Sunday, December 8, 2013

Vernon Bowman is a farmer in Indiana, who grew genetically minecraft foam engineered Roundup-Ready s

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Today, minecraft foam the Supreme minecraft foam Court of the United States minecraft foam issued their ruling on the Bowman v Monsanto case , siding unanimously in favor of Monsanto. The court rejected Bowman’s arguments that Monsanto’s patent “exhausted” when he purchased seeds from a grain elevator to plant on his farm, and affirmed that the act of growing a crop of seeds is “making” those seeds, and are still covered minecraft foam under patent law. It was a narrow ruling that applied only to seed patents, but it could have long-term implications for other self-replicating minecraft foam technologies.
Vernon Bowman is a farmer in Indiana, who grew genetically minecraft foam engineered Roundup-Ready soybeans on his farm, and signed license agreements not to save and replant those seeds. However, he wanted to grow a second, late-season crop of beans, which were too high-risk to justify paying the licensing fees for the seeds, so he devised a plan to work around the license issue. He bought generic “commodity” beans from a grain elevator, which were destined for consumption, and planted his second crop from these. He even sprayed these fields with Glyphosate herbicide to kill the weeds and all non-Roundup Ready plants, thus specifically selecting for the trait, and he did this for 8 years on his farm before this practice minecraft foam was discovered.
When Monsanto found out about this, they sued Bowman for patent infringement, and won through two levels of the court system. He appealed to the Supreme Court, which elected to take up the case. Both sides presented their arguments on January 19 this year, amid a flurry of media activity and speculation. The case attracted wider attention outside the agricultural community because a ruling on the case could have far-reaching implications for the development of other forms of self-replicating technologies.
Patent Exhaustion does not apply to the act of making copies of an invention, which would still be covered under patent law and require permission of the patent holder. So Bowman’s legal argument was that by growing a crop from seeds the plant is growing copies of the invention, but the farmer is not “making” minecraft foam them . In legal briefs and public minecraft foam comments , Bowman and his legal team argued that the act of farming itself was almost an accidental enterprise. Farmers are instead actively keeping seeds from sprouting as they would naturally do, and by planting them are allowing nature to take its course.
Bowman s use of commodity seeds for planting has nothing in common with reconstruction. minecraft foam No parts were worn out and replaced; the seeds were simply minecraft foam used. In the context of patented seeds, minecraft foam use as contemplated by all parties to the first sale may simply result in the creation of a new item. (…) The seeds at issue here will self-replicate minecraft foam or sprout unless stored in a controlled manner to prevent this natural occurrence. Humans can (and most often do) assist in the process of self-replication. For instance, minecraft foam Bowman planted Roundup minecraft foam Ready seeds and treated them with glyphosate. This activity led in part to the creation of new soybeans having the patented Roundup minecraft foam Ready trait. minecraft foam But it was the planted soybean, not Bowman, that physically connected all elements of the claimed invention into an operable whole. minecraft foam
The exhaustion doctrine does not enable Bowman to make additional minecraft foam patented soybeans without Monsanto s permission (either express or implied). And that is precisely what Bowman did. He took the soybeans he purchased home; planted them in his fields at the time he thought best; applied glyphosate to kill weeds (as well as any soy plants lacking the Roundup Ready trait); and finally harvested more (many more) beans than he started with. That is how to make a new product, to use Bowman s words, when the original product minecraft foam is a seed. (emphasis added)
Still, Bowman has another seeds-are-special argument: that soybeans naturally self-replicate or sprout unless stored in a controlled manner, and thus it was the planted soybean, not Bowman himself, that made replicas of Monsanto s patented invention. [F]armers, when they plant seeds, they don t exercise any control. . . over their crop or over the creative minecraft foam process . But we think that blame-the-bean defense tough to credit. Bowman minecraft foam was not a passive observer of his soybeans multiplication; or put another way, the seeds he purchased (miraculous tho

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