Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Si / Ni Si / S

Population density, better known by the population density is the number of people who inhabit a territory or a particular area by force per square kilometer. The characteristics of the population density is higher and higher is high population growth and the ongoing increase in the number of settlements in the area.
Indonesia, especially in the capital diamond foam and fabric city of Indonesia, namely Jakarta that indeed is the most populous city in Indonesia. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia that attracted immigrants from many domestic and abroad. Jakarta was a center of government, business and financial center. Not surprisingly, the most populous city because of the many migrants who transmigrate into the city. Many of the tribes which inhabit the city include: Javanese, diamond foam and fabric Sundanese, Minang, Batak and Bugis
The increasing number of immigrants is increasing diamond foam and fabric population diamond foam and fabric density, population density obviously become the core problem of the state population that is becoming a social problem in the big cities, here are some problems that arise due to uncontrolled population density by the government: diamond foam and fabric city slums consumptive diamond foam and fabric nature of traffic congestion high crime urban structure of the city slump messy Flood Occurrence of industrial development which generate waste Widening of the city with good governance were not Skyrocketing informal sector
Based on population density, diamond foam and fabric each area can be classified into three kinds: 1. Excess diamond foam and fabric Population (over-population) is a state of excess population of a particular area for a limited time, where the materials are not sufficient for the purposes of life the area properly. Areas experiencing overpopulation would normally have difficulty meeting basic needs of the population (food, clothing and shelter). 2. Disadvantages Population (under population) deficiency is a state population of a particular area, where the state of a population is so small, so that the natural resources that exist only partially able to be utilized. 3. Population Optimum (optimum population) Population is the optimum population diamond foam and fabric as well as possible based on a certain area. Residents can produce the maximum per capita based on the available natural resources and evolving technologies.
Attempts to solving these problems is certainly not independent, but are interrelated and influence each other. In this effort necessary to analyze and estimate diamond foam and fabric the potential future development by making projections.
As for a comparison of population by age structure (especially age and education of childbearing age) as a benchmark to calculate diamond foam and fabric the number of units and space education facilities in the future, can be calculated by using the "method Sparague".
Projected total population by statistical approach is the linear regression method. This technique is technically graphically, by extrapolating a line drawn with the minimum squared difference diamond foam and fabric method. Mathematically, the regression line is expressed by the equation:
N X2 - (X) 2
The technique is based on a calculation of the difference between mortality and still live in different age groups, sex, and others. Typically residents are grouped according to age. To determine the overall gain, age group who remained alive summed. To determine diamond foam and fabric the rate of population increase each age group, use the list of deaths for each age group, as well as the overall number of women of each age group.
The advantage of this technique is the result of population estimates by age group, but the demanding requirements of data completeness. Population distribution effort can also be done to reduce the pressure in highly populated areas with a minimum density attention and effort diamond foam and fabric associated with the development / distribution of utility facilities and environment.
Si / Ni Si / S
S / N Ni / N
Ni = number of workers in industry i across the country or region in which they are investigated area is a part.
N = total number of workers in all countries or regions & nbs

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