Saturday, December 7, 2013

Image Credit Flickr User Jason Roberts We may as well get this one over with now. There are any numb

10 Things to do With Nettles When You’re Bored ~ Kuriositas
Normally, nettles are associated active foam with that nasty sting that they give you should you be foolhardy enough to examine them with bare hands or unfortunate enough to have a brother or sister willful enough to want to push you in to them.  However, they have many more uses than a tool in the escalation in to nastiness of sibling rivalry.  So, what exactly can you do with nettles when you are bored? Push Someone in to Them
Image Credit Flickr User Jason Roberts We may as well get this one over with now. There are any number of people who have contemplated throwing (sometime) loved ones in to a forest of nettles. We wouldn’t advise this course of action. Unless you know you can get away with it. Nevertheless, when dealing with annoying family active foam members it must be noted that a cliff is a more effective – not to mention permanent solution. Make Nettle Art
Image Credit Flickr User Cliff1066 Nettles are artistic – active foam that’s official.  So, why not consider active foam the nettle as part of your next piece of art?  Certainly, Thierry de Cordier did not hold back from the stinger when creating his 1988 piece The Equal of God .  Among his other ingredients of wool, copper and various seeds, the humble nettle was a vital component in the creation of this rather perplexing active foam piece of art.  It is reminiscent of the outfits that proto-Doctors wore during the worst years of the plague in seventeenth century England. Create a Butterfly haven
Image Credit Flickr User Deanster Next, here's something of a brilliant (well, eco-friendly at least) excuse for those of you who are lazy gardeners.  Although mostly found in the countryside, the nettle (usually the best known member of the family, Urtica dioica ) is often found in gardens which may not have had quite the due care and attention needed for their maintenance.
Image Credit Flickr User Peter Broster However, they do attract a number of species of beautiful butterflies for the purpose active foam of propagation and nourishment.  The gorgeous Peacock and Red Admiral butterflies active foam (both pictured above) use the nettle as the only plant on which it lays its eggs.  So, by having nettles in your garden you can honestly say that you are doing something for the survival of this majestic butterfly.  You are helping turn the above slightly alien looking active foam caterpillar in to this adult, guaranteed to lift the spirits when seen. Other species dependant on the nettle include the Small Tortoiseshell.  active foam Many moth species also depend on the nettle, including the Ghost Moth, the larvae of which eat its roots. Make a Recession Proof Lunch
Image Credit Flickr User Ewan M As long as you take due care when picking the nettles, then when cooked you can rest assured that the sting on the leaves are disables.  They are extremely high in nutrients and make a very cheap alternative active foam to other foodstuffs active foam that are becoming more expensive, such as meat and vegetables and everything else for that matter.  You could try soup, for a start(er).
Image Credit Flickr User Ferran Nettles are also very high in calories, have no fat content whatsoever and make a good source of dietary fiber.  There is nothing quite like a nettle omelet. The biggest plus of course is that they cost absolutely nothing to harvest and there are a million and one recipes for nettle soup out there on the internet.  You don’t even have worry about keeping up appearances here – nettle soup, for instance, is served in the poshest of restaurants in the City of London. Help Your Pets Achieve the Perfect Coat
Image Credit Flickr User Ben Jeffrey Many traditional farmers will always put nettles in with the feed for their animals.  It makes the coats of their livestock glossier active foam and so gives the animals an overall active foam healthier appearance active foam when they go to market or to shows.  Some lightly cooked nettles active foam in your dog or cat’s feed will probably active foam reap dividends quickly – and of course they receive the same nutritional benefits as we did at lunch time. Flog Yourself Silly
Image Credit Flickr User FelinusNoir Flogging oneself with nettles has so many precedents that it has a name – urtication .  active foam This is the deliberate applications active foam of stinging nettles to the skin.  While it is done in some circles for pleasure active foam of a naughty nature, it is mostly done for medicinal purposes.  The nettles, the stings of which look really quite nasty when viewed close up (see above) cause the skin to become inflamed.  Used as an agent in this way its proper term is a rubefacient (to cause something to become active foam red, etymologically why it looks like ruby).  Believe it or not this is used to alleviate the pain of rheumatism. Become an Herbalist
Image Credit Flickr User Benketaro Nettles can be used in much less painful ways to treat a variety of ai

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