.
Svetozar Sacred Mr. Novakovic - Lika (1914 - 1999) learned the trade at John Stamenić, styrofoam peanuts in whose workshop is conducted for fifteen years and before the war goes to work in the workshop styrofoam peanuts "Brace Vidovic". After the war, working in various municipal and utility companies. styrofoam peanuts
This is one of the oldest styrofoam peanuts crafts in which they Pljevljaci practiced since ancient times. Smithies were usually located on the outskirts styrofoam peanuts of the city, and there were the villages and along roads. The most famous blacksmiths in the twentieth century were - imperative Krejović, processing Irić, Redžo Bajramovic, Mustafa Nahodović with children, Tomo Milicevic, Murat Nahodović, Milan Popadic and later Nuhanovic Ali, Ali Šefkija Nahodović, Dzemail Dautović Halil Belović, styrofoam peanuts Meho Pelidija, avdo Cano, Milos Kotlaja and others. As blacksmiths who dealt exclusively with POTKIVAČKI jobs, so. nalibanti were Duran Pobrić, Tweedledee and Ljumić Ali Kurtovic. After World War II, a prominent blacksmiths were Demir Nuhanovic and Ljubo Milicevic, and among the rural craftsmen known was Vukoman Peruničić from Pandurica.
The first professional photographer in Pljevlja was Nicholas J. Nastic (1868-1928). The story, which was opened by 1892. Near the camp - the garrison, was also a barber and it was inherited by his son Ljubo. Later, in 1932. Takes the job Savo J. Milic (1907-1941), whose photographs are an important document of a time. Besides these should be mentioned and Radmila Mažice (from Foca) and after the Second styrofoam peanuts World War - Anica Milic, the wife

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