Friday, June 27, 2014

Weekend news! On Saturday, we were in Laukaa agility, and was the first model of the pace of the ov

Weekend news! On Saturday, we were in Laukaa agility, and was the first model of the pace of the oval track in the style of the familiar U-shaped, 2 x jump, U-tube, 2 x jump and once more the U-tube. Just the first consignment of Neo jamming the tube ..: D It was left to hang in there, I do not know what goodies / smells there had been. Well, then we went to quite magnificently throughout the track at one time, the Neo does not ducked any obstacle. Yes! Other then väistelivät for us in front of the good that sometimes this up ... a couple of times around the track and then tested under the waltz pattern.
The dog was sent far away into the tube and the same road we went 2nd towards the obstacle. The tags look like a waltz instructor course: swing turn clockwise around (= per dog) and replace the control arm. At first, I moved too much on the back of the barrier, which should not be done because the dog may start to read it 3 instead of an obstacle. When I ran more directly to Neokin realized then bends to the left. 4 upon entering the barrier, in turn, should not be too much of a dog to harass, not to circumvent the barrier. expandable foam After a fine move was successful for many reps, again noticed the same phenomenon that when the pilot pattern is in good condition so suddenly the dog to understand ... ;) canes we had time to take an independent and Neo weave through all by yourself a little bent sticks! Without my ohjaustani, Wow. Yes, they start to grip the head.
Sunday was reached piiiitkästä time to make your search! YAY! Well, in fact, just search on the phrase ...: P But even that was real fun the last time you have been trained to search with a bunch of small and medium-November. The night before, I wonder, and I wonder that the words matter and I came to the conclusion that we'll change now haukusta roll-expression. So, to recap, the dog can not express expandable foam it finds a human either: 1) by barking in place for so long, that the pilot will be to the dog. 2) The dog hanging around the neck roll, which the dog to the discovery of the human mouth. Thereafter, the dog returns to the handler in the mouth roll, the roll out of it and let the dog is connected to a long cloth. expandable foam Dog takes the command of the pilot back to the found person creates a leash. About the plain language?
So I am taught to bark on command Neon and with it has been practiced haukkumisilmaisua last autumn. Barking is not, however, Neo "naturally" in everyday life and start barking in the first decoy in general puhinalla. I am now in a couple of months sulatellut the matter and given the Neon features, then yes, it probably roll is more appropriate. Neo likes to carry / pick up your goods and paint a man found it, it has a tendency to come back to me immediately. Maaninka Christmas landscape :) Neo was below the paint in the style of practice with two men that were moving away from the next place where they were found. It was, therefore, the car park, so not finding a long gone ... ;) Neo trip went very well and gave the paint a bit of a guide for men hetsata (= dog to retrieve the object, but it begins as a run away), it is rolled up. Another "roll" was nahkapatukka and the second red ring toy. As I thought, the great lord went immediately to bring the goods to me. Towards the end came loose mouth syndrome, so I struggled a little toy. : P I picked up right away, the displays and even went nicely. Finish Men hired land cost wieners served first, and then the last ball.
The dashed line in the picture, but reflects the fact that I left a little bit to move to Neo brings the goods striker and briskly closed mind. A few comments that I wonder ajellessani home: - Not to hire a roller introductions, the Neo began the second round of anticipated salary expandable foam by dropping a roll. Small twitches roll, "Release" and pay only from when Neo goes to a page to wait for cloth mortgage. - The start-up phase can move briskly roll while waiting to make a dog really have a good grip and it will bring a striker. To minimize the failures! - The helper can throw a roll hetsauksen after the country which dares to take the dog better? expandable foam Or not, try. - To all the men paint ball salary? Is it more motivating tension or Neo treats it more than eating? At least now we loved to play and brought the ball up again to paint men and not for me. - Get the red hose to the hardware store and make it your reels. - Take the gloves next time, as the big mittens lashings does not work and will freeze your hands balled ...: D
On Sunday evening for the second time käväistiin service dog tottiksessa. I'm a bit of a sulatellut tips, that we first Obedience rookie class before the BH. Now, if you wonder that what is the difference, so in summary: obedience is the "manageability" measuring section working dog trials (search, tracking, etc., is 1/3 the size of the SME test), obedience, or obedience training while there is a separate species (such as agility ). That is, the non-working dog breeds obedience can not be done. Tottiksessa hoped for a spectacular and vietikästä performance with small errors do not have so much more

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