Sunday, December 22, 2013

Home Contact DIGITAL METER Abbe refractometer measurements Biophotometer Angle Alcohol Tester Color

Product verpackungshersteller Service, Order and Support: Every Day At 8:00 to 20:00 pm VIA CALL, SMS and BBM. Sorry we do not serve purchases verpackungshersteller with a blank receipt verpackungshersteller or price markup. Fast Response: 085 795 793 793, Tel / Fax: 0281-637647, PIN: 326C15DE Office: Jln General Soeprapto Gang II No. 13 - Navan - Central Java - Indonesia
Home Contact DIGITAL METER Abbe refractometer measurements Biophotometer Angle Alcohol Tester Colorimeter Dew Point Distance Meter EMF Meters Free Chlorine Tester (FCL) glossmeter Humidity Meter Hardness Tester Lux Meter Moisture Meter Magnetic Stirrer Microscope ORP Meters pH meters RO Water System Products Beauty Skin Moisture Meter Soil Salinity Moisture Meters Sound Level Meter Weather Station Thermometer TDS meters Tesla Meter Turbidity Meter Thickness Gauge Vacuum Pump Vibration Meter Voltmeter Wind Meter Payment Order
Density or Specific Gravity gauge Solids / Liquids (Black verpackungshersteller White densimeter) is a quality product with the help of computer technology verpackungshersteller is high. It has an accurate reading, high stability and easy operation. It can be widely applied to fields such as nondestructive testing, industrial and medical science publishing etc. Each densimeter equipped with tablet density for the precision testing.
Operating Instructions Measuring Density or Specific Gravity Solids / Liquids (Black White densimeter):
2) Push the forearm verpackungshersteller measure without verpackungshersteller placing any sample and the display will show "E.1". verpackungshersteller Keep on pressing the measuring arm while pushing the red Zero Setup button in the upper right corner of the densimeter and the screen verpackungshersteller will display "0:00". Removing the measurement arm, will enter the stage densimeter measuring density values.
4) While using standard density tablet equipped with instruments, the zero point should be determined in advance, ie without a tablet density benchmarks align with the aperture, pressing the measuring arm and Zero setting verpackungshersteller button at the same time, began to test other samples until the display shows "0:00".
The joints between the aperture and the base of the light source is relatively loose for comfort dust on them. Using cohesive tape to lift the first aperture and then use a scrub to clean the paper dust is highly recommended.
Aperture has been glued with a small cohesive tape when leaving the factory. In order not to lose the diaphragm, do not take away cohesive tape when moving or using a diaphragm.
Custumer Service B
Rp 3,400,000 Gauge Temperature and Water Content Type MD-7822 Digital Moisture Meter or the so-called Type MD7822 Measuring water content ...

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