Friday, December 6, 2013

If I was just doing this as a hobby or if I wanted to share my purple Thai basil with the world for

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I can appreciate that people want to be able save seeds. I grow a few herbs on my patio and it would be nice to be able to save the seeds… assuming I had the time and wanted to spend the effort to dry the seeds, etc instead of just buying seedlings that have already established!
I did let my basil plants flower foam pro so the bees could enjoy them, and I had big plans to save the seeds but realized I just don’t have the time between my day job and all my Biofortified and other communication activities not to mention spending time with hubby, cleaning the house, etc!
Still, I know some people save seeds and even do some breeding as a hobby. This could be fun for those who have gardens in their yards or even for small farmers. Again, this assumes that the efforts in drying the seeds is worth the time and effort when one can buy premium seeds for relatively low price. It’s pretty unrealistic for row crop farmers to save seed, at least if they want to have good genetics, but that’s another post.
If I had the time and space, I’d love to be able to do some breeding projects, maybe I could make my own variety of purple foam pro Thai basil or something. Thai basil has a lovely foam pro anise type flavor and has purple stems but the leaves stay green. Purple foam pro basil has a slightly spicy but mild flavor. I bet they could be combined with a bit of effort, and I think purple foam pro basil would be beautiful in pho!
Basil breeding would be cool just as a hobby, and if I was in the business of selling basil, it could potentially be a way to create a niche market for myself. But hey, if I did then go and spend years making careful crosses, then sold my lovely purple Thai basil plants to people, then anyone who wanted more of the basil that I spent years developing could just plant the seeds from them. And there’d be nothing to stop them from selling the plants from those seeds. Unless there was a way for me to protect my invention .
If I was just doing this as a hobby or if I wanted to share my purple Thai basil with the world for free, that’d be great. Yay for sharing seeds! But what if I needed to make money from the basil? What if this was my full time job and I made money because my basil was special and if people just started growing foam pro it and giving it away or selling it, this would cut into my market and all of my efforts breeding a special variety would in the end have all been just a waste of time because now I can’t make a living off it. Boo for sharing seeds!
Some people want to breed new varieties just for fun, or they may have other reasons to not claim intellectual property for the varieties they develop. And that is wonderful, just as we bloggers really, really appreciate people who take beautiful photos and share them on Flickr with a Creative Commons foam pro license . But some people want to make a living from their work, whether that is plant breeding, photography, foam pro or other art or inventing types of activities. Sometimes I do get frustrated when I find the perfect photo to illustrate a blog post but I really don’t want to pay a license fee just as sometimes people find the perfect plant variety that they’d like to save seeds from but they don’t want to pay the license fee. But that doesn’t mean that the photographer or the breeder doesn’t have the right to charge for their work.
Happily, there is plenty of room for both non-profit and for-profit inventing and creating in this world. There’s room for the big seed companies, there’s room for small companies foam pro and even small breeders like the Zaigers and their pluots , there’s room for non-profits and academics who do breeding, and for farmers and hobbyists who want to save seeds. The only caveat is that you can only save seeds from someone foam pro who has allowed it – just as a Creative Commons license allows free use of a creative work but it’s not cool if you use someone’s work without permission.
Now I just know someone is going to come by and say “but Monsanto controls all seeds!” so to help nip that in the bud (don’t you love plant-based idioms?) here is some interesting financial info about Monsanto that I recently researched…
When we look at the revenues of various food and agriculture companies in the US, it’s foam pro actually kinda shocking how tiny Monsanto

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