Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Benefits rolled paper Stretches the inner groins and back torso; Strengthens the arms and wrists; To

December Pose-Tittibhasana by Emma Despres | Primrose Kitchens
Wow, December rolled paper again, what a year, so much change for so many as the seeds that were planted during 2012 have started to come to fruition. I am sure I am not the only one who has experienced long held dreams becoming a reality a little over three weeks ago Ewan and I welcomed our son, Elijah Iain McInnes, into the world, the power of intention is indeed amazing!
We are now approaching Yule, a pre-Christmas holiday celebrated on the winter solstice, which falls around the 21 December. This is the true New Year, both astronomically and spiritually, understood to represent the simultaneous death and rebirth of the Sun God, represented by the shortest day and longest night of the year. From this time on the sun grows in power and strength, with the days beginning to slowly lengthen as we experience more light again hooray!
Light is a theme at this time of year with all the festive decorations brightening our day and light energy in the air as we enjoy the celebrations and build up to the Christmas holidays ahead. Further, this is a time to embrace our own inner light and tap in to our heart s desire, the higher rolled paper self then, to work out what we want to accomplish in the months ahead so we can outline the goals we would like to work towards during 2014.
I believe this is a fabulous time to embrace a light hearted approach to our practice, playing and having fun on our mat as we attempt poses that initially appear quite challenging and yet help us to stay present to the moment. It is in this way that we may experience the light fuelled clarity and knowing that can help us to establish rolled paper our goals for the year ahead, plus of course it should bring a smile to our face in the process.
Benefits rolled paper Stretches the inner groins and back torso; Strengthens the arms and wrists; Tones the stomach; Improves sense of balance; Spine is given a full forward stretch; Abdominal organs benefit from the compression.
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