Sunday, June 29, 2014

cats (42) my life (33) excitement (25) outfits

Dixon's one eye is leaked in recent days, so today I tried to Google the care instructions, search for "animal eye hatching." Me laugh right in your search words in writing, because foam sleeping pad the mind was mainly due to a bird hatching style - y'know, sit on and is thus kept brood warm. Tirskahdin out loud at that point, when Google asked, "Did you mean: the eye of the animal burial"! It was no courage to try those keywords, who knows what satanic ritual instructions there should not ...
Playing with the word friend and the little things in amusement, often find humor in words. I can not speak Swedish very well, so the fun aplenty, as I understand only in part, or words of another language seem to say. My favorite is the bridge renovation of broreparation, which I understand at first an English word - Reparation is English, also the bro (as in "Come at me, bro!" Or "Cool story, bro"). The second case is hymyilyttävä Hell's Kitchen foam sleeping pad neighborhood of Helsinki, Swedish Kånala - when the car hurtle Konala to indicate the sign under it read automatically "chicken coop" and I am surprised for a moment, how such a name could possibly be on there ... Crazy is cheap entertainment, free for students.
Hell's foam sleeping pad Kitchen foam sleeping pad brought kånala henhouse story is so familiar: D especia foam sleeping pad last winter I went so much Konala ku mom is back to work and there tarttin foam sleeping pad kyytii home with his car ... I was amused at all by the same jutulle! foam sleeping pad Reply Delete
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Catherine / 20 / Salo zeal in the pin-up and rockabilly style, the books, all the cute and creepy stuff, Minecraft foam sleeping pad and other nörtteily, cosmetics and hair, tattoos, old movies foam sleeping pad and zombies. Going with two black cats, Dixon and Dalek. Loving the pin-up and rockabilly style, foam sleeping pad books, all things cute and creepy, Minecraft, Body Modifications, foam sleeping pad make-up and hair, zombies, old films and my two awesome cats, Dixon and Dalek.
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Books & Shoes & Zombies 2012-2014 Catherine H. Powered by Blogger.

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